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why is conspiracy such a widespread problem ?


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I read, waited, watched, and hoped; just a little. That another of the people would come out of their cocoon of security, who had shown so many links, pictures, and peoples descriptions of what they determined they could see in those pictures. Conspiracy Theorists with so much could be said that what they said was fact.

Not that they were correct. Their stories made readers wonder, gave people the tools to stretch their own imagination just a little bit outside the box. Occasionally the interpretations of the various intellects', Kindergarten children through all levels of read and writing skills; the ideas they came up with sparked a brain cells in a practiced scientist mind that opened their way to see it, see something right in front of their face they just didn't for some reason. When the serious researcher suddenly got a light shown on what their minds eye was blocking.

VOILA'! A change in all our minds who search, research, and reason saw history as was determined by some who had become blinded just a little opened their eyes and we all knew.

Such small sparks from epiphany after epiphany, such tiny lights from cracks in walls hiding great wealth if only someone would drill a hole through the Sacred structure revered by many who would kill to keep their sacred wall there. Unless it was one of their beloved who opened their eyes, that the wall was supposed to be brought down so they could see the family treasures.

It is such a small thing we usually miss that someone with no experience in seeking them suddenly supposes nothing and shows us that there is more to the reason for the wall and makes it obvious. A wall to preserve a library full of more of our history. A wall of shelves stocked with scrolls, papyrus, and books no one remembers being there.

A new viewer saying what appears to make sense to them restores all the long term reasoners not able to see what the King of Fools might have owned and used, or the poor carpenters who became so great in the minds of people they can't imagine that a bronze cup might have been his royal drinking cup. Searching for the carpenters cup while thinking the other way so they only see gold and silver cups surrounding it while it is sitting there in plain sight.

I see people who have a supposition and if their supposition turns out to have a validity a bunch theorists can agree on they take all the credit for the discovery. The real discoverer isn't even credited for posting their description of what they saw that seemed sensible to them.

If you want to use my mods, they are here, in this crypt full of gems among treasures. I still require that you get the mod from here, not from a friend who has a copy on their computer because they downloaded it. That way they will come here, find it here, download it themselves, and find the other gems among the treasures of mods for other games, and may even find a sense of their own to chose other mods as well.

Describe what you see and see if other see what is right under your nose. It just couldn't be that easy now, Could it?!

Will you see what I saw when I described it so you 'hopefully' could see it the way I did?

I see, I saw, I can suppose what I see and saw, what I suppose I see that I saw. If I describe it, it might not look the same to you even if I put a picture of it up for everyone to see. My own words might confuse what the picture shows you. Then you would have to think about what you see and describe it too to find out if I see it the way you do.

I know I see it and saw what I thought I could see. Now describing it so others might see what I saw is the challenge.

A picture is worth 10,000 words.

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the last pages show how even simple things are made complicated - for a reason! the storm of the capitol was a plain riot and it was planned - no doubt about that - but only for "normal thinking" and - in the meantime sentenced - traitors and well informed people, surely not for far right conspiracists.

in the last four years, since arguing with "alternative facts" or in clear wording: lies deliberatly presented as being true, as a "normal" daily routine even for the former u.s. president, a fact based discussion is more and more impossible because at least one side is not even interested to give any evidence and answers (including heyyou) because they know the tactics of questioning the content of the other side instead of giving answers is much more comfortable and also reaches the goal of destroying a meaningful discussion.


The "alternative facts" trick was born in the last presidency of the United States. The phrase was coined by Kellyanne Conway, an advisor to President Trump, during a Meet the Press interview in January 2017. In that interview, she defended the former White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s statement about the attendance numbers at Trump’s inauguration. When challenged during the interview about the statement, Conway said that Spicer was giving “alternative facts”.

