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.zip/.rar preview


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(or other similar extensions like 7zip, for example).




Right now, If I'm not sure that a modder structured the mod folders correctly, I first have to download it manually instead of going straight to "download with manager".


Would it be possible to get a "preview" of the mod folder structure directly from the mod sub-page? For example, you could place a "preview" small button in the "files" section of the mod, right next to the mod title. It would come handy, especially with very large mods.


Sorry if it has already been suggested :smile:

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You can see what is in a mod's archive fairly easily. Although it isn't done from inside NMM, you can use NMM to get you to where you need to be.


In NMM at the top there is a folder icon. If you click the little down arrow beside it, you will get the following options:

Open Game Folder

Open NMM's Mod Folder

Open NMM's Install Info Folder


If you select Open NMM's Mod Folder, Window's Explorer will open directly at the download location. Simply find the file and preview it as you normally would.

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I like the idea of being able to see what is in a file archive/how it's structured before you download a file. It's a good idea, and I'll add it to the list, but it probably won't see the light of day for quite some time as the to-do list is rather long at the moment.

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Thanks for the feedback on the idea I posted :).


Thanks for the tip, Ishara, but in order to see the file, you first have to download it anyway: what I suggest is that Nexus offers the possibility of instantly "fetching" the zip/rar/whatever data directly from the mod sub-page on Nexus itself through (possibly) a button so that we can visualize its contents (how the modder structured the folders, contents etc.) even before we download it.


Now, of course, in the age of broadband, even for non-premium subscribers, the vast majority of mods take little time to download...But would be useful anyway if you can manage to sneak in such a feature among other, more important additions.


And by the way, thanks for your "clock" mod, Ishara. Very handy, I always use it :)

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