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I am impressed with all the new fixes but one. I agree with tracking history to allow for the back button to work. I do not like any of the other alternatives to that. I think applying it to the tabs on the file pages is a step too far though. The file page is a single page and it is not logical for each tab change to put a URL in history. Other than that, the back thing is great!
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wow, I just tried to edit a post and something even stranger happened than not getting an in-place content refresh.


The entire message was posted with raw HTML in the message body, all the paragraph tags and so on. I had to hand edit all of it out; fortunately it wasn't too long of a message (but not especially short either).


Edit: Happened again. Switching to the full editor, however, corrected it.

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I wish there was a way that would better enforce endorsements too many really great mods and the effort of those mods go to waste because the down loader doesn't come back to endorse the mod or vote.


I know this is about the search feature though.

Edited by EMT2010
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The problem is that you are not allowed to endorse until at elast one hour after downloading the mod, even if you downloaded it before and are just replacing your local copy (iirc).


I think a reminder to choose whether to endorse would be handy, but that would require modifying the endorsement code to have three states: Endorsed, Undecided and Not Endorsed. This does not seem practical.

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In response to post #7972188. #7973352, #7974373, #7975151, #7975812, #7977220, #7977246, #7978609, #7980949 are all replies on the same post.

I'd be happy if we had a little box at the top again. Or, at the least, let me add it to Firefox's choices of search engines.
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In response to post #7981549.

I've definitely forgotten to endorse a few I liked. Would be nice to be able to click it right off the bat, 'specially since we can just as easily remove that endorsement if the mod turns up to be a big bag of mirelurk turds.
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Viewing file versions no longer works for me. I use IE9. It was working before yesterday.


When I click Mod X's file version to see the update history it periodically loads and the loading symbol pops up, however, then the symbol disappears and the screen remains with the faint white tint. Of which it usually gets when the change log is present and in this case it is not actually present. I have to go back or refresh the page to get out of it.


Also, could you please add flashing to the text bar (or cursor) when typing (Example: after moving my cursor by clicking with my mouse elsewhere in the typing fied). It's frustrating for me having to write anything out because I can't see where my cursor is unless I move it. I often end up having to use the directional arrows to find where my cursor is aswell, which doesn't help with the problems I already have with typing, (My hands are too big for conventional keyboards) which leads to many grammatical and spelling mistakes, that waste my time.

Edited by PlanetSlayer
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Just in case this has not already been noted, when going to the search tool and typing in a search query, choosing the "most downloaded" filter does not appear to give an accurate list. The order is relatively close but not exactly in the order of most downloaded.


Just thought that I would point that out in case it hasnt already been mentioned^^.


(this is using chrome)



Edited by Natterforme
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