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Race menu presets not showing


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presets need to be in your racemenu folder, which has an skse folder. Dl manually,open on desktop and place into racemenu/skse folders



The proper folder structure is


Data ----> SKSE ----> Plugins ----> CharGen ----> Presets ----> Jslot files


Racemenu doesn't install to a racemenu folder, it installs to SKSE\Plugins.

And the Presets go to SKSE\Plugins\Chargen\Presets\

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I discovered something that might help:


1. Manually download the preset.

2. Extract the folder in a custom folder on your desktop.

3. Paste the "presetname".slot under Data\SKSE\Plugins\CharGen\Presets

4. If the preset folder contains "preset".dds and "preset".nif then you need to paste them under Data\SKSE\Plugins\CharGen


This method allows you to use the preset without the mod counting as a mod on your mod manager. You do not need the esp file, the preset will work and be available without "installing" the mod.


If you want your character to look exactly the same as the preset downloaded, make sure you have the required and recommended mods (Hair, eyes, skin, etc). indicated on that mod page.


If you use the preset remember to credit the Author!


Hope this helps.

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