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"Scripting WHAAAT?" or "Script ideas but I can't script"


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Salutations, Nexus!

It's BSR again, the blind mod-making newbie. (Feel free to laugh as hard as your like).


I have a third query for you, after several days of searching for "How TF to do this properly without fatal game errors".
So. For my player home I have mentioned, I've basically got the thing done, complete with COBL (which is bloody amazing), a live-in merchant and some survival bits (thank you, creator/s of Personal Hygiene and Basic Primary Needs!) if anyone so chooses to utlise those.


I wish to add a bit of a challenge to gain entry to my player home upon discovery. Specifically, I've utilised the perhaps infamous / famous "My Second Script" tutorial.

Now, I should note that I *do* use an XBox 360 controller, thus NorthernUI for said controller support.
I've got the trap part working but I think I am unable to put the ability to make a choice in here.


I wish to add, and my apologies for the spoilers (ugh, necessary but still, I had hoped for it to be a small surprise).... a shrine for more "evil" characters. The shrine would be intended to heal the player IF they are a member of either the Thieves' Guild, Dark Brotherhood or both. The statue would, of course, display a message of something like "Balderdash! You're not an evil son of a *****!" Well. You get the idea.


I can try to paste my scripting in here if needed.


Many thanks, Nexus.


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I do have 2 evil shrines in the Hobbit Home and one not evil so 3 all together. 1 is stationary and the 2 others summonable but as I am resto Master now, I never use them but here is the evil script made by LazMonk in the Private Quarters originally:


The Gift of Maphala

;************ Mephala's Flame ********* 
;Originally made by LazMonk

ScriptName PekMephalaFire

short doonce
short dayofLastGift
ref target

Begin OnActivate
	if GetDayofWeek == dayofLastGift
		Cast PekMephalaAnger Player
		player.pms PekPortalFlameRed 9
		Message "Do not test the god's benevolence!"
		Cast PekMephalaFlame Player
		player.pms PekPortalFlameBlue 9
		Message "Rejoice! Mephala has use for you... yet."
		Set dayofLastGift to GetDayofWeek

begin gamemode
; days are numbered 0-6, prevents first visit on 0 day and being told you've used it today
	if doonce == 0
		set dayofLastGift to 10
		set doonce to 1

You also need the 2 Lesser Power spells

If you use the shrine more than ones a day, Mephala gets pissed at you and the shrine cast PekMephalaAnger :

Drain Fatigue 20000p 10s

If you have not use the shrine, Mephala will cast PekMephalaFlame:

Drain Fatigue 20000p 10s
Cure Disease
Restore Attribute: Agility 100
Restore Attribute: Endurance 100
Restore Attribute: Intelligence 100
Restore Attribute: Willpower 100
Restore Attribute: Luck 100
Restore Attribute: Personality 100
Restore Attribute: Speed 100
Restore Attribute: Strength 100
Cure Poison

You will get passed out for 10s both times, which is so damn cool. I got permission from LazMonk to use all the scripts provided in that mod and some are very cool and unique.


The magic effects? Well use something red and blue.

Edited by Pellape
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@Pellape: Hello again! :)


My my my, I love that Mephala idea. But without permission, I would not snag it for myself (this is me because I'm trying to be a good modmaker and follow examples such as yours and Striker879's).



This is the script I have right now (let's hope this thing pastes here properly):



ScriptName RiddleChestScript

Short controlvar
Short button

Begin OnActivate
If controlvar == 0
MessageBox "Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless
mutters. What is it?, Bat, Old woman, Wind, Wraith"
Set controlvar to 1
ElseIf controlvar > 1

Begin GameMode
If ( controlvar == 1 )
Set button to GetButtonPressed
If ( button == -1 )
ElseIf ( button == 2)
MessageBox "Your answer was correct."
Set controlvar to 2
MessageBox "Your answer was wrong."
Cast Mg05FingerSpell15 Player
Set controlvar to -1
ElseIf ( controlvar == 2 )
Set controlvar to 3


As I said, the trap works and the game doesn't freeze, crash or do anything breakingly horrible. It simply doesn't "give the choice" and allow the option to make said choice.


Also, if I were to do an "evil shrine" script with say, Sithis or Nocturnal as the "god to pray to", would I just put in "Sithis", etc.?


This is all quite knee-deep in "What am I doin?" so I've gone on the hunt for a plethora of tutorials on this.

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I guess it is always funniest to make scripts your own way. LazMonk do read PM's and you just simply ask for permissions and I am sure LazMonk do not care if you use it or not and it is so easy to just send a PM and ask. I use lots of stuff other made as why do we need to reinvent the wheel twice or even more?


Do not forget to make the spells... ;)

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