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Time for ideas on TES VI


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No their not, they are the same company, but not the same group


Here you will see who is developing what Game, hence Bethesda has Not announced their Next Project yet



Zenimax is the Parent Company of Bethesda, they dont work on the same Games.


The Last Game Bethesda created was Skyrim, witch we can assume are having Financial Problems, hence the whole Console debacle


Now Enough Off-Topicness

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Number one for me, is definately a new engine!

The Creation Engine sucks. Lets be serious and honest. It fuddles and AI, causes havok with certain aspects of the game and often leads to massive save game instability. Sure, engine issues have plagued most Bethesda creations for quite a while, but its about time we saw something better, more solid. Rather than a revamp of the last engine, Oblivion>Skyrim, or a shoddy recreation, it'd be great to see a really comprehensive, effective over haul.

This also goes for the papyrus scripting engine. Most mods have issues because of it, whether it be from Kahmuls locational damage with delays on scripts because of the speed at which papyrus may excecute at it is seriously limited or larger ones such as the lvlpredatorscript.psc issue associated with almost all mods that are seen to alter the AI.

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Does anyone know if new consoles are finally able to use x64 programs? Because that'd be superb.

I could believe that even just "humble" upgrades to game engine would make it much better.
x32 > x64
directx9 > directx 11
Things like that.

Though, new engine would be really nice, but maybe that'd cause major setbacks? Bethesda is now really familiar with their engine, changing it might cause issues on other ends.
Graphics isn't everything. Getting the engine Skyrim is using extremely stable and smooth would be better than new engine with better graphics and otherwise lacking game.
And freaking 4gb support from the start. Maybe even more. (Doesn't x64 allow using of more than 4gb?)

I hope we get to see real physics in next elder scrolls game, which is likely.
The "prototype" was introduced in Game jam video, but never used in Skyrim, if they enhance current engine it'd be likely that they'd at least add some major enhancements,

if they get new engine.. well, it'd be really likely that it would have some new and fancy properties.

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Okay, some more thoughts.


No "end-game content" nor support for "high" levels.
This is a bit related to my hopes for the return of class system.
Lack of unlimited leveling means that more attention is paid upon the levels and difficulty. (It's easier to work on difficulty)
Essentially this would mean that there would be no "Draugr Deathlords", that are not unique

in any other way than by the fact that they deal enough damage to kill you in two hits and can take tons of punishment without a scratch.
Plus, when there's no need to think about "What about after level 80?", more time can be spent on REAL stuff and details.
Unlimited leveling was probably really liked by some console players, but what's the point on grinding levels? If the difficulty is challenging at 30, isn't it enough?
Or is it a must that you turn into a god?


More love for all forms of magic

How ironic is that Oblivion felt much more designed for melee/ranged gameplay, when it had more "support" for mages even though spell casting felt really weird, whereas in Skyrim magic was

much better because you actually could focus on casting spells instead of holding staff/sword and using the quick cast but the spells are worse in Skyrim.


I wish next ES game takes the best from both worlds and combines them. Dual casting, two handed spell casting, much more spells and different ways to control your enemies.


Hopefully some ol' spells return with their unique effects. Telekenesis, levitation, (Scrolls of icarian flight!), drain spells and other spells that we miss.


More critters

Skyrim gave us more wildlife than Oblivion did. There is Hawks, rabbits, foxes and other creatures that are afraid of you instead of trying to murder you.
There could be more. Small spiders, rats/mice, snakes(FRickin' snakes!, birds and other. Depends hugely on where next ES game is going to take place.

More lively world

Skyrim introduced one more awesome property. Idle markers. These markers allow NPC's to do special animations at the marker's place. I can't remember if similar system existed in Oblivion,

but expanding this further allows for really lively world. NPC's actually do something out there. Sad thing was that these were used far too little in Skyrim. I've seen some mods that utilized

idle markers in single area quite well and the area felt much more lively than Whiterun streets at morndas. (Ba dum tss)

Also, "Meaningless NPC's". All NPC's don't need to be related to quest and they can still be named. There was some NPC's in Skyrim with names but without meaning and that's what makes

the world seem more "lively". Also, generic non-named NPC's doing their thing is REALLY good addition.

