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Interview with Edge magazine


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Back in January when I blogged about money and running these sites a lot of people expressed an interest in what I’d written and surprise at how I ran things and how I think. This in turn surprised me; I didn’t think many people would be very interested, it’s only me. Similarly a few online publications got in contact to set up interviews with me on the topic, something I’m more than happy to oblige with. While I only ended up doing one interview as the interest seemed to die down the results have been summarized, quite heavily, in to an article on the Edge magazine website.


I’m an extremely opinionated person and very happy to be extremely open and candid both online and offline with how I express myself. I’m always really happy to be myself and tell people exactly what I think irrespective of whether I’m right or wrong or broaching difficult and controversial subjects, because I hate insincerity. As far as I’m concerned you should say what you mean and mean what you say, while trying to remain respectful. It doesn’t always work out like that, but hey, I try. I don’t want the image of me to be some corporate bigwig who only says things that I think will appease others and broaden my appeal to the masses, I want to be myself and if people don’t like that then so what!? We were never going to get along anyway. I’m not here to be everyone’s best friend, I’m here because I want to run a good modding community that really helps and supports modding. Sometimes the two don’t go hand-in-hand, and it wasn’t a particularly hard lesson for me to learn.


In the few interviews I’ve done they always start out formal; question, answer, question, answer and then just end up with us talking for a good hour or so about anything and everything under the sun to do with games. Mainly because I just cannot stick to one subject and have to go off on tangents as issues get raised (my teachers in school diagnosed me with “verbal diarrhea”). This interview was no exception, and I enjoyed it just for the great chat. And I’m always open to do more.


A couple of years ago I ran a little fun night with the Amnesia: The Dark Descent demo on Mumble. Around 30 of us got in to the voice comms and played through the demo together while having a good chat and laugh together. It had a nice sense of community to it and I know the people who took part enjoyed it. It also gave members a chance to chat to me openly and ask me questions which I answered back freely. I’d like to start up something similar, but honestly, time just isn’t on my side these days. It’s not the turning up that’s the problem, it’s the organising it. I’ll try my best to get something like this done soon, and if you have any ideas on what we can do, fire away.


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Read the article of Edge Magazine. Didn't even know about Valve's modding structure.

It's nice that the Nexus Sites favour the exchange of ideas, concepts and offering the helping hand to starting modders above making money. That's probably the solid base that helps the Nexus Community grow and evolve.

Must be a hassle to keep everything streamlined, so the end-users do not experience lag or unplanned downtime. Mind you, the time, money and effort that is put into maintaining the sites is greatly appreciated.

Now if you'd consider creating another way -besides PayPal- for members to go Premium, I'd be more than happy to make the upgrade. (It's really PayPal that makes me refrain from doing so.)

Most of my Internet payments I do through iDeal -just a thought.

Thanks for keeping the wheels turning.


EDIT: (27-05-2013 / dd-mm-yy) when attempting to Go Premium, the only payable way for me -personally- (Dutchman) was PayPal. Decided it was time and created an account.

Edited by Alehazar
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Congrats. I'm sure it's a wonderful feeling to get recognized (as you should). The innovations made here to the modding community made developers actually consider us as an organized and even professional hobby. All of this without posing a risk to the revenue game developers themselves.


Only benefits can come from here :3 Free content <3

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Well its official. The Nexus has achieved Ancient Rome status! Dark0ne is Emperor and we are Legion! All hail the Modded Empire! XD


(But you can serve the Stormcloaks if you want^^.)



Edited by Natterforme
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How about introducing a donate button on the otherwise useless free space? For sure a site like this has a lot of things to pay for, let alone the thousands of downloads and almost permanent support. May sound strange from a member who even isn't a premium member - there are reasons for it, I don't agree with some of the policies applied here. Doesn't mean I wouldn't support it, at least half of my mods come from here, using this servers and hd-requests.
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Congrats! As I have watched Nexus develop I have admired your business ethnics. It truly is hard to hold on to in this ever-so-quick changing world. Thanks for watching out for the modders.
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I've always loved the way you've managed The Nexus sites. I would say that about 90% of all the mods I've ever used come from them (even on my other lost account). It's just so fantastic to me that people with great skills like you all, have come together to be part of something much bigger than any one individual. You really have in many ways truly saved me from myself.


I won't lie and say that I ever really contribute back, my talents are just not in the modding area (I am a writer). But wow you guys and gals just continue to astound me with your generosity, kindness, and willingness to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and motivate each other. Its really heartening to me on a deeply personal level. No other place I know of has this kind of atmosphere in such a large community.


So thanks once again for everything you and all the modders do.



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