Konway later defended her choice of words, defining alternative facts as “additional facts and alternative information”. since then deliberately lying (packaged as alternative fact) is officially part of american society. and many americans adapted fast - as it seems. in the meantime lying aka telling alternative facts like the trump administration is a worldwide problem. even if it existed before (as what it still is: a covered lie) now, as "alternative fact", it sounds much better...


that all this happened is a fact - no doubt about that! what happened after - day by day until jan 21- is history and it is somehow tragic how many americans still follow these kind of "facts". many even build conspiracy theories around it, some are not praying to god but to the former u.s. president who seems to be in their bubble the incarnation of truth. and i'm telling not a tale you will see - wait what will happen in 2024...


and if you want to know why are conspiracy theories so appealig i recommend to read this

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the last pages show how even simple things are made complicated - for a reason! the storm of the capitol was a plain riot and it was planned - no doubt about that - but only for "normal thinking" and - in the meantime sentenced - traitors and well informed people, surely not for far right conspiracists.

in the last four years, since arguing with "alternative facts" or in clear wording: lies deliberatly presented as being true, as a "normal" daily routine even for the former u.s. president, a fact based discussion is more and more impossible because at least one side is not even interested to give any evidence and answers (including heyyou) because they know the tactics of questioning the content of the other side instead of giving answers is much more comfortable and also reaches the goal of destroying a meaningful discussion.


The "alternative facts" trick was born in the last presidency of the United States. The phrase was coined by Kellyanne Conway, an advisor to President Trump, during a Meet the Press interview in January 2017. In that interview, she defended the former White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s statement about the attendance numbers at Trump’s inauguration. When challenged during the interview about the statement, Conway said that Spicer was giving “alternative facts”.

Konway later defended her choice of words, defining alternative facts as “additional facts and alternative information”. since then deliberately lying (packaged as alternative fact) is officially part of american society. and many americans adapted fast - as it seems. in the meantime lying aka telling alternative facts like the trump administration is a worldwide problem. even if it existed before (as what it still is: a covered lie) now, as "alternative fact", it sounds much better...


that all this happened is a fact - no doubt about that! what happened after - day by day until jan 21- is history and it is somehow tragic how many americans still follow these kind of "facts". many even build conspiracy theories around it, some are not praying to god but to the former u.s. president who seems to be in their bubble the incarnation of truth. and i'm telling not a tale you will see - wait what will happen in 2024...


and if you want to know why are conspiracy theories so appealig i recommend to read this

The term 'alternative facts' might be a recent phenomenon, but, calling it what it is, Lies, have been around in american politics, since there have been american politics. Politicians lie. That is indeed a fact. It isn't restricted to just one party either. ALL of them are liars. They sprinkle just enough truth into their words, that the rest seems somehow 'plausible'...... at least, to the followers of that particular political religion. Most of us are aware of this, and take ANYTHING ANY politician has to say wit a grain or so of salt. And sometimes, the whole container...... Trump was just FAR more blatant about it. Not being a life long politician, he hadn't refined the art to the high skill levels the rest of the washington crowd has.


Now, the fact that some folks actually believe the lies...... That shouldn't come as a surprise either. Some folks still think the world is flat. Of course, the rest of us know that can't possibly be true, as if the world were indeed flat, cats would have knocked everything over the edge by now. :)

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the time for surprise was in 2016, turning lies into "alternative facts" officially by u.s administration. nothing is a surprise anymore since then, that is correct. lies existed all over the word before 2016, also correct. but everybody knows, no need to repeat that.


but this was just an annex regarding the strange discussion over the more than clear capitol riot, which ignored american rights, constitution and democracy in a criminal act. the world was the witness. and sorry, heyyou, i did not get your motivation and the content of your argumentation on the last two or three pages.but it makes the picture complete here in that forum that someone supports you even in such a clear situation while ignoring the relevant content.

everybody has to think about his own attitude first. at least i do that day by day regardless if other people laugh at me, acting like supporters for far right ideas and conspriracy.


on topic: i hope some people read my link, hopefully not only the people who are already aware.

