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A lot of the playstation exclusives are either in their 10th game (like God of War or Uncharted) or have gone multiplatform like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, and the Souls Series (in the case of Demons Souls switching to Dark Souls and going multiplatform) another great exclusive Resistance (by Insomnisc) discontinued unfortunately.
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You know, at this point, I can honestly say, I have no idea what Microsoft is even doing anymore. First they did a launch that was as bad as the PS3 was, if anyone remembers, that travesty to sensibility. Then after a huge public outcry, they decide to go completely in reverse, which basically turned it back into the Xbox 360. Then some people thought it was a good idea to complain about it, so they can bring all those features back, as long as they get the Family Sharing, the Digital Downloads, and so on and so forth. Then Microsoft goes ahead and brings it all back with some changes to the system, meanwhile, Sony at the same time, has not had to do a single blasted thing, at all. I'm actually wondering now, if that was Microsoft's fault, the public's, or what. Because the way Microsoft has been handling this whole situation is, absolutely terrible, they fundamentally look like, gutless turnabouts. Nevertheless they keep doing whatever, it is, someone is gripping about in a weird Public Relations Display to save sales, this would not have happened in my opinion; had Microsoft, had, any notion whatsoever of what their consumers wanted in a Gaming Console to begin with. If I am totally honest, I don't recollect anyone, ever even, asking for the things they shoved into it. :yucky:


This is the exact reason I got out of the Console Market a long time ago. :sick:

Edited by Hardwaremaster
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one of two things is happening here:


1) Microsoft is changing so much so close to launch, that the console they ship out is going to be just as bad or worse then RROD. if they really have to rewrite code and such to take out all the policies and checks and balances, then the code you get near launch is going to be worse then Bethesda Code. its going to be buggy and crashy, faulty, and might not even work on some consoles. they could be shipping bricks.


2) changing all those policies and checks only takes a simple line or two of code to turn it on or off, like Reming (#) it out. and in such case, its not really hindering production much. but this means that as easily as they are turning it off, they can turn it back on in a simple update.

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I say ratchet is the Only platform rpg that still is relevant in this day in age, they had nearly 10 years with the exclusives, and they are struggling to keep it up to date even now.. That's what you get when you have a 10 year console life span, its not really good for your exclusive titles if they get washed down in that 10 year life cycle. Ratchet and clank so far is the only one that kept true to its original story and continues to expand even though its been nearly 20 years in the making.

Edited by Thor.
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I say ratchet is the Only platform rpg that still is relevant in this day in age, they had nearly 10 years with the exclusives, and they are struggling to keep it up to date even now.. That's what you get when you have a 10 year console life span, its not really good for your exclusive titles if they get washed down in that 10 year life cycle. Ratchet and clank so far is the only one that kept true to its original story and continues to expand even though its been nearly 12 years in the making.

fixed it for you. your number was a little off

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You know, at this point, I can honestly say, I have no idea what Microsoft is even doing anymore. First they did a launch that was as bad as the PS3 was, if anyone remembers, that travesty to sensibility. Then after a huge public outcry, they decide to go completely in reverse, which basically turned it back into the Xbox 360. Then some people thought it was a good idea to complain about it, so they can bring all those features back, as long as they get the Family Sharing, the Digital Downloads, and so on and so forth. Then Microsoft goes ahead and brings it all back with some changes to the system, meanwhile, Sony at the same time, has not had to do a single blasted thing, at all. I'm actually wondering now, if that was Microsoft's fault, the public's, or what. Because the way Microsoft has been handling this whole situation is, absolutely terrible, they fundamentally look like, gutless turnabouts. Nevertheless they keep doing whatever, it is, someone is gripping about in a weird Public Relations Display to save sales, this would not have happened in my opinion; had Microsoft, had, any notion whatsoever of what their consumers wanted in a Gaming Console to begin with. If I am totally honest, I don't recollect anyone, ever even, asking for the things they shoved into it. :yucky:


This is the exact reason I got out of the Console Market a long time ago. :sick:


The company is a shambles, this is just the latest screw up, it comes after Windows 8, teaming up with a failing Nokia, the disaster that was MS Surface, the Kin and lord only knows what else. I'm struggling to think of anything they've got right in the last few years.

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Windows 7 was there last best operating system sense Bill Gates left the scene. Ever sense then it went down hill, trends show it.

Edited by Thor.
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The company is in shambles, this is just the latest screw up, it comes after Windows 8, teaming up with a failing Nokia, the disaster that was MS Surface, the Kin and lord only knows what else. I'm struggling to think of anything they've got right in the last few years.

( I present you with the following list: Link. )


I'm right with you. I can't think of anything they've done right in the last few years either. When the Xbone launches it may become the next Dreamcast if everything continues to follow the trends. Most people I know have no confidence left in Microsoft products, with some even heading to competitors like Apple, Linux, etc.


Windows 7 was there last best operating system sense Bill Gates left the scene. Ever sense then it went down hill, trends show it.


Yeah, don't even get me started on Windows 8, I have no idea what Microsoft was even attempting to do with that thing. It almost seemed as if they were trying to make a Tablet OS for the PC, by imitating a Android, then they decided what would be even better was to get rid of everything that made previous Windows good. I've also noticed Microsoft seems to rotate on quality, every time, they release a new edition of Windows: 95: Bad. 98: Good. ME: Bad. XP: Good. Vista: Bad. 7: Good. So it wasn't exactly doing well when here was there, but, there also wasn't as many problems in a as there is now. This article sums up only a fraction of what I feel is wrong with that amalgamation of computer parts: Link.

Who ever is currently running that company, now, really needs to get his stuff together. :pinch:

Edited by Hardwaremaster
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