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Tips on to on how to make play through more immersive?


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So after months without touching skyrim, or any other games in that matter (due to real life events) im going to have another go at skyrim. After just finishing a play through of the mass effect series, where i took my time, i have decided to actually take my sweet time and enjoy all the things i missed when rushing through much of the game before. I was horrible about fast traveling everywhere, skipping dialogue, and basically just trying to burn through everything to get high level with awesome armor/weapons. I have done a pretty good job getting together some immersion mods but am looking for improvements on how i might get more out of this play through. I did try realistic needs and diseases but i just personally don't like it for some reason.


What i am doing so far that directly effect immersion

- immersive armors mod

- immersive hud

- frostfall

- interesting npc's

- skyrim redone

- realistic lighting for darker nights/dungeons

- expert/master difficulty

- alternate start, live another life.

- no faster travel, excluding carriages

- no excessive waiting, ie. no waiting around for more than 2 hours

- sleeping at night, unless i feel like risky night traveling w/ a torch

- carry realistic amount of stuff and loot. Helps reduce chance of building up huge stockpile of gold

- Gave my character a short backstory, and partially shape his future decisions on how his story plays out.


So if anyone feels like tossing me some ideas or tips on how to create a great immersive play through it would be greatly appreciated. I have only gotten about 45 minutes into the current game and im already having a blast.

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Hunterborn, Deadly Combat, for an immersive economy try Skyrim Medieval Economy.

EDIT: SkyTEST (Realistic animal AI, I would advise you to wait for the 1.31 version) Dragon Combat Overhaul.

try to check out www.skyrimgems.com

Edited by repzaj1234
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Hunterborn, Deadly Combat, for an immersive economy try Skyrim Medieval Economy.

I will take a look at hunterborn and the economy one but i already have skyre which does a pretty good job with making combat hard when paired with upping the difficulty. At least it is so far considering i spent the first 15 minutes of the game running away wolves lol.

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You can still try out Deadly Combat though, you just need to disable Skyre Combat and Skyre Enemy AI. I find Deadly Combat the best combat mod for me. It greatly increases damage, mostly take 3-8 hits to kill something depending on the level and the same goes for you, one unblocked power attack and boom that's 70% HP gone. Also, timed blocks negate all damage so it rewards player skill. If you hit an enemy they become dazed long enough for you to chip in a single attack. I find it more immersive, cause seriously you don't need 10 slashes to kill some random NPC lol

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You can try Requiem Overhaul (though it will be incompatible with some of your mods), it changes a ton of things. However, if you don't like get one-shotted by everyone, it probably won't be for you. Of course, you can dish out some damage too, but you gotta earn your place.

Edited by billyro
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I see hunter-born was already posted but Ill re-emphasize that one, if your playing a hunter/live off the land type of character (that's what I role play as anyway) then it is a must have. It forces you to take realistic time to salvage parts of animals but also makes those parts more valuable. Id also recommend Trade & Barter, it just hit the Hot files and I gotta say its pretty good its an economy overhaul but one of the most thorough I've ever played with.

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I'll second Realistic Needs and Diseases

also, in no particular order

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Skyrim Flora Overhaul (Overgrown)

Lush Grass and Trees


Cooking Expanded

ERSO (pick the modules that fit your game)

Guard Dialogue Overhaul

Wet and Cold


Hi-Res Legible Road Signs

Point The Way


Immersive Armours

Jaysus Swords

Unique Uniques

Real Shelter

Unique Booze Bottles

Lightning During Thunderstorms

Winter Is Coming Cloaks

Cloaks of Skyrim

Fur Hoods HD

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Realistic needs and diseases?


I'll second Realistic Needs and Diseases


I did try realistic needs and diseases but i just personally don't like it for some reason.

:huh: I can read OP me.


But to actually contribute, consider one of the many timescale-adjusting mods.

I haven't used any of those mods because it can be achieved with a simple console command: "set timescale to 5" (without quotations).




All the ones you picked. I would also add for Immersion:


Realistic Needs and Diseases (you are gonna have to watch what you eat and drink)

:blink: I too can read the original post!

Edited by Bhanqwa
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