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help for a noob


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hello everyone I'll cut right to it I tinkered in the past with the creation kit (no longer owned, thanks window 10 corrupted update wrecking C drive needing a complete computer reset)

I want to start creating and sharing mods. I really enjoy "The Nexus " and want to start contributing so I went to "support/ tutorials" and was overwhelmed with the amount of info.

where do I start reading? Is the creation kit mandatory? If so can I still get it?

Currently playing Skyrim le


thanks for stopping to read this...


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Go to creationkit.com then Tutorials then scroll down to Visual Learners and the link to Video Tutorials.

Video Tutorials - Creation Kit


The Tutorial Index on the right when you go to Tutorials also has useful links.
Those will get you started.


For how to do specific things like make a merchant or a custom container the tutorials by Darkfox127 are excellent.

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