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Cloudflare ban - contact administrator

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I hope this is the right place to post this, if not I apologize and request someone to move this thread to the right forum / sub-forum.


I was trying to edit my signature and after trying to save it, I was greeted with a block message from Cloudflare. Before that, I had to frequently complete a few CAPTCAs as well. My PC is clean, it doesn't have any viruses, malware etc. Now, how do I contact the website administrator and solve this issue? I can provide the Ray ID via private message.


Also, can someone please tell me in detail on how to attach an image to a signature, without uploading it to a third party site first?


Thank you.

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Are you using a VPN?
It's possible that Cloudflare has blocked the IP of a certain region you're using, I know I've run into that sort of thing, usually when someone uses a VPN to do a DDOS attack on a site, Cloudflare willban that specific IP address, so I have to switch to a new one

So, if you use a VPN, try a different region

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I was not using any VPN. I was quite active on the site though as I kept checking out new mods and downloading the ones I liked. Could that be mistaken as a DDOS attack? Cloudflare says to contact the owner of the website. I was trying to include an embedded code from Imgur in my signature before getting blocked.

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I was not using any VPN. I was quite active on the site though as I kept checking out new mods and downloading the ones I liked. Could that be mistaken as a DDOS attack? Cloudflare says to contact the owner of the website. I was trying to include an embedded code from Imgur in my signature before getting blocked.



OK, was just curious, and trying other avenues, because I have had it happen using a VPN, just trying to rule out things :)

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Can anyone help me lift that Cloudflare ban? It says to contact the site owner. I would appreciate it if the owner or a mod who can help, sends me a message or reply to this post. I can provide the Ray ID and the IP address via private message.

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I got that once. False positive. If you were really banned, how would you be able to post here?

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