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  1. Past hour
  2. So I was looking through some Helgen mods to satisfy my modcraze, but given the real problems of modding Helgen, not too many mods would dare try the clusterCK that is Helgen. Not to mention, the oft-used method of installing / activating AFTER Helgen intro as Reborn/Rebuilt does it, makes it less attractive. But then I thought vanilla post-attack Helgen already have squatters (albeit bandits) and some functional vanilla cell interiors. And after reading UESP, I just learned why the exterior bandits are now not respawning (which for the longest time was my experience with Helgen until recently, and now apparently changed only as recent as USSEP 4.0.8, in order to standardise to the 'never reset' Helgen encounter zone). It'll be nice if new, civilian squatters can come in to re-populate Helgen, BUT WITHOUT the need for ANY NAVMESH or CELL structure changes to keep it simple. I'm not sure of the navmesh pathing, but it's squatters we're talking about here, we're not expecting a 8pm to 12pm inn crowd package. Idle markers for pickaxes, hammering, woodchop/woodpile pickups packages could make it look some semblance of repurposing/scavenging/rebuilding is happening, though for no real end result. These and furniture [bed/cooking] for subsequent civilian NPCs can even be activated using the vanilla parent enablers, while civilian NPCs can activate after the last bandit is dead (though given the complexity of Helgen, how this can be achieved beats me [as it's technically not a 'clearable' location, right?]). And rather than full-fledged blacksmiths/merchants/farmers; the squatters can be opportunistic hunters making camp inside, an item-&-gold-poor fence (but with a chance to sell scavenged Vilod's 'Mead with Juniper Berries'), scavenging beggars and vagrants, more appropriate for the place.
  3. Ans: They are actually there but currently invisible. At some stage in the future Bethesda had undoubtedly planned to release the secret code which would have unlocked the hitherto hidden content. The belief is that it was planned to occur on a certain anniversary of the game. However, now that it has been bought out by another firm this anniversary has become something of a discussion area since the said organisation clearly aren't sure whether or not they should subtract or add one year to the date to bring them in accord with what they think is the millennia. They currently have their best people working on so.... they may be some little time... In: How do frost pockets occur?
  4. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    I ban George for threatening behaviour thus: This incident occurred five hours ago so it might have been yesterday or not. I can't tell. But whatever. George is banned. Effective whenever it occurred - ie yesterday or today.
  5. Out: A recording of Kylie's 'I should be so lucky' signed Kylie, of course. In: A knitted sock for a mobile phone. This one is striped primrose yellow and buttercup yellow.
  6. hey can someone make a playable Krieg race mod? I wanna terrorize the wasteland as the best boi.
  7. Hi Gouhou. I know its been a while since your post. But did You ever find a fix for Your 509 plugin limit? Came across the same issue. Uninstalling another mod doesn t even seem to help. 


  8. this reminds me of a mod i wanted ever since i was a little boy. always dreamed of riding into battle on a armored snuffles the molerat. i dont see why ridable roaches would be a problem.
  9. Today
  10. also many of us had locked down thier game. I think the kind of folks that populate the Nexus FO4 forums either had thier game locked down or know how to rollback to old version. So we can afford to wait patiently for F4SE to be updated. In the meantime the Steam forums are blowing up with complaints and the same questions asked over and over again "How can I rollback" , "how can I prevent the update before i log on to internet" etc etc I tried to help over there but the few of us posting constructive guides just get drowned out in repetive complaint and Help cries over there so no one notices the useful posts which are 3 pages back within the hour.
  11. There's just something blocking me. Everything worked for a while yesterday But today it's the same problem again, and even worse. In general, how did I solve the whole problem yesterday? : Thanks to my friends, I told VPN to the PC itself, and turning it on, I was able to log into the vortex account through the Nexus website without any problems (I even managed to download one virus while I was looking for a VPN on the PC, this problem was fixed). I downloaded mods yesterday. Then it turned out that the downloaded VPN has limitations, I had to download mods via VPN in the browser. It's not scary, okay, everything worked. And that's the moment when I launch the game, I start a new game and "F4SE" is not downloaded to me (and I downloaded it) I thought, I think it's okay. It's okay, I'll check other ways. And now again, I can't log in to my account without a VPN, because I lost the time limited by the application yesterday. And now I don't know what to do again
  12. Hello Iam Ulli from Germany. Have a problem with all Fallout76 mods which using Fallou76Custom.ini. Especially for me the PerkLoadoutManager ! If I use the PLM in Fallout76 withe CustomFallout76.ini I get the complete Quest for Atlantic City in English Language although I set the game to german language! When I delete the Fallout76Custom.ini I get all in german but now I cant use any mod like PLM.
  13. sadly it did not. theres like 50 numbers in this file. do i just replace them all?
  14. NOTE: I posted about something similar earlier. This is different from that one. It was a request for someone (anyone) else to do it, but I change my mind and think I can do it myself. However, I do not know where to begin on a mod like this, so I need to ask for early steps. I want to make a mod that involves *an ability to rename crafted items at forges on the fly.*. Kind of like the rename option at an enchanting table. I really could do this at the enchanting table, yeah I know. But no, the thing I want to do is make unenchanted items fresh off the forge 'name-able'. There are already a few other mods that can do something(s) like that, however, they really require SKSE and SkyUI. That isn't something worth this hassle because I'm mostly an Xbox player, and thus those mods aren't possible there. (Yes, I plan on porting the mod to Xbox) Anyway, is it possible to make a mod that can let me rename items when they're crafted at a forge? And if so, does anyone know of some steps I should take? Thanks in advance.
  15. I like Vortex for the following reasons: File tracking and linking. Being able to open a mod page from my mod list and check for updates without opening the page. If i make changes to a file not only are those changes detected but i can incorporate those changes permanently without sacrificing the file tracking on the original. The Enabled/Disabled/Uninstalled/Never Installed category tagging makes building and testing a mod set very easy to keep track of. Multiple install profiles including save game swapping for each one make playing one install and modding another as simple as can be. If you add all of your working files(ones you are consistently editing) to the load order via zip.file, Vortex will track changes and ask you if you want to incorporate them effectively giving you an automatic restoration of backup by simply saying no. All other working files added via zip can be toggled on and off Purge Mods command will clear the data folder of everything Vortex added allowing me to find untracked loose files with ease. I don't allow