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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24730444. #24730534, #24730614, #24731084 are all replies on the same post.

maybenexttime wrote:
phantompally76 wrote: They have a lot to answer for. Especially considering how smug and arrogant and condescending they were in responding to concerns about it.
maybenexttime wrote: Yep unfortunately, they were.
digitaltrucker wrote: Don't forget Midas Magic!

It will be a long time before things settle down again, and it never will really be the same :(

And Skyforge Shields/Weapons
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Now we must wait and watch, Fallout 4 is coming and so is the next TES game. They will try this again then, when the community is "new".


Also just because your not into Fallout keep in mind it WILL impact the next TES game, so it IS important to show your support then when they put up paid mods again.

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Im so glad skyrim has been spared this. But yes it may well return elsewhere...


For now though I think someone sensible started running the numbers and projecting the lost sales - which for a boycott of something like FO 4 would have been running in the tens of millions of dollars by now. Plus it was having a downturn effect on other games that use steam that have nothing to do with this at all. Imagine releasing your game on steam this week of all weeks?


Tripwire felt they had to say something about not allowing pay mods due to the imminent release of killing floor 2 (final version) so clearly other companies were feeling the effect of this potentially.


If they released 5 more games into paid mods this week (say Total War etc) how much bigger would the outcry and the $ numbers have become?


Hopefully something fair and workable will come about for modders that doesnt leave the playerbase with that dirty feeling that 'freemium', paid early access for a free-to-play game and endless nickel and diming has done before this.

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In response to post #24730444. #24730534, #24730614, #24731084, #24731159 are all replies on the same post.

maybenexttime wrote:
phantompally76 wrote: They have a lot to answer for. Especially considering how smug and arrogant and condescending they were in responding to concerns about it.
maybenexttime wrote: Yep unfortunately, they were.
digitaltrucker wrote: Don't forget Midas Magic!

It will be a long time before things settle down again, and it never will really be the same :(
guiaugu132 wrote: And Skyforge Shields/Weapons

I'm going to be a bigger man than to hold a grudge, but *snicker*
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Well, I didn't see a problem with paid mod content. I saw it not one bit different from a site such as Turbosquid or Daz3d. Not one bit different from any site where you buy 3d models. It's a trade, it's also a hobby and it's also a way to make a living. What I did see though that has made me decide to back off from modding for awhile, possibly forever was something much more appalling. I saw a bunch of posts and mods spring up that suggested mod authors didn't work hard on mods.


Titles such as "Give me Money for No Reason" and "Pay me for doing nothing" really caught me off guard. Developing a mod, 3d model, scripting, setting up esp files is an exceptionally tedious task. There is an abundant amount of work that is required to make mods. There is an abundant amount of learning that is required to make mods, from learning to use the available tools right down to understanding what a UV map is. I found many posts and those aforementioned mods quite belittling to modders and I'm sorry to say but that is what disgusted me. Not the pay system but the lack of appreciation being shown.


There was an abundant amount of work that went into developing the Creation Kit as well as setting up Skyrim so that it could be modded. There was an abundant amount of work that went into setting up a pay system on steam, setting up a workshop to support it. So much work went into the entire setup of Skyrim as well as the Creation Kit as well as the workshop as well as the mods that are developed for the game and it was all so very much under appreciated.


The paid mods would not have had any negative impact on the free modding community. There would have always been free mods. Mod authors would have had an additional option to also release paid mods but because of the many (mostly non-mod authors) thinking mod authors don't work hard, that Bethesda didn't work hard, that Steam didn't work hard, now we don't have that option. Mod author's have given so much for free and have never asked for anything in return. The one time we had a bone thrown our way and due to a lack of appreciation it was taken from us.


I'm sorry, but I've decided to pull down all of my mods while I think on this experience. I'm not quite decided as to how I feel about all that has happened. I suppose I just need some time to think and until I've come to a conclusion I won't feel comfortable providing support for my mods.


Best Regards.

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Issues and all this fully valid... people hiding their mods or removing them fully, at least modders resource, fully understandable. They want the resources and mods to remain free, and don't want people to 'borrow' it so they can profit on it.


I need money per sé.... but if I want to put a mod up for profit, then I'll make it on the workshop for a WHILE, then just drop it down here for free. Bit of a somewhat bad trick, but I'll see what I'll do. Now, back to work for me on WRATH OF THE LICH KING!

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Just got an e-mail from change.org stating that Valve & Bethesda have removed the paywall from Steam Workshop for Skyrim. The petition had 133,012 signatures & it seems Valve/Bethesda caved to the pressure from the overwhelming opposition of paid mods by the modding community as a whole. Just thought I'd update everyone. Peace.
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