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Xbox Reveal


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Microsoft are just plain idiots and do isn't anyone buying into it. I'm sorry.


I'm not fully on board with the PS4 but this is their chance to not f*#@ up.

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They have way too much confidence in their stupid console, they might sell millions, but not billions, and they certainly will never be able to compete against Sony if Sony doesn't do anything stupid either. Sony already OWNED MS with all this bad pr and DRM crap.

That confidence will hurt them big time, its not good to alienate your fan base, even if it still sells.


10 million max i predict.


Lol i am starting to doubt they will even break 3 million lol :rolleyes:

Edited by Thor.
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I don't know where this confidence comes from, PS3 total sales have passed the 360s leaving them last this generation, this despite the PS3 coming a year later with a disastrous launch and terrible early sales.

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Realistically speaking whatever Sony does console-wise should always outsell whatever Microsoft does as the Asian markets are so massively skewed towards Asian produce, along with most PAL territories, especially in the video games sector. Microsoft mostly focus on western territories, while the PS2, for example, sold 33 million units, or a fifth of total sales, in territories other than the US, Europe and Japan. Sony have always had the better distribution channels which is why this current generation was such a damage-limitation flop for them.

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I am Comparing the new Xbox one to the psvita, if its not Going to have a Welcoming starter package its going to fail as much as the Psvita did at launch, even though the console is a great system, it just never caught on do to the over priced features and memory cards. The new prices for the new Xbox one may have that same issue with the 15$ a month instead of a 60$ fee which is more by the way then the current price. i can see it fail is hard as the vita did, now that there is more games for it, they are selling better than it has.


What i am trying to say i can see the same scenario


its been proven, it the gamers are upset it simply won't sell, although the vita is a good system its the memory cards that is the big killer. 100$ a piece is kind of ridiculous.

Not to mention the drm and bad pr already.

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@ Dark0ne This is where being a genuine hardware manufacturer comes in, the distribution infrastructure is already in place. The skew towards Sony is only going to get worse as the new TV features don't work outside of the U.S, why would anyone outside of the U.S opt for the Xbox when the feature they've centred the console on doesn't work in your region? they say they'll roll in it globally over time but can anyone see the likes of Sky and Virginmedia handing over their encryption keys to Microsoft?


I think Microsoft are repeating the mistake Sony made with the PS3, gaming wasn't the main focus during PS3 development, getting Blu Ray players in to peoples homes and to a lesser extent getting a foothold in the CPU market with the awful Cell was what they focused on, they didn't even bother customising the GPU and instead threw a standard PC GPU in there.

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Well, Sky was on the XBox 360. It wasn't a direct hookup but used their internet TV service instead. Was still very good irrespective as it allowed me to watch Football on my 360 in my room while the house mates were downstairs watching a film all from the same, single, Sky subscription.


Either way, I'm not quite sure what all the hoo-har is about Sony at the moment. Actions speak louder than words, so it's much better to hold your tongue and pass judgement when the hardware is actually released rather than get swept up with all the PR bullshit.


To me, Microsoft's motives seem obvious. Focus on appeasing the game developers and publishers with money back on rentals/re-sales and DRM and hope that you can nab some massive exclusives due to your publisher, rather than consumer, focused ploy. You get the massive exclusives, you get the customers irrespective of how utterly shite your hardware is. Very risky play, but something tells me they wouldn't be doing it unless they had an ace up their sleeve. LoL, just jk, they're retards running in like John Wayne at a turkey shoot :)

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A closed online system like XBL is easy to secure for Sky, over the air is a whole different ballgame. On Digital was killed by hackers getting its keys, I doubt Sky would chance suffering the same fate. The rumour at the time was that Sky did it, that was dismissed as a conspiracy theory.... until yesterday http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2013/jun/07/news-corp-subsidiary-nds-claim

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I don't think it would go to well here in Canada, with big two fighting over exclusivity, same thing happened with the Psvita and 3g here, they simply couldn't find a provider. :down:


Especially they rather stick with their own pvr's, why have the competition.


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YAY Witcher 3 on the ps4 release date. So going to pre order it, also going to be broke this year to :facepalm:



and thief 4

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