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Who is your Fallout character?


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This is my current character Brooke, just about done with this particular game though as all quests virtually done and she's almost at level 30 now. So I guess a new character should be made soon !
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My main, Terzaerian, in his element atop the Tenpenny balcony. Most succinctly described as a \"Raider with a game plan,\" Terzaerian is a veritable scourge of the wastes, not so much because of base, animal depravity as much as calculated callousness and boredom. His affectations of raiderly garb has not, however, much endeared him to them, as much as apparently earning him their undying enmity. Unphased, he still just as gladly returns the sentiments to them.



Pushed into the unforgiving wastes at the \"tender\" age of 18 or so, he was decidedly unprepared for life in the Wasteland.



Though rebellious, he was also a bit naive, and soon learned by many hard knocks the art of survival in the wastes. Where others might have concentrated on getting the best weapons or most effective armor possible, Terzaerian knew, from years spent tinkering with gadgets and hacking computers in the vault, that even the best equipment is prone to failure even in the best conditions. As such, he focused his efforts on building a strong team instead.


Jericho was one of his first recruits. Lured by promises of piles of caps and the use of a custom-made suit of armor which Terzaerian assured him would be almost on par with Power Armor in effectiveness, the old raider reluctantly signed on.



Encountering Sydney in the ruins of the National Archives, Terzaerian took an immediate liking to the scrappy treasure hunter, and upon handing off a very important document to Abraham Washington, he managed to remember to split the commission, and immediately asked her to join him, instead of retiring, and she took the offer. Her handiness with an SMG at close quarters perfectly complimented his focus on long-range combat, and soon it was rare that Terzaerian would leave home without Sydney backing him up.



Terzaerian chose to do away with certain scrap-metal municipalities; it wasn\'t anything personal as much as political. This dirty deed catapulted him into the high society of the tower, which required the punkish waster to sometimes get cleaned up a bit.



The easy life didn\'t dull Terzaerian\'s appetite for danger or intrigue. Mr. Crowley sent the young adventurer on a spree that ended in a legendary double-cross; the ghoul was found, freshly beheaded, in the middle of Underworld in the middle of the day. Whoever had dispatched him had somehow managed to do so unnoticed by the throngs moving through the area.



Terzaerian was not without a heart, though - when it suited him. Either pity at Cherry\'s plight, annoyance at Dukov\'s insults, or both, inspired him to lead the woman to safety in Rivet City.



Though saved by Sydney\'s Ultra Bullet Hose on many occasions, sometimes the efficacy of her weapon was prone to mishaps.



Taking advantage of the \"deal\" offered by one ferryman Tobar, the enterprising Terzaerian decided to make the journey to Point Lookout.



There, however, the trickster was himself tricked, and left with a head wound and headache that left him particularly incensed.



After helping liberate the ferry boat, Terzaerian returned to the wasteland with a grand party of fellow adventurers, and took up big game hunting.


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Sayaka, level 29 very evil (according to the game's sense of right and wrong).


So far, she has: defused the megaton nuke, found a new transmitter for 3 Dog, blown up raven rock, depopulated AAFB, blown up the citadel, sided with Wernher in the Pitt Quest, killed Wernher, killed every Outcast during the Operation Anchorage quest except McGraw (who was friendly) and Olin (who was killed by Sibley), murdered water beggars, freed the slaves and massacred the slavers, saved big town, befriended the kids in little lamplight, rampaged through Tenpenny tower with a horde of ghouls and gave the capital wasteland pure water.


Future plans include: killing 3 Dog, double-crossing Crowley, visiting Point Lookout and getting Abducted.










Cali (NSFW): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1266053253.jpg

Yes, she's a skinhead. Nothing sexier. ;)










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Here is Khan with his little helpers on the balcony of Khan's Kastle fka Tenpenny Tower




he doesn't care much about good or evil - it's survival, and when it comes to that, it's better you than him!

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The deed, it is done .....




Three Dog lost the Good Fight.


A glorious feeling to finally silence that loud, pretentious racial stereotype safe in his building while posing as a do-gooder helping the wasteland.


The Knights outside put up a fight at least. And the ones in the Foyer.


Yet did the Dawg have a word to say about the person who killed everyone in his building and nuked the Citadel?


Nope. Wasn't even hostile.


When attacked, he runs away. No surprise then that he cowers away from the world in the GNR building. Good riddance ....


EDIT: I might as well show off my original male character too.


Alexander, level 30 Messiah.


Has done basically everything the game has to offer. Where there were 2 choices, he did the opposite of my female character, ie nuked megaton, bombed the mobile base crawler, etc.








Modded Japanese power armour:



Has gone through loads of companions: Clover, Charon, Fawkes, Cross, Lucy West, Sydney.




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