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[ABANDONED MOD "Planting Plus"] Looking for Update!


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The fabulous Mod "Planting Plus" seems to have been abandoned by the Mod author bkeyes93 for now, and could use some fixes. Modification permission has been granted.


Maybe someone out there can fix some of the bugs. Thank you!



Pretty sure you have to post Proof of Permission, such as screenshots of the chat, or email etc.


It does say right on the mod page that: "You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator".


Looking through the posts, to see if maybe the mod author left a link to GitHub, I read this: "Unfortunately the issue of not being able to hit things (ex. mobs, trees) is still randomly occurring. Disabling this mod fixes the issue, which is a bummer because this is such a great mod. Hopefully the creator will have this issue fixed in an update. "


I'd run into this problem using this mod. I never figured out what caused it. If it is this mod, it could be hard to find the problem, as it only seems to occur after you play about an hour.


I don't see a link to the source. Without that, it is a bit harder to make a copy of the mod. I don't have the time right now, but maybe someone else will look into this. Nice mod. I liked it.

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Well you can still use it, partially,

pant anything you need and then remove the mod

mushrooms dandelion etc they will still respawn and grow after you harvest them, but in vanilla times

That works on plants, but if you'll have "tree-farms" you can't replant birch, oak or swamp tree, without the mod. This is the only mod with seeds for those trees. So the Tree Respawner will not auto-replant these trees without the seed existing in the game.

I wish that this mod could get integrated with "Plant Mod" by @aedenthorn.

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