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Which video game character do you relate to most?


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Out of pure interest and happiness related to getting an assignment finished...


Which Video Game Character Do You Relate To Most?



So yeah. Anyway, I'll start.


I am constantly reminded of myself by Alistair in Dragon Age Origins. Why?


  • Both have short blond hair with a... spike thing at the front.
  • Both have similar facial features (his face is just a little bit older).
  • Both have very sarcastic humour... in fact, our humour is almost identical. No wait, it actually is identical.
  • Both are trying to do the right thing (I am, seriously).
  • Both a little bit awkward with expressing feelings to girls (haha).
  • Both are direct and to the point! ... Just sometimes in a misleading way.
  • Both have similar sounding voices. I reckon I could have stepped in and done some voice acting for some mods if I had a good microphone.
  • Both are frowned upon by Morrigan.
  • Both are completely awesome yet modest.
  • Both get angry and throw things at the wall (in the case of Alistair's amulet).

Seriously, the first time I played DAO, you could have thought we were twins. We looked almost identical! (For my first playthrough I always recreate myself.)


So yeah, anyone else think they have a little too many similarities with a particular character? Or perhaps you just want to pipe in and explain how a video game character is related to you in some way. Either way, it's fun to do it, and other people can draw up a mental image of you and think "man, that person is pretty cool".

Even if the only similarity is "I'm like Mario because I like wearing a red hat". :P


It's quite interesting when you think about it. :)

Edited by billyro
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I would have to say John Marston weird I know he is a guy but I find myself so related to him.



  • Both have a short temper
  • Both have a thing for horses (although I think it was more of a means for transportation for him)
  • We aren't afraid to be be different
  • Both speak our minds
  • We like travelling
  • Both have a knack for doing things without realisation of consequences.
  • Both Have a tendency to talk to strangers
  • Aren't afraid to tell it how it is
  • Both try to make things better and hope to succeed in doing so
  • Both tackle things head on with out guidance
  • Both prefer to do things independently


I think John Marston is the only best character that is almost exactly like me except I am not sure for his favourite colour...... O_O but yeah I think I am so much alike to him as all the things listed is what he is like towards others, not to be afraid, to stand for the right and to help others in all ways.


Thats all I have for now :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Crash Bandicoot. Everytime I see a box I just have to smash it up. I can also do this crazy spinning kick thing so fast I become a blur.

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Nice idea for a thread :)


I had to think a lot about this but eventually it was obvious. Im almost an exact copy of Roxas from the Kingdom Hearts series.


  • Most obvious thing is we're both introverted, not really looking like we're enjoying life, heaving that aloof or distant look all the time. Like there's always something on our minds.
  • Very emotional, in all paths that emotions can lead you. Anger, sadness, happiness, everything. Very very strong emotions.
  • Very rebellious or at the very least independent, hate when others try controlling or manipulating us.
  • Huge sense of protection for the ones we love and care about.
  • Actually being a really nice person beneath all this not-so-nice looking shy-introvert personality.
  • Short tempered, easy to anger and/or irritate. We love to bash at stuff when we're angry as well. Very aggressive then too.
  • Happy, at ease, cheerful and carefree when in good company.
  • We are friends with people like us; nice, friendly, unique and strange. But amazing and great ones nonetheless.
  • We like ice cream.
  • A thing for monochromatic b/w clothing and black.
  • Oh and we both have blue eyes.


I'm sure I'd think of more but that's all for now :P

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I've never been able to personally relate to any game characters, or any characters in anything. I have been told throughout my whole life i'm just not normal by pretty much everyone I met, freaking out the freaks and all that.


My best answer would be my current Fallout 3 player, because he has a neat beard just like mine.


Oh and he doesn't talk which is nice, I am man of few words...at least verbally.

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I'm whoever the protagonist from Dark Souls is. No speaking, nobody has any idea what's going on, I reply almost exclusively with yes/no answers, and I have a somber aura.

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Physically? John Marsden. Longish black hair, similar features and build, and we're both the sons of Scottish immigrants.


Personality? Hard question. Ofcourse I'd just love to say I'm like Optimus Prime, tremendously eloquent, highly intelligent, able to inspire the most broken-spirited soldiers to acts of incredible courage with little more than a few words and gestures, but in reality, probably Damon Baird from Gears Of War(various). Baird and I are both gruff, sarcastic, overly talkative, and lacking in social grace, yet also intelligent, technically proficient, and able to get hideously broken hardware back to an operational condition with limited replacement parts.


* We both have a sarcastic, somewhat annoying sense of humor, particularly when stressed.


* We both talk way too much, in my case particularly in bad situations.


* We're both trained engineers and good at our job, we both get frustrated when people with engineering experience, rush us or have unreasonable expectations.


* We both have trouble with authority and don't like taking orders from people who don't know a good plan from their own toes.


* We both have a bad habit of telling people what we think, to their faces.

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