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"Scripting WHAAAT?" or "Script ideas but I can't script"


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"Activate" inside a script will activate what it is called on. As it is called on nothing specifically (like "myChest.Activate"), it will activate the object the script is running on, in this case the riddle chest that's to unlock/open only when the right answer was given.


However, when this is about rewriting this script so it does something else on something else, not intended to be opened (or activated in general) anymore, then it is indeed no longer making sense to still call "Activate" in there.

Now, I don't exactly know how shrines work on the inside (and can't look into the CS to find out), but it's definitely to do something else scripted -in place of- the "Activate" call.

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A shrine casts a spell and also an effect on itself, nothing else. If you put that script on a door or a chest, then it make sense. A cool idea though to make every door and chest to shrines... ;) Well not really... It would get to my nerves...


When it comes to doors, I scripted all mine, to allow the player to save when using them and I also play sound in the script as I want the sound to start before saving. When you activate an object, lets say the door, the first thing that happens is that the script runs, then if you attached any sounds to the object, they will go off after the script, so an open sound in the script and the closing sound at the object is most proper way to do it. The player can toggle save on/off in the house settings.

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Do not say sorry for being late as you are always on time... On the second... ;)


Well do try it and if it doesn't work out, I will help you fix it for sure.


What I do not understand is what will activate what? Will the shrine activate the player or??


@Pellape: First, thanks for that. A lot. You're awesome. I've been learning a whole lot from this alone.


Well, the vanilla "good" shrine/s (Like the Altars of the Nine Divines) heal you and offer a temporary buff, right?

I'm thinking something along the same lines -- heal you, cure diseases and/or give a temporary buff to certain skills if you're a more "evil" type of character.

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I did add the list of what you should add to your spell in a previous posting and I skip the drain fatigue as this is what you should add to the good shrine, so then you need at least 2 spells, one good and one evil or just use one that looks like this:

Cure Disease
Restore Attribute: Agility 100
Restore Attribute: Endurance 100
Restore Attribute: Intelligence 100
Restore Attribute: Willpower 100
Restore Attribute: Luck 100
Restore Attribute: Personality 100
Restore Attribute: Speed 100
Restore Attribute: Strength 100
Restore Health 100
Restore Fatigue 100
Restore Magicka 100
Cure Poison
Edited by Pellape
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@Pellape: OH jeez, let me scroll back for that. My reader's been seriously skipping over random stuff. I think it needs another update (urgh. Gotta love updating blind-adaptive tech)


Okay.. ::cracks knuckles:: Time to open up the CS and try this. WOO HOO, NERDING AHOY!

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@Pellape: Haha, for real.


I'm taking a peek at the vanilla "Altar of the Nine" script and it looks like something I can easily tweak to "turn evil".




ScriptName AltaroftheNine
short doonce
short DayofLastUse
ref target

Begin OnActivate
if IsActionRef player == 1

If Player.GetCrimeGold > 0 || GetPCInfamy > GetPCFame
MessageBox "Repent your crimes, wicked one!"
if GetDayofWeek == DayofLastUse
MessageBox "You've already received your blessing this day."
MessageBox "Rejoice! Through faith, your afflictions are banished!"
Cast AltarNine Player
Set DayofLastUse to GetDayofWeek

set target to GetActionRef
Cast AltarNine target


begin gamemode
if doonce == 0 ;days are numbered 0-6 - prevents first visit on 0 day and being told you've used it today
set DayofLastUse to 10
set doonce to 1


...hopefully the thing pasted properly.

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Well instead of using Quote, you can use code that looks like this [<>] but it might not help much as you cant see it. :/ But it is the button just left to the quote button.





Oki, to the point. I never looked at the in game shrines really as I was satisfied with LazMonk's script and they looks identical so everyone takes codes from anywhere... ;) So LazMonk took that script, made some minor changes and saved it, which makes sense as this is the only way to do it proper really by looking at others scripts. Just go for it. :) I bet you can even use the spell AltarNine as it is really. I will peek at it. Well it has everything except Cure Poison, restore fatigue and magicka but they are not needed really. Either use it as it is or make a better one like I suggested earlier but it will do really.

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