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Tips on to on how to make play through more immersive?


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If you want immersive play...RP, etc...you don't really need 'realistic needs' mods, 'no fast travel' mods or the like....just your own self discibline. There are certainly Mods that do help due to Bethesda's limitations, a number of which are already listed.....The most important thing is though, just stop and think about what you do need and what your Dovahkin would need to do....I am personally very strict with my RP, my Dovahkin has a detailed backstory, a staunchly played personality, morality, etc...with a lot of demands on and restrictions in what he needs and can do.


What I find most important myself are the little things....such as what does he have to drink, food, where can he sleep, what does he carry, how much can he carry, how warm are his clothes (what their made of), does what he is doing make sense, etc...


Drink: The Mod 'Be a Milk Drinker' is a very good and often overlooked little Mod...it gives you Water, Milk and Juices....It gives small boosts, but negligable...just don't use the Carrot Juice, as it gives Night Eye.

Food: There are a small number of Mods that offer realistic meat drops from animals....plus cooking this meat without needing salt.

Sleep: A Bedroll Mod....possibly with a Tent....I don't use a tent myself, because how does he carry it?....I just make sure he uses his Bedroll in an environment not exposed to the elements....he sleeps every night, decent hours.

Carry Weight: Just limit yourself to a set carry weight number, I don't go oer 220 no matter his Stamina or capacity. He also never loots Armor or Weaponry or any other large bulky items...where does he keep them?....I limit him to small valuable objects such as Money, Gem Stones, Soul Gems, Jewelary, Ingrediants.

Also, don't carry extra's...My Dovah has one set of Armor (which he wears), one Bow with Quiver, one Cross Bow with Quiver, one Two Handed Sword and one Dagger....Plus his small collection of Poisons, Bandages, some Food and Drink and a few 'Skyrealism Crafting Kits' (Mod)...the crafting kits that make sense...and the Bedroll....that's it....Everything else are small items loot to be either used in his Alchemy, Tanned and Forged into leather/hide Armors for sale and anything else is just temporary loot to be sold...If you make something that's just worth too much, just dump it...I must have dumped alchemy bottles littering Skyrim's wilds in droves now.

Clothes/Armor: Thick and warm, I use Leathers and Furs for this reason and keep him fully bundled up and kitted out.

Bathing: Your Dovahkin must stink with all the blood and sweat he/she is so often covered in....I know mine has to...:P...so jumb in a stream on a regular basis and thus washed and cleaned up a little....especially if your about to enter a town.

Exposure: Don't do anything crazy, like taking long dips in the northern waters or sleeping/waitng in the snow....If you must swim in frigid waters, find the shortest route (less time in the water the better) and make a fire, stand near the fire and eat when you leave the water.

Combat: I like Duel Combat Realism myself, buts that's just personal taste.

Fast Travel and Waiting: Just don't utilize them, ignore them....Once in a while my Dovahkin may wait for an hour until the Shops open if he woke too early and I must admit I fast travel up and down to High Hrothgar because I am sick of the repetitve journey and fast travel when I have that guy with me who wants to visit ' Eldergleam' (keep him alive), otherwise no fast traveling what so ever.


I find the above helps me a great deal with immersion and realism myself....hope it helps....:)

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My advice to you, don't mess with the timescale. Even though the default value which is 20 is too damn fast and immersion breaking. I set mine to 10 and now I'm having unsync-ed times. In game the time is 12 pm, when I look at my saved game it's 8pm. The ENB I use thinks it's day when it's actually night time >< It really sucks. If anyone here knows how to fix this, or how to reset the time please do help.

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My advice to you, don't mess with the timescale. Even though the default value which is 20 is too damn fast and immersion breaking. I set mine to 10 and now I'm having unsync-ed times. In game the time is 12 pm, when I look at my saved game it's 8pm. The ENB I use thinks it's day when it's actually night time >< It really sucks. If anyone here knows how to fix this, or how to reset the time please do help.

