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FPS drops over time.


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I've been noticing this problem in my FNV where I launch the game at a solid 80-120 FPS, but over time the performance dips into the 20s after about an hour or two of playing. It's not the worst issue I've had with this game but it gets annoying having to restart the game every now and then.


I have just about every performance mod installed: xNVSE, JIP, Johnny Guitar, NVAC, Tick Fix, Mod Limit Fix, Heap Replacer, Infinite Loading Screen Fix, you name it.


Does anyone know what could be causing this and if/how it can be fixed?

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The game is buggy and leaks memory, especially in the texture caching part of the game engine.


Avoiding high-res graphics and setting your texture quality lower will help a lot, but your game won't look as pretty.

I see, thanks for the info :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The game is buggy and leaks memory, especially in the texture caching part of the game engine.

If that's the case, and I'm not saying it's not the cause, why doesn't it affect everybody - I've played FNV a lot and never noticed degrading FPS.

Edited by gnarly1
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