Also, actions of your character should affect area. Help certain guild in the area? Presence gets stronger and influence is felt.


Don't be a hero, BECOME a Hero Or villain.

Basically in Skyrim you were the hero you'd always be when you were recognized as Dragonborn. There was nothing wrong with it, but the fact that your reputation was always same felt weird.

In Oblivion it started slowly and it kept going and going. Some people always remembered you as "The Hero of Kvatch", some guys liked you because of your rank in Fighters guild.


This would require the return of Title/Rank/Fame system. Which I hope gets return.

If you were infamous, you really were infamous and some people didn't like you and that's it. Skyrim was too forgiving as it was probably made for people who don't like being punished.

Skyrim was too easily playable, as you couldn't "mess up" your character. If you chose to steal the dagger you could just pay your bounty and that's it. In Oblivion you could get kicked out of your guild for that. (If I correctly remember)


In Skyrim there was absolutely NO ranks. You were either Recruit or you were the headmaster of the guild. Of course, the "formal recognizing" that happened almost after every rank in Oblivion felt a bit boring,

but now when I think of it, it was better that you actually felt that you were rising in ranks. That system combined with the Skyrim's amazing radiant quest system = ABSOLUTELY amazing guilds.

Imagine this:
You join The Companions, you do first one quest for four different members (Or help some "lesser" members in minor ways. Maybe 2 minor acts counts as 1 quest)
You get "real" membership, you'd be equal to the "lesser" members. (Ria, Torvar, Athis)

The Circle members give you new radiant quests, maybe some skill requirements and one bigger quest.

After the bigger quest you get chance to do the Proving Honor, or you could continue as "lesser" member.

Accepted into The Circle, given wolf armor (So you actually feel that something happened)

Challenging Radiant quests this time

Blood's Honor, Etc. etc.


The point would be, more radiant quests, rising difficulty, real ranks and much longer questline.

Remember that this was just an example what I'm hoping for.

Also, some of the NPC's should react to your rank. I was still recognized as mead fetcher when I already had gained the rank of Harbinger.

Some people curiously ask if I am the newest member of Mage's college even if I'm wearing Archmage Robes. Things like that.

Bring back the "Wacky" part of The Elder Scrolls
Skyrim is way much more "serious" than Oblivion. I literally had to get back up from bed to write this section.

There was quests that made you go full "FTW" when you listened to what you need to do or what has happened.
Whole Dark Brotherhood questline was full of more or less weird/fun/wacky quests, I hope we get to see some more in next ES game.

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Does anyone know if new consoles are finally able to use x64 programs? Because that'd be superb.


I could believe that even just "humble" upgrades to game engine would make it much better.

x32 > x64

directx9 > directx 11

Things like that.


Though, new engine would be really nice, but maybe that'd cause major setbacks? Bethesda is now really familiar with their engine, changing it might cause issues on other ends.

Graphics isn't everything. Getting the engine Skyrim is using extremely stable and smooth would be better than new engine with better graphics and otherwise lacking game.

And freaking 4gb support from the start. Maybe even more. (Doesn't x64 allow using of more than 4gb?)


I hope we get to see real physics in next elder scrolls game, which is likely.

The "prototype" was introduced in Game jam video, but never used in Skyrim, if they enhance current engine it'd be likely that they'd at least add some major enhancements,

if they get new engine.. well, it'd be really likely that it would have some new and fancy properties


I understand that both the PS4 and the Xbox One are using the x64 architecture in their consoles. In face the hard ware is stepping closer to high end PCs more and more.

I've heard, not reliably of course, that the PS4 maybe using a 128x framework, meaning it allocate much more than 4gb, its also using dual channeling for the RAM and DRAM, plus its on DDR5, so they'll definately be some major graphic and software enhancements, obviously.