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the time for surprise was in 2016, turning lies into "alternative facts" officially by u.s administration. nothing is a surprise anymore since then, that is correct. lies existed all over the word before 2016, also correct. but everybody knows, no need to repeat that.


but this was just an annex regarding the strange discussion over the more than clear capitol riot, which ignored american rights, constitution and democracy in a criminal act. the world was the witness. and sorry, heyyou, i did not get your motivation and the content of your argumentation on the last two or three pages.but it makes the picture complete here in that forum that someone supports you even in such a clear situation while ignoring the relevant content.

everybody has to think about his own attitude first. at least i do that day by day regardless if other people laugh at me, acting like supporters for far right ideas and conspriracy.


on topic: i hope some people read my link, hopefully not only the people who are already aware.

The far right isn't any better/worse/different than the far left. It seems, that in the last decade or so..... the political divisions here in the states have become much more defined, and far worse. It's the extreme views that make it into the news, with the news organizations own bias coloring the story. You seldom, if ever... hear about the moderates from either side of the aisle, unless, of course, it's their own parties extremists taking them to task for not blindly supporting the company line. You don't hear about cooperation, or compromise anymore either. The latest fashion is to obstruct the 'other guys' from doing anything at all that might be good for the country, as then they could point at it and say "See, we are doing GOOD STUFF!" So, nothing gets done. Or at least, nothing worthwhile.


So yeah, the political situation here just sucks. NEITHER side has ANY of the answers. Only the top 1% (or so) are benefiting from what is going on. For the rest of us, things just keep getting worse. (more expensive, harder to find, etc.) It would be nice if some independent party could actually make a dent in the other two, but, historically, that just doesn't happen. Voting independent is essentially just throwing away your vote.


A LOT needs to change here, trouble is, the only folks that CAN change it, don't want to. Therefore, nothing will change, and we will stay on this course until we implode.


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And then there is the misinformation that is fed to the public so that the general population of k-12th grade who never go on to study further then the auto alterations shows. Whose idea of fun is racing. Stock cars, dragsters, and Funny cars all building adult size model cars. While the gals in the same category become comfortable as stay as stay at home Moms. (not in my field of experience). Educated well enough to live with the hot car clubs, bowling league, movie going, folks who eat out for a fancy family dinner out at Mac Donald's. While when mom and dad go out on an anniversary it's likely to an Arby's these days and then do the old bunny hop in the back seat of the car.


We don't want them all riled up! Nope! Only intellectuals get riled up, and if they are the ones that made it into their first year of college they can rally their old high school chums into a frenzy over what wrongs the government has committed.


MOBS RULE! And we intellectuals really don't want that to happen, now! Do we?


Beat your keyboards, rile your brain cells, and have another round of your favorite drink. I'm going to go play! I still prefer play over work. I think I will take a look at how I've arranged my computer room and see if I can make it better. Oh! Wait! My conspiracy theorist thinking just became suspicious that the computer i bought last month is controlled by Microsoft completely now. Not one bit of my secret life as a college student that wanted to learn how to be a shrink, I mean, to want to be able understand what the shrink meant. I mean, not shrink, a psychiatrist. What the big words that psychiatrist said before he gave Mom a bottle of pills for Prince Valium.


I know what a conspiracy is. I also know what a lie is. I see misinformation is rampant as well. I also see alternate meanings is beating around the bush. Not a lie to all, but to some, and no lie intended but enough of an alternative meaning to make some people lose interest, intellectuals shout out lout and use theirs too to escape persecutions and others use it to win a court case against them they should be sent to a Federal Prison for life for, for their actions.


I also know that half the people who are reading or that listen to me, only know what, what the truth of my words are if they know me.


