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Mod to fix followers?


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I had to stop playing Skyrim to make this post, I got so annoyed with my follower. I was wondering if there was a mod that can make so the followers you have are not as... Well. Stupid. I mean this in a way that the follower in combat will actually think more than rushing in and dying all the time and leaving me with every enemy for myself.

I'm currently playing as a Archer, but when my follower plays as an archer, he rushes in with a bow, dyes and then gets me killed on one blow. I'm playing on master difficulty, so few hits will kill me.


Let me know, thank you.

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Strange, followers are marked as protected so only you - the player - can kill them, the most the enemy can do is make them bleed-out. And followers are pretty strong too, I play on legendary difficulty as an archer as well but few thing can defeat my follower before we kill it. Is your game up-to-date?

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If I were you playing as an archer I would get some melee followers and download my mo Nature of the beast 2. Its Minion system will allow you to command them like send them forward, recall them order them to wait at pointed position, tweak their aggressivness. You can also download AFT and tweak the followers AI.The 2 mods play well together.

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And that is exactly what gets me killed. I'm an archer, I stay back while my followers are in the sword fight. Once they go down, I'm out in 2 hits. Especially with the mages, them are strong!!

Protected NPCs can still be killed while in the bleeding out state, enemies are just prioritized not to fight them. A stray projectile or anything can still kill them.

I am pretty sure my game is up to date. My follower has only died 2 times, and one of them I left behind, because I was running away like a little girl , the follower stayed behind and died, completely my fault. I should not have messed with monsters I couldn't handle. The other time, I am not sure if I killed him or not. But he sure does get in my way when I'm trying to shoot arrows at the enemy. Like literally right in front of my arrows.

A mod that would fix his tactics, attack more to the side of the enemy of the back while I shoot at the enemy would be nice to have. Also a follower that I can direct to my tactics would be nice. Like how it is in the Fallout New Vegas, you can tell them either to play defensive, or go straight in, or play smart. That's one thing I really like about New Vegas.

Strange, followers are marked as protected so only you - the player - can kill them, the most the enemy can do is make them bleed-out. And followers are pretty strong too, I play on legendary difficulty as an archer as well but few thing can defeat my follower before we kill it. Is your game up-to-date?

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