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Lol the comments keep coming, its and lol'ing all the way.

EPIC FAIL M$, Great you pissed of every gamer, i hope you're happy, even the ones supposedly loyal gamespot fans. Not anymore. :teehee:

I like the fact its real time, they just keep coming. 1600 negative so far. :teehee:

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From Forbes Magazine




I just keep thinking about the storms we had last summer where I didn't have electric or internet for a week, So I would have to deal with Microsoft after something like that and not be able to use the machine I paid $400 for until they said? Or if I happened to have a generator...I wouldn't be able to play because no internet still.


Nice...and the part in this article about the soldiers...many who take these machines overseas and on tour to break the sheer bordeum and whatever of being deployed...well I guess that is a big middle finger to them also.


Windows 8....this....is Microsoft just trying to destroy PC and gaming completely?

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Windows 8 isn't the big issue at the moment, the vcr one is. I am also betting their shares will drop dramatically as people get so angry they will try to boycott MS all together. That and also one less windows 8 sale, reputation sells you know >:( .

Shareholders included


Again one xbox one sale is possible windows 8 sale. They better smarten up, if they ever want to be successful in anyway.

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It seems that Microsoft is on its last legs and is plummeting down to Earth. What I don't understand is why they try to ward off people's complaints instead of fixing them: you know, like how they "fix" the problem by adding something else that no one likes either.

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Again this article makes it clear Sony is listening very closely to gamer complaints.




that means nothing so a sony executive tweeted back "I love passionate #PlayStation Fans!!" when fans tweet him they hate drm. that shows absolutely nothing in my book.


so sony says the ps4 isnt always online, guess what so does MS about the X1....


and sony still hasn't been very clear on used game issue too. so sony said the ps4 can play used disks..... so can the X1. many are starting to believe both console will leave fees and verification checks up to publishers.



either way both sony and MS will have to answer a lot of questions in E3

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Psn is free, and i don't think they will change that infrastructure any time soon, except Gaiki and facebook integration and a other add ons. If anything it will be the same network. Or fans will not buy it.


Thats what made the ps3 stand out from the xbox 360, the community and the free online. Very mature community, none of that screaming 10 year old stuff, never came across that in any game I've played over the past 7 years.

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Psn is free, and i don't think they will change that infrastructure any time soon, except Gaiki and facebook integration and a other add ons. If anything it will be the same network. Or fans will not buy it.

i wouldnt buy the PS4 if i had to pay for PSN. i do pay for PS+, but that my choice. if i HAD to pay for PSN i most likely wouldnt get the PS4.


As of right now i am on board for getting a PS4. if however they so implement some sort of Used Game check, wherein used games become a hassle or whatever, that alone would be enough for me to pass on the PS4. Im not sure how id handle an online DRM check. i dont like that idea at all. however, for me personally, it really wouldnt be an issue. if i dont have internet, i probably dont have power. if the check only takes a minute at the startup of the system, then id probably be fine with it. as it is, i usually have to download some System Update or Game Update whenever i startup the system or game anyways lol. my dislike of the DRM probably wouldnt be enough to deter me from buying the system


all that said, i play my PS3 less and less all the time now that i have a dedicated gaming PC. i have Several games that i own that i havent even played yet. I have Several more games that I own that i really want to go back and play/finish/replay/etc. and there are several more games on top of all that that i dont even own that i want. If the PS4 ends up not being something Id want, then id just keep my Ps3 to eventually play all those aforementioned games. and considering im still on a 1st gen Ps3, the day might come where i have to buy a new Ps3. that is assuming i didnt buy a PS4.


tl;dr: im waiting on E3 and further information before i decide 100% on if im getting a PS4 or not this holiday season (or soon thereafter)



Thats what made the ps3 stand out from the xbox 360, the community and the free online. Very mature community, none of that screaming 10 year old stuff, never came across that in any game I've played over the past 7 years.

then you are either extremely lucky or deaf. im not a huge online gamer honestly, but in the few games ive played online, ive heard my fair share of "10 year olds" (whether they were or were just imbeciles). mostly in BF:BC2 and in the little bit i played Blops2. but ive also gotten many nasty emails in Demons Souls and Dark Souls (there is no chatting in those games, but ill count emails instead (which ive gotten in the other games as well lol)). basically its any game where there is some form of PvP. where d**k measuring is whats important. stuff like that doesnt happen in Borderlands or when i played Resistance 2 Coop. now the hate mail i got, or the annoying "10 year olds" i heard might not have been to the stereotypical level of the Xbox (360) but they were all definitely there.

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I guess i was lucky, what games have you played with the yelling and screaming of Children, i could see it in Little big Planet, but games Like Borderlands, gt5, and other fps i have come across none. if not there is that mute button and report grief option. Or simply block them.


I found some comments from the ceo from Sony :biggrin: if its legit is the other question



Even he's mocking it, now that tells you something.

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