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How can I export enabled/installed mods to a text file in their load order?


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I know you said you don't want a Collection, but if you could read the data that downloads to install a Collection it seems like it should contain every single piece of information you are looking for.

Found the rules and everything in the collection.json that is shipped with every collection. But that only applies to collections and it does not reflect any changes by the user. I still need the location for the load order (again NOT plugins), not for collections but at least for the currently active profile. I know that they are saved somewhere since Vortex pulls the rules and deploys according to them.

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In the Vortex 'Mods' tab, the settings gear has a checkbox available for 'Deploy Order'. When I display this on my Vortex, it shows both mods with and without plugins. Maybe that is the term you might search for, instead of load order when looking for help. Since load order is specific to plugins.

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I want to export a flat file of every enabled mod I have installed in their proper load orders. If this feature does not exist, surely there is some kind of Vortex data file I can read/parse to get the info?

You're looking for data in vortex that doesn't exist since there is no mods tab "load order" with any sort of priority index. MO2 is standalone in how it controls this via .txt file (to record said index) = it cannot be presented in a similar way - which is essentially why people here are pointing to cloned collections, bc it truly is the most efficient way for one user to record their exact set up for another to review/fix. I understand what you're trying to do in comparison to how MO community operates but as it stands, there is no parallel since vortex & MO are fundamentally too different (ideology isn't applicable).

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The rule sets aren't stored in any readable format that can be visually compared as a sequence.

I found these files in the Vortex-AppData-Folder (Screenshot) and it seems that there is stored what I'm looking for. But unfortunately they are in a unknown and unreadable type. Is there a way to convert them to a different format or to parse the data?

Edited by Cutleast
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