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is a scrapping mod I want to make even possible?

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So I have a rough understanding of how precombines work and have seen people say things like "open up a settlement in the creation kit and edit all the trash out manually and reload combines" or something like that, could I take all the trash in settlements and remove them from the general precombines and tie them only to eachother. Then say add a broom to each settlement by the workbench, activate it and remove all the trash at once. Keeps the vanilla flavor by not having random clean ass patches of wasteland, good for immersion. And allows you to realistically clean up settlements and it would be totally safe for precombines.....I think, but if i was that easy someone would probably have done it already right. is my understanding of precombines incorrect? Keep in mind I am not a modder and would basically teach myself the creation kit just to make this.
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Thank you for the responses folks I appreciate the community chiming in to give me information, ill look into these chest mods and see how they did it, I want to keep all vanilla swappable items I just want to get rid of immovable trash piles without the drawbacks scrap everything. It seems most mods tackle the trash issue with a flamethrower, I dont need to get rid of the whole red rocket just all the squished cans and loose bricks ya know. And if I could make it safe for precombines in the process its a win. I have seen similar mods like clean and simple but I believe the author had mentioned they did it by breaking the precombines themselves. So I have a suspicion I dont fully understand how they work, thanks again for the responses gentlemen. Edited by tommytomatoseed
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Wow thanks man! This is perfect I was not expecting this issue to be this straight foreward, I guess I just assumed if it was possible to do someone would have done it already if I do manage to get this to work ill post it here so yall can check it out, im planning on starting with the red rocket. Thanks again for the information folks.
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