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Fonts Missing


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I'm having a bit of a problem with SSE in Vortex. When I load Vortex for SSE, I get a message popping up saying 'Fonts Missing'. If I click on it, I get a message that says, "Fonts referenced in fontconfig.txt don't seem to be installed"... and then it references a file path to a .swf file (data\interface\mycustomfont.swf). It doesn't seem to be affecting game play at all but I would like to get rid of the ominous looking red warning that pops up every time I load up the SSE page in Vortex. There's no 'dismiss' option on the warning... just 'more' and 'check again'.


I've never had a problem like this before. I did start using a different mod for a font in SSE but I've done that several times previously and never had this issue. I thought about re-installing Vortex but I'm not sure if I'll lose all of my SSE/FO4 mods, tools, etc if I do.

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Guest deleted34304850

reinstalling vortex isn't a viable solution. vortex is a mod manager, nothing more. you could reinstall it a dozen times, it won't make any difference to your problem.


without knowing what mods you've installed, or how they are installed heres what i'd suggest;


establish what mod or mods have you installed that add or change fonts, and ensure those mods are installed correctly - the error message indicates that there's something amiss with the fonts you're trying to install. are there dependencies you're missing? are there other requirements? are those requirements met? have you read the mod pages to see if other people have had the same/similar issue and see how they overcame the problem.


I would then try to reinstall the mod - see if that makes a difference.


if a reinstall of the mod doesn't make a difference - look to remove the mod (this is going to require you to start a new game) and make sure the game works as expected.


reinstalling vortex is just going to waste your time.

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I'm having a bit of a problem with SSE in Vortex. When I load Vortex for SSE, I get a message popping up saying 'Fonts Missing'. If I click on it, I get a message that says, "Fonts referenced in fontconfig.txt don't seem to be installed"... and then it references a file path to a .swf file (data\interface\mycustomfont.swf). It doesn't seem to be affecting game play at all but I would like to get rid of the ominous looking red warning that pops up every time I load up the SSE page in Vortex. There's no 'dismiss' option on the warning... just 'more' and 'check again'.


I've never had a problem like this before. I did start using a different mod for a font in SSE but I've done that several times previously and never had this issue. I thought about re-installing Vortex but I'm not sure if I'll lose all of my SSE/FO4 mods, tools, etc if I do.



Well, according to the message, your problem is with some mod that adds custom fonts, and says that your problem is that you don't have a font that mycustomfonts.swf needs.


Reinstalling Vortex wouldn't fix that.


So, what Mods does this?


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I removed the Vulture Font Overhaul and replaced it with the Thieves Games Font Replacer. Both fonts work well... I just felt like I wanted a change for my new play through. Thing is... I looked at the file contents for the Vulture Font and the .swf file being referenced isn't actually in there so I'm not sure why I'm getting this message. Again... everything seems to be working but I want to get that red warning tab off of the Vortex SSE page and I'm not exactly sure what steps to take.

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Guest deleted34304850

on the thief's games font replacer mod page there is a link to the download of the file. if i preview the file contents it tells me that the contents cannot be seen at this time.

however, there is an older version of that mod and if i preview the file contents for the older version, i can see files present in the mod, including mycustomfonts.swf.


so, i would suggest you pull down the older version of that mod - install it, replacing the newer version and see if that resolves the red box you're getting?

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Thanks... I never actually thought to check the older version of the Thief Games mod. I'll have a look and if that is in fact the case, I'll leave a note on the mod page to let the author know about it. Fingers crossed...


edit: I couldn't actually find the mycustomfont.swf on the old file. I actually extracted the new one on my desktop and it's not in there either. Just to make sure we're looking at the same thing... here's a link to the page.



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Guest deleted34304850

yes thats the file i was looking at.

in the 0.2 file i cannot see the file contents - i don't know if thats a website issue or an issue with the mod.

i the older 0.1 file i can preview the file contents and see the .swf files. but yes - now i check again this morning the mycustomfont.swf isn't there.

i would suggest this mod is either missing files, or is not packaged correctly. what vortex is telling you is entirely correct so this isn't a vortex issue.

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Here's the problem with the mod

The Contents of the first zip is (I used download, OPEN) in order to view the contents of the package







now, the fontconfig.txt contains

fontlib "Interface\fonts_console.swf"
fontlib "Interface\fonts_en.swf"
fontlib "Interface\mycustomfont.swf"
fontlib "Interface\myfont.swf"
fontlib "Interface\myfontbold.swf"
fontlib "Interface\carleton.swf"
fontlib "Interface\carletonmed.swf"
fontlib "Interface\carletonbold.swf"
fontlib "Interface\dauphinn.swf"
map "$ConsoleFont" = "carleton" Normal
map "$StartMenuFont" = "myfont" Normal
map "$DialogueFont" = "dauphinn" Normal
map "$EverywhereFont" = "carleton" Normal
map "$EverywhereBoldFont" = "carletonbold" Normal
map "$EverywhereMediumFont" = "carletonbold" Normal
map "$DragonFont" = "Dragon_script" Normal
map "$SkyrimBooks" = "dauphinn" Normal
map "$HandwrittenFont" = "myfont" Normal
map "$HandwrittenBold" = "myfontbold" Normal
map "$FalmerFont" = "Falmer" Normal
map "$DwemerFont" = "Dwemer" Normal
map "$DaedricFont" = "Daedric" Normal
map "$MageScriptFont" = "Mage Script" Normal
map "$SkyrimSymbolsFont" = "SkyrimSymbols" Normal
map "$SkyrimBooks_UnreadableFont" = "SkyrimBooks_Unreadable" Normal
validNameChars "`1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*():_+QWERTYUIOP[]ASDFGHJKL;'ZXCVBNM,./qwertyuiop{}\\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm<>?|¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«®¯°²³´¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÄÀÁÂÃÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþ ÿ "
Now, I don't know WHERE the other fonts, "fonts_en.swf", "mycustomfont.swf", and "fonts_console.swf" are, or WHERE they're supposed to come from, but they are NOT included in this mod, and the Mod author needs to state where to find them (If they can be legally used, they might be "borrowed" from Thief if you have it installed maybe, and the author isn't mentioning that for TOS reasons)
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