The thing about the Game Engine, the CreationEngine, and the graphics engine is that they're becoming increasinginly intangible. You've probably heard of Physx, if not, its a feature of newer Nvidia GPUs that allows advanced physics features to be rerouted to the GPU and processed therefore, through the graphics engine. The reason that Skyrim's physics propeties is because the actual engine is kinda clunky. In case, again, you didn't know the engine is called the Havok engine. Any physics are processed through the CPU therefore (also why Skyrim was suprisingly CPU heavy), through the Creation Engine which is fundementally buggy. (Its really over 8 years old now).

DirectX, I believe, had stopped production in that it may no longer be producing new graphics engines for PC. Before that, we relied on them to produce the engines for the games, i'm fairly sure that ALL games post-1999 use directX. Most likely, some sort of secondary engine will pop up although im not knowledgable about graphic engines.

On stability, even if we did see directX11 integrated into TESVI, itd make it much more unstable. Its like this. Skyrim is almost capable of being labelled "next gen" on high end PCs. Mostly, this is due to the dynamic story, dynamic world, great graphics and the massiveness of the world.

When it works.

Remembering the graphics engine, the scripting engine and the game engine are different and that most crashes, 40-50% or bugs occur because of papyrus and the same with the game engine, it is not plausible to go foward without

A) seriously rethinking the creation engine


B} Re making one from scratch.




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classes are a bad idea i was pretty happy they did away with them

classes only leads to very stereotyping and predictable game play and restrict what your character can do and not do ,

for me it breaks immersion

i ve been playing pen and paper rpgs for a long time , since Ad&D first edirion

and the best games i ever played are those without classes

it un restrict the players and breaks the traditional roles Same goes for PC rpgs


that is why i so dislike so many of the current MMO s, limited to the standard tank, rogue mage healer types and all with a very predictable playstyle ( long time EVEplayer here)


So no classes for me it reminds me too much of the average fantasy rpg and only leads to very predictable gameplay and linear playstyles


but indeed the game engine could need a serious boost

but then again beth will need to keep the game simple enough to run it on consoles even the next generation are still only a fraction of what a average pc can handle and console users will be again their main target audience


my honest opinion

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Meh, Skyrim did not really utilize other archetypes than Warrior, Thief and Mage, which was a bit poor.
The "Sub-classes" were used just too little in Skyrim.
There is the "classes" for NPC's that they use. but in the end the differences were really minimal, or used just too rarely.

Irileth is only Spellsword I can remember. Actual spellsword that used her spells correctly yet still fought bravely in melee.
Among "common" enemies there was no single Spellsword, battlemage, "paladin" or anything.


This might have been so because it would have made the game much more harder, and thus harder for "casual" players,

maybe Bethesda ran out of time and had time to fully playtest only couple of "sub-classes". Who knows.


But well, each one has different opinion, so maybe we shouldn't start a bigger debate about this :biggrin:

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What i would like to see are Puzzles in TESVI, for example the Empty Bottles you find around Skyrim. You cant fill them with water or use them to ask the Bartender to fill it with Mead.


You know, for an RPG Game, i want to do and use Everything.


I mean like whats the point with the Bugs in a Jar that has those strange Symbols under them and yet theres No Quest.

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I know some people may throw tomatoes at me for this, but I'd just like to post some of my thoughts, agreements, and disagreements.

I also know that there are mods that try to fix some of what I mention about Skyrim, but this is about what I would like to see in the new game when it comes out, vanilla style.


(As I'm typing this I'm realizing its far longer than I anticipated, sorry in advance and thanks if you actually read the 'wall of text')