The rest think what I am saying or writing has some hidden meaning because they don't know me. The people that are the ones I am saying the words to or writing them down for them to read don't have any doubts about what I mean. :laugh:

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it seems my annex was a big mistake. the only thing i see here is clear fact. a riot, a stupid discussion about it and the neverending try to find excuses and to defend what the far right (only - no one else!) has done. there is nothing to excuse and in this case there is nothing to discuss about the left even if they are everything, but no angels in many other cases - not part of this discussion.


the topic is conspiracy, in this case it ended in a riot performed and planned by people with far right orientation. that is a sad fact.

if anyone wants a topic about far left capitol riots lets change to this topic and discuss this but please not in this conspiracy related topic here without any context.

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it seems my annex was a big mistake. the only thing i see here is clear fact. a riot, a stupid discussion about it and the neverending try to find excuses and to defend what the far right (only - no one else!) has done. there is nothing to excuse and in this case there is nothing to discuss about the left even if they are everything, but no angels in many other cases - not part of this discussion.


the topic is conspiracy, in this case it ended in a riot performed and planned by people with far right orientation. that is a sad fact.

if anyone wants a topic about far left capitol riots lets change to this topic and discuss this but please not in this conspiracy related topic here without any context.

It wasn't a conspiracy, it was a planned event. The folks that instigated it knew exactly what was going to happen.


Much like BLM, and their 'peaceful protests'.......

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bla bla...

It wasn't a conspiracy, it was a planned event. The folks that instigated it knew exactly what was going to happen.


Much like BLM, and their 'peaceful protests'.......


so maybe that is the reason why 6 people have been indicted on conspiracy charges for the riot according to documents made public ? everybody lives in his own bubble... ;) trumps "truth" channel is coming

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bla bla...

It wasn't a conspiracy, it was a planned event. The folks that instigated it knew exactly what was going to happen.


Much like BLM, and their 'peaceful protests'.......


so maybe that is the reason why 6 people have been indicted on conspiracy charges for the riot according to documents made public ? everybody lives in his own bubble... :wink: trumps "truth" channel is coming


Nah, trumps "truth" social media platform is coming. That should be interesting. I seriously doubt (at least... hope....) that Facebook doesn't have any worries.


Yeah, they like to label things to make them more dramatic. Conspiracy? Plot? Shenanigans? Back-room deals? Sure. All of that and more. And most of it was done on national media. Its not like they secretly called all those folks to show up in DC. Of course, that was under the cover of 'peaceful protest'.... hmm, who else do we know that turns a 'protest' into a riot? (hint, they weren't republicans) Of course, I am not a republican either, but then, I'm not a democrat.... There are some parts of each platform that I agree with, there are some parts of each platform that I disagree with. And there are some parts that I VEHEMENTLY disagree with, and therefore, won't vote for them. Hence, I vote republican. Now, does that make me a dyed-in-the-wool trump supporter? Certainly not. I wish he would just fade away, like a good ex-president should, and let the country get on with its business, and let the republicans run someone in '24 that may actually stand a chance of winning. (I really don't think the majority of republicans will vote for donny again..... he has proven himself to be too much of a horses behind.) Trouble is, do the majority of people THAT MATTER, (which, I am not one.) want him to run again? If THEY do, then guess what's gonna happen? Of course, I have also seen folks sayin' that he HAS to run, to try and stay out of legal trouble. :) Am I surprised that Donny would throw the country under the bus, to save his own keester? Nope. Not in the slightest. Perfectly in line with his personality type. If he DOES run, will I vote for him???? That's a REAL good question, and one I don't currently have an answer for...... Gonna have to wait and see what kind of job Biden does, and see what happens. So far, I am not impressed. He DID finally get us out of Afghanistan, but, the way he did it was cowardly, and flat out stupid. More good folks are going to die because of that particular decision.


But, I suppose none of this really matters to you. You just see me as another "Republican", that has been fed a bunch of lies, and honestly believes them. It seems someone that can think for themselves doesn't fit with your world view of whom I *should* be. Ah well. Life goes on. :D

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