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Error Message With Vortex Confirm User Access Control Dialog


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a) Windows usually requires admin rights to create symbolic links

b) To do anything with admin rights windows usually displays a dialog asking if you actually want to do the operation.


Vortex does check beforehand whether a is actually true on your system so this is a bit weird actually, Vortex shouldn't be showing that message if you don't require rights "elevation" to admin - and if you do need it Windows should be showing you that UAC confirmation dialog at the same time Vortex is showing the message.


As HtR said: If you actually do have UAC turned off, I strongly recommend you re-enable it, it's a really important, massively underestimated security feature of your system.


Another thing you could try: In Vortex -> Settings -> Workarounds you can enable a workaround that allows you to create symbolic links without admin rights (more securely than disabling UAC) - if you can enable that without error message you should be good.

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