1. Combat



In my mind, the combat system ended up being sorta a big letdown for me. DON'T THROW THE TOMATOES YET I'M NOT FINISHED. I am in no way saying the system is bad; on the contrary I enjoyed it very much...for my first play-through or two. But honestly, it got really stale fairly quickly. It just doesn't feel fluid at all; the variation just isn't there. I know part of this is due to the type of system they have, where there aren't skills, and it goes for a very "realistic" kind of combat. But after playing it for awhile, it ends up not feeling realistic at all. You start at level 1 with your base skills, and at level 40 with one-handed at 100 all perked out you are still doing the same "chop, chop at a slightly different angle, chop at another slightly different angle, etc." Sure you get a few killmoves that try to spice it up a bit, but those are just set animations that play out at the end of your engagement with that enemy, not actual moves you the player executes. You don't feel fluid in combat, your interaction with enemies in combat is on a very simple, "don't think to much" level (the outcome of the battle is determined by simple level differences and/or resorting to immersion breaking tactics such as jumping onto a rock and shooting arrows at the guy standing below you, while he looks up and yells about how he is going to kill you), and the lack of variation just ends up being a huge disappointment. And this lack of variation in what you are doing seems to be the worst. I don't know if you have noticed this, but your one-handed animations are all the same, regardless of what type of weapon you are using. Same with your two-handed. And that really doesn't sit right with me. If you fight with a sword, you are going to have a COMPLETELY different technique from someone fighting with a mace or an axe. It shouldn't look the same, and it definately shouldn't feel the same. (Literally the only thing they changed was swing speed; and instituted a simple scale for base attack power and weight.)



Now to be perfectly honest, I do have a great love for action based games where combat is a prime focus, and can enjoy a game for its combat and visuals alone even if the rest of the game is just meh (for instance I loved the rpg Kingdoms of Amalur, and poured TONS of time into the mmorpg TERA, all because the combat systems were fantastic.) I also understand why a system like that would be very hard to implement when you have a game that many people (myself included) play primarily in first person, and if it came to chucking first person to implement a great combat system, or if all they could do was make small improvements to the current one instead to be able to keep first person mode, I would be truly torn as to what I would want. But I think at the very least something along the lines of The Witcher 2 would be possible (time consuming and probably a total pain in the ass, but still possible) to implement in both first and third person.




2. Class System (or lack thereof)


This might actually surprise you, but I really don't have many problems with the leveling and lack of a class system in Skyrim. Why? Because I like freedom and for a game to NOT limit what I can do or the direction I can go with my character. If I want to build my character a certain way I don't want a game limiting me or making me unable to create the character I want.





Why should a game like Skyrim limit your character from being able to be a master thief, mage, warrior, archer, alchemist, enchanter, smith, etc., all at the same time, or any combination of those? If you want to make a mage who steals things and crafts heavy armor and greatswords in their sparetime, you can do it. And I find that awesome. And guys, guess what. If you want to make a classic, thief style character, guess what: YOU CAN. Even in vanilla Skyrim, you TOTALLY can. Want to do the same for a mage? How about a warrior? Guess what, more good news: you can totally do that. Its simple too! All you have to do is pick the skills that you want to use and build your character around said skills (which you probably have already done.) If you dont think your mage should steal things and craft heavy armor in their sparetime, you totally don't have to have your mage do any of that, and you don't need the game to do it for you.


So no, in the new TES game, I don't want straight, set classes for me to have to pick and chose between. A self built character in my opinion is a much better way to play, and one that you can develop how you want as you play.



Now, I am in NO way saying that they gave you complete choice and freedom, and at many times you do feel like you have to make a certain choice or play a certain way. And I really hate those situations. (The Parth' problem, or the fact that if you didnt by chance happen to talk to the Bee and Barb barkeep you had to join the thieves guild to advance the mainquest. I'm not saying that the game should hold your hand, but there should be more fleshed out options for you to take.)

Also, I've seen mention in this thread of npcs lacking in variation of combatstyles/tactics. And you probably guessed it: Yep, I want more variation in npc combat AI, and for in game characters to feel unique. (On a side, only slightly related note: I also REALLY want more than a handful of voice actors. More *cough*VARIATION*cough* would be great.)




3. Graphics



Well this is kinda a no brainer. Of course they will have nicer looking graphics in the next game. As far as texture resolutions go, a little higher res vanilla textures would be nice, but its not a huge concern for me. The only real beef I have with vanilla graphics is the lighting. I swear, if they upgrade nothing else, at least, for the love of all mankind, come out with a better vanilla lighting system. Please. You have no idea how much please. But I promise it's a lot of please. Please.

