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Time for ideas on TES VI


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You're right about people being better in Skyrim. They feel a lot more "real" than in Oblivion. Their conversations have more verisimilitude, they look more natural (people's faces in Oblivion looked like they were made out of Play-Doh), and I've caught myself more than once saying, "Oh, she's in trouble!" and resetting the AI package when my follower goes brain-dead or suffers some kind of glitch or malfunction (very rare after about the third patch). I feel more like I'm setting a bone or treating an injury than fixing a computer software bug.


The weirdest was the dog I rescued who seemed to be brain-dead when I tried to talk to it. I was resetting its AI package and saying, "Come on, boy, it's all right. You can come with me," like it was a real dog and I was offering it a treat or pulling a thorn from its paw or something. Accessing the console is about the immersion-killingest thing you can do, but Skyrim has sometimes beaten it and kept suspension of disbelief right through the whole operation.


Oblivion never drew me in like that. Oblivion was really fun to play, but Skyrim actually feels like you're living in it.


Oblivion's user-interface was perfect. Throwing lightning bolts with two hands filled with swords and bows and grocery bags isn't what I'm talking about, although that was pretty convenient. Everything just kind of flowed smoothly; keys did what you expected them to do when you pressed them; the same buttons worked the same way whether you were accessing a container or just interacting with the environment; hotkeys worked the same every time. Mostly the adjective I would use to describe Oblivion's user interface is "smooth", it was a smooth ride and everything just clicked.


Skyrim is clunky and fussy and inconsistent. I don't think I've ever accidentally eaten an alchemy ingredient in Oblivion, but in Skyrim I've accidentally gobbled down a fortune over the years. Just putting things into containers is a huge challenge, because if you get sloppy you'll miss when the highlighter changes for no good reason. I know the reason: if you put an item that is part of a stack of items into a container that has none of that item, the highlighter moves. That's a reason, but it's not a good reason.


So I don't want this:

Playdoh Face Woman: "So what's new with you?"

Marshmallow Face Man: "I saw some mudcrabs the other day."


But I also don't want a clunky, fussy interface. I've gotten extremely good at working Skyrim's schitzo controls, but it still sucks. I don't want to have to re-learn another jacked-up interface to get to the point where I can interact with the game without thinking about how I do it.


I want to interact with Skyrim-quality people with an Oblivion-quality user interface. That shouldn't actually be all that hard to do -- it's been done before, just not all in the same place at once.

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Oblivion interface was MUCH better.

Also, I liked that you could see your character when equipping stuff.

I can't understand people who almost completely disliked Skyrim and keep grieving how much it's worse than Oblivion.
Skyrim does not look like play-doh indeed. Nature is actually more.. natural.

Hopefully next ES is going to include stuff like: Fat people, "automatic variants" (So all creatures won't look the same, or at least there would be some color variants)

I just hope Bethesda keeps improving the game, making the next ES again feel like different new game.

CBA to edit the previous post, it's too long already.

I hope next game actually "punishes" you.
If you are thief, you are thief. People should know that, paying off your bounty shouldn't mean that everyone likes you again.

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While there are some great ideas on here i am afraid beth wwill go for the lots od money fast and make this another consle game and leave us pc players in the cold with a medioric dumb and unfinished game


a while ago i had to reinstall skyrim ( new pc) and started the game up out of the box unmodded

Skyrim is not really that good you know , so unfinished, blend and glitchy

If it hadn't been for the mods the game would have been removed a long time ago

and like i saud the next game will be the same no matter how many great ideas you post here


but we can all dream and who knows maybe bethesda will listen to its fans instead to their investors


one thing i always wanted is a multi player mode /version were you and 3 to 4 friends can enjoy the wonderfull world of TES, without thinking that this is just WoW redone ( so do not mention ESO because for me thats a pure travesty and a attempt to cash in on a wellknown franchise)

