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why is conspiracy such a widespread problem ?


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I've looked into pretty extensively. Even the DOJ and FBI admit they can't find and organized violence among 95% of the people there.


Anyone with half a brain can see this is political.


Stop watching MSNBC and you might be a happier person...

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Both "tribes" are destroying america. They are just using slightly different tactics to accomplish the same goal.


Please keep in mind that Trump getting elected to office was an extremely LOUD protest AGAINST the democrats political platform. Biden getting elected was because the republicans were stupid enough to run Trump again, when it was fairly obvious he wasn't going to win. His behavior over the preceding years spoke loudly that he was NOT in the best interests of the country..... So, we got Biden, and Harris. Now, Biden is pretty much losing his mind, and we are going to get President Harris..... Something that was predicted even before the votes had been counted.


In all reality, Trump didn't do that bad of a job of running the country. If they had kept him off Social media, it would have helped. But, his personality just isn't suited for political office. Or pretty much anything else the shows him to the public either. He is in love with himself, and thinks he can do no wrong, and he still seems to think the country supports him..... while back here, in reality, only a small population of republicans want him back in office....... If they run Trump again in '24, he will lose, again. Then maybe he can write a book about "What Happened", and spill his delusions about why he lost onto paper. Remind you of anyone else?

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Well your fellow Americans are not your enemy. The media and some branches of the government are.


You may think being submissive and towing the line will keep you safe, history has proven how wrong that tactic is.


When my "fellow Americans" create their own reality and then accuse the media and the government with nefarious motives for not accepting their alternate reality, they make themselves everyone's enemy.


Accepting reality and dealing in the real world makes no one submissive nor is it toeing the line. And demeaning people who are working in the real world and trying to fix real world problems only makes you look petty and diminishes your value to humanity.


If you think a protest is an insurrection, then I believe your opinions can be completely discounted.


That in itself is a conspiracy theory


Armed men, forcibly entering the Capital Building with the intent of stopping the Presidential Certification process and, under force of arms, to install Donald Trump as President is not a simple protest. Killing five Capital Police Officers is not a protest. Armed men wandering the Halls of the Congressional Offices with a hit list, searching for the people on that hit list, does not qualify as a protest.


Anyone who dismisses an attempted coup d'etat as a mere protest is an enemy of America. And a liar. Such liars should never be ignored. These liars are the people who create and propagate false information, malicious propaganda, and baseless conspiracy theories. They are MrJoseCuervo.


So, to answer the original post, conspiracy theories are a problem because there are millions of people like MrJoseCuervo. People who live in a fantasy of their own creation, and who like conspiracy theories which fit neatly into their delusions and which fortify their delusions.

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Everyone has their own reality. For example my reality is different from someone who lives in the inner city or in coal country. You need a certain level of empathy to consider these different realities.


You seem to need some work in that department. Rather than buying into the lazy thought that your fellow country men are terrorists, try thinking why things happen and why President Trump was possible after 2 years of Obama.


Intellectual Laziness and willful ingorance is no way to live your life.

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Everyone has their own reality. For example my reality is different from someone who lives in the inner city or in coal country. You need a certain level of empathy to consider these different realities.


You seem to need some work in that department. Rather than buying into the lazy thought that your fellow country men are terrorists, try thinking why things happen and why President Trump was possible after 2 years of Obama.


Intellectual Laziness and willful ingorance is no way to live your life.


If you are going to steal from those who oppose your delusions, at least steal the entire line. I said you were "deliberately and willfully ignorant". As for "intellectual laziness", go away and do not come back until you have a thought of your very own. You regurgitating FOX News is getting boring.

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Everyone has their own reality. For example my reality is different from someone who lives in the inner city or in coal country. You need a certain level of empathy to consider these different realities.


It would seem you are confounding perception over the state of things as they actually exist. There is zero reason to empathize with those who would would even consider what happened on January 6th as just a protest.


I have met several Republican staffers who were working inside the Capital building while those so called "Protesters" violently broke inside threatening to not only harm but threaten to kill our elected officials as well as they tried to beat down anyone in their way. They would claim your "reality" as not only false but they would call you a complete idiot for suggesting they were simply just "protesters".


Those "fellow country men" broke in for the sole purpose to disrupt the certification of our current President and undermine our democracy by disenfranchising millions upon millions of voters. Terrorists can totally be "fellow country men" you only need to look back at people like "Timothy McVeigh". Also you don't need to be someone who actually succeeds in a terrorist attempt to be considered a "terrorist". The January 6th insurrection attempt could have been worse and there would be a completely different conversation about this if those "Protesters" actually made their way to "Mike Pence" and violently lynched him or anyone else in Congress. I wouldn't doubt we would be living in a completely different country today if they would have succeeded.


Intellectual Laziness and willful ingorance is no way to live your life.




Totally looks like just a "protest" huh? I am just some left wing liberal who has others think for me instead of thinking for myself so no reason to believe anything I say right?

Edited by colourwheel
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Everyone has their own reality. For example my reality is different from someone who lives in the inner city or in coal country. You need a certain level of empathy to consider these different realities.


It would seem you are confounding perception over the state of things as they actually exist. There is zero reason to empathize with those who would even consider what happened on January 6th as just a protest.


I have met several Republican staffers who were working inside the Capital building while those so called "Protesters" violently broke inside threatening to not only harm but threaten to kill our elected officials as well as they tried to beat down anyone in their way. They would claim your "reality" as not only false but they would call you a complete idiot for suggesting they were simply just "protesters".


Those "fellow country men" broke in for the sole purpose to disrupt the certification of our current President and undermine our democracy by disenfranchising millions upon millions of voters. Terrorists can totally be "fellow country men" you only need to look back at people like "Timothy McVeigh". Also you don't need to be someone who actually succeeds in a terrorist attempt to be considered a "terrorist". The January 6th insurrection attempt could have been worse and there would be a completely different conversation about this if those "Protesters" actually made their way to "Mike Pence" and violently lynched him or anyone else in Congress. I wouldn't doubt we would be living in a completely different country today if they would have succeeded.


Intellectual Laziness and willful ingorance is no way to live your life.




Totally looks like just a "protest" huh? I am just some left wing liberal who has others think for me instead of thinking for myself so no reason to believe anything I say right?

Edited by colourwheel
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Everyone has their own reality. For example my reality is different from someone who lives in the inner city or in coal country. You need a certain level of empathy to consider these different realities.


It would seem you are confounding perception over the state of things as they actually exist. There is zero reason to empathize with those who would even consider what happened on January 6th as just a protest.


I have met several Republican staffers who were working inside the Capital building while those so called "Protesters" violently broke inside threatening to not only harm but threaten to kill our elected officials as well as they tried to beat down anyone in their way. They would claim your "reality" as not only false but they would call you a complete idiot for suggesting they were simply just "protesters".


Those "fellow country men" broke in for the sole purpose to disrupt the certification of our current President and undermine our democracy by disenfranchising millions upon millions of voters. Terrorists can totally be "fellow country men" you only need to look back at people like "Timothy McVeigh". Also you don't need to be someone who actually succeeds in a terrorist attempt to be considered a "terrorist". The January 6th insurrection attempt could have been worse and there would be a completely different conversation about this if those "Protesters" actually made their way to "Mike Pence" and violently lynched him or anyone else in Congress. I wouldn't doubt we would be living in a completely different country today if they would have succeeded.


Intellectual Laziness and willful ingorance is no way to live your life.




Totally looks like just a "protest" huh? I am just some left wing liberal who has others think for me instead of thinking for myself so no reason to believe anything I say right?

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