You'll probably have to make a new game, or do a re-install if that doesn't help. Alternatively, if you haven't deleted a save that exists before you set your time scale, you can just jump back to that one and delete all the saves that had the timescale fix.

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I would ad this mods to it:


-SkyRealism - for the need to eat, to drink and to sleep

-Locational Damage -for instant kills , cripple, on humanoid NPCs or your self :wink: 14 zones to hit on bodies and a easy way to change what hit does what on what zone.

-Duke Patriks heavy weapon combat - for total awesome fights with all types of weapons and armors. A short example: If you don't have stamina you cant rise your arms so what you are prolly dead because your enemy smash you with a shield brawl to the ground and now crack your head with his mace. Changed all types of combat trees also. (Duel Combat Realism as a example is only a joke if you compare them)

-Pumping iron - start as a light weight char and your muscles will grow over time if you fight or work, if not well then you still will be thin.

Edited by Vanadinit
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All the ones you picked. I would also add for Immersion:


Realistic Needs and Diseases (you are gonna have to watch what you eat and drink)


Skyrim Realism (SkyRe) this will add new perks like the Wayfarer tree (which goes great with Frostfall) Gopher does a video tut on how to install SkyRe. it is tricky to install. Gopher as videos all over Nexus.


Convienant Horses (they help carry tents, food, firewood, pelts, etc) also goes great with Frostfall. You can also control horse behavior. To make them flee in combat instead of attacking everything insight. You can also make your horse essensial. Because horses are expensive. So you can use your gold for more important reason like food and drink to help survive the harsh climates in Tamriel.


Wet and Cold mod


Get Snowy mod


Footprints mod


Deadly Dragons


Immersive Weapons


Winters Coming mod (if you are into cloaks) Me I am not into cloaks at all. But still a great mod for immersion.


Achieve That (great mod that adds bonuses of eating 100 different types of food and a bunch of other neat little achievements one can do) All different achievement completions give little bonuses


Pumping Iron (recommend adding this at the very beginning and set your weight to 0.0 in the character menu) This mod basicly forces you to sleep to gain muscle weight. If you do not sleep what you gain will deteriate over time. If you sleep say 8 -10 hours a-day over time you will gain muscle mass (Heavy Armor and Weapons help with the muscle mass gain faster)

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No fast travel without a horse (you may fast travel your current location to summon your horse)

Uphold your own personal moral code at all times.

Dragon Souls to Perks, the version that costs more souls the higher-level the perk




Permadeath: fight like your life depended on it. Know the risks of what you're stepping into as much as you can; know the difference between a bear and a Briarheart, and by know I mean Know. Enchantments like Resist Poison and Fortify Health start looking very inviting.

The prospect of fighting the Forsworn in "Nobody Escapes from Cidhna Mine" is ... daunting.


Fast Travel: Nothing pains the heart so much as the tragedy of a lost horse -- especially when it means hoofing it to a stable on foot. (Get it? Hoofing it?)


Moral Code: It breaks immersion to treat the inanimate non-people as inanimate non-people. Treat them as if they were real and you get suspension of disbelief and immersion. Would you rationalize sacrificing a real person to Boethia?

Grave-robbing is an interesting moral choice: in real life there are no such things as zombies, but if there were I would feel no remorse looting them. Looting zombies isn't grave-robbing; it's combat pay.

Asking people about their race is weird if you think about it in modern terms. I don't do it.


Souls to Perks: Yeah, it's a "cheat" I suppose, but when you hear that distinctive sound of dragon wings flapping, when you hear a distant roar, when a guard yells, "By the Gods ... DRAGON!" it's incredibly exciting and remains so for pretty much the whole game. Maybe you'd never blow a perk point on "Merchant" or "Alteration Dual Casting", but as a reward for hunting [several] dragons you'd chase the scaly beasts to the edge of the world and back. It drives you toward the dragons like nothing else, makes every dragon special. The version I use, where "lower-level" skills are cheaper, sends you out dragon hunting quite early when dragons are still a big challenge.


That covers it on my end. The "biggie" is Permadeath; nothing makes a game more real than fighting for your [virtual] survival.

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