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Turn off BOSS auto-sorting?


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Is there a way to stop BOSS from auto-sorting mods? I do not appreciate BOSS completely obliterating my stable load order and i'd love to know if i can stop it. However, I do like how BOSS notifies you of errors and such with mods so i'm kind of stuck with what i should do. So, is there a way?

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No there is no way to stop it from auto sorting your mods, if you could there really would be no point in using it. I find that the majority of the time, BOSS gets it right a lot of the time. Out of the 213 mods I run only 20 of them are unknown mods so are, by default, loaded last so those are the only ones I have to manually sort.


Edit: Ok never mind I guess there is a way, however the rest of my comment still stands. lol

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Another option to help combat the auto-sorting, especially with those mods it claims as unknown, would be to set up user rules. User rules can also be used to override the pre-set positioning of known mods. User rules can be created and edited by using the GUI version of BOSS.


I find that using the trial run is good when you've got a stable order and you want to see where something new might be placed or if you want to see what errors, warnings or notes might accompany any one particular mod. User rules on the other hand allow you to force BOSS to sort according to your specific desires for your specific needs in your specific setup.

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