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Stuck in Combat


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I have this problem constantly. There will be red dots on the compass but no enemies whatsoever. Right now it's killing me in Blackreach, because as long as there's any hostile anywhere in this 10 square mile area, I can't mine, wait, etc. This is a fundamental flaw that a game should never have shipped with to begin with, with so many simple solutions on the coding side. Many RPGs have this problem, including WoW. Your'e barricaded in a safe room with the door locked, but you can't rest because somewhere on the other side of this dungeon through 17 layers of walls there's some creature. Seriously? Especially in an RPG where you're in a party. You've really never heard of posting a guard or watch? Maybe you should understand fundamental tactics before developing a game. Anyway, now I will have to clear every single last enemy out of the entire Blackreach area before I can so much as mine some ore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What happens if you go through a loading screen? In my case, that resets the enemy hostility.


However that's just a solution for the symptoms.

Because there's somewhere a npc in our memories, which still stucks in combat, we get this issue.


Has anyone found a permanent solution?

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  • 2 years later...

The console command to get out of being "stuck" in combat:




(Console commands are NOT case sensitive, but I included uppercase letters to make the command easier to parse.)


This works for cases like the original post of not being able to fast travel, mine minerals, use an enchanting table, etc. even though there is no creature around, and changing cells does not correct it. You are getting a message that says something to the effect of "You cannot [do this] while in combat."


This console command will not correct the problem if there is actually a creature present and you just haven't found it yet (i.e. slaughterfish under water).

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