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While there are some great ideas on here i am afraid beth wwill go for the lots od money fast and make this another consle game and leave us pc players in the cold with a medioric dumb and unfinished game


a while ago i had to reinstall skyrim ( new pc) and started the game up out of the box unmodded

Skyrim is not really that good you know , so unfinished, blend and glitchy

If it hadn't been for the mods the game would have been removed a long time ago

and like i saud the next game will be the same no matter how many great ideas you post here


but we can all dream and who knows maybe bethesda will listen to its fans instead to their investors


one thing i always wanted is a multi player mode /version were you and 3 to 4 friends can enjoy the wonderfull world of TES, without thinking that this is just WoW redone ( so do not mention ESO because for me thats a pure travesty and a attempt to cash in on a wellknown franchise)

That's why fans should talk about what they are expecting from future game. Especially at bethesda forums.


I do believe Bethesda keeps track on what's going on Nexus as well, as most of fans use Nexus as their "base".

They probably have noticed how popular SkyUi is, what kind of mods people use and use that as lead when making next game.

That's what they did in Oblivion - > Skyrim

Of course, they couldn't know that classless system wasn't that good in long run, despite it being somewhat popular in Oblivion.


There's some examples of what they did fix and what they added as new content.

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Bethesda Only cares about the Mods, Not what we say on the Forum, hence the Official Bethesda Forum.

i do think they keep a eye out on what mods come out alot of them are even better than the vanilla version and that says alot about the quality and skills of some of these ùpdders and almost certain that some of the mods are by people who actually worked on several of the TES games

But yes i do not think they really care or know what we think or wish


BTW the official bethesdafand are a pool of handholding fanboys and girls who think that every thing they and their sister/parent company made is flawless

i got permabanned on there for telling all those little fangirls and boys to stop whinning and crying .

sort of bottom line is that they are pretty bad at taking critisime about their upcomming MMO

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Bethesda Only cares about the Mods, Not what we say on the Forum, hence the Official Bethesda Forum.

i do think they keep a eye out on what mods come out a lot of them are even better than the vanilla version and that says a lot about the quality and skills of some of these ùpdders and almost certain that some of the mods are by people who actually worked on several of the TES games

But yes i do not think they really care or know what we think or wish


BTW the official bethesdafand are a pool of handholding fanboys and girls who think that every thing they and their sister/parent company made is flawless

i got permabanned on there for telling all those little fangirls and boys to stop whinning and crying .

sort of bottom line is that they are pretty bad at taking critisime about their upcomming MMO


What? Bethesda is making MMO?

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Bethesda Only cares about the Mods, Not what we say on the Forum, hence the Official Bethesda Forum.

i do think they keep a eye out on what mods come out a lot of them are even better than the vanilla version and that says a lot about the quality and skills of some of these ùpdders and almost certain that some of the mods are by people who actually worked on several of the TES games

But yes i do not think they really care or know what we think or wish


BTW the official bethesdafand are a pool of handholding fanboys and girls who think that every thing they and their sister/parent company made is flawless

i got permabanned on there for telling all those little fangirls and boys to stop whinning and crying .

sort of bottom line is that they are pretty bad at taking critisime about their upcomming MMO


What? Bethesda is making MMO?


No Zenimax is making an MMO called ESO, Bethesda hasent announced their Next Adventure yet where many believes its Fallout 4.

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Bethesda Only cares about the Mods, Not what we say on the Forum, hence the Official Bethesda Forum.

i do think they keep a eye out on what mods come out a lot of them are even better than the vanilla version and that says a lot about the quality and skills of some of these ùpdders and almost certain that some of the mods are by people who actually worked on several of the TES games

But yes i do not think they really care or know what we think or wish


BTW the official bethesdafand are a pool of handholding fanboys and girls who think that every thing they and their sister/parent company made is flawless

i got permabanned on there for telling all those little fangirls and boys to stop whinning and crying .

sort of bottom line is that they are pretty bad at taking critisime about their upcomming MMO


What? Bethesda is making MMO?


beth zemo all the same group same people

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