(No but seriously, the straight vanilla game with nothing modded but a good enb thrown in does so much for the game; it makes it look worlds better. So this should be a sign that there is room for major improvement in this department.)




4. Location



I have no idea what it should be actually, but I'm SOO excited for whatever it is. Honestly, I can't wait to travel to a new part of Tamriel; it's one of my most anticipated parts of the new TES game. And well... I SORTA have an idea of what they could do...it would be bold...it would be awesome...it would be incredibly expensive to make...it would be Tamriel. What's that? You read right. I want to play in Tamriel. I.E. each country and location mentioned in the lore of Tamriel, I want to go and play there. I know this won't happen. But when I think back to the good old Pokemon days where I thoroughly enjoyed red, blue, and yellow, and couldn't wait for the next installment, only to find out that not only did I get to enjoy and explore the new area but also the area I knew and loved? That was awesome. And it's something we would all love to see from a TES game. Even though it won't happen.




5. Variation



Oh look, after spending half my stupid post talking about this, I feel the need to make an entire section based on it; how surprised are you right now? But in all honesty, I think this is something not just me, but most TES fans and gamers in general really wish for in TES and their other games. But let's just look at Skyrim for an example. In fact, let's pull out the big guns first. Let's look at Skyrim's factions. Yep, I went there; bet you didn't see that coming.


In Skyrim, between all the factions you can join and be apart of, there is only one group that opposes each other directly that you can join either faction and fight the other, and that is of course the civil war group. (I don't count the Greybeards and Blades as opposing factions that the player has to choose between; the only choice comes near the end of the mainquest. And while having different views, they weren't openly opposed to each other, they just didn't like the other's way of doing things.) We get to join the companions and go around taking care of problems, small and large, but we don't get the option to play as a bandit-based faction, or in the sliverhand faction. We can join the thieves guild and go around stealing everyone's sweet rolls, but we don't get any options to join a Riften guard faction, or a united citizens against the thieves guild type faction. We can join the dark brotherhood, and while we ARE given the choice to oppose them and destroy it, its a simple "Oh, you found them? Okay, go take care of a guild of legendary assassins in their own home base and kill them all. Done? Cool, thanks." There isn't an actual, fully fleshed out questline, and you can't join the penitus oculotus faction.


On a related note, each of the major actions you take should have a real and lasting impact on the world, aside from the random guard making a casual comment about how you slew alduin and saved the world. After all these main quests, faction quests, etc., the world didn't FEEL any different afterwards. Some of what you do in the game should honestly send a shock throughout all of Tamriel, and yet even in Skyrim where all of this took place, nobody knows or really cares about anything. I mean honestly. You can ASSASSINATE THE EMPEROR, GO TO BED, WAKE UP THE NEXT MORNING, AND NOBODY GIVES A WOLF PELT. Seriously, even when you talk to the other dark brotherhood members about it they are only impressed. Impressed. You just killed one of the most powerful men in all of Tamriel, and secured a huge sum of gold for the deed; they should be freaking out that you pulled this off.


And finally, a variation in the choices you can make. In Skyrim, the hardest choice you had to make was whether or not to kill Parth', which is one of the only reasons I don't view it as a fault in the game. It's the only REALLY hard choice you have to make. (Although the lack of closure for if you decide not to kill him is insanely annoying; there should be a quest option where you officially decide not to and it ends the quest.) I mean, if they made a very difficult, pain-in-the-arse way for you to spare him and still be friendly with the two factions, I could buy that. But the fact that other than that I don't have to make any choices that have serious consequences on both ends really adds to that feeling of not having any affect on the world. And seeing as you are the savior of the world, and people seem to know it and casually mention it every once in awhile, that hurts a little. *tears up a bit*



Anyway, thanks for reading my 2 cents...or more like $7.35. Wow that ended up being long.




But seriously, if only one of these hopes comes true, please for the love of everything let it either be a better combat system or a better lighting system. Please. So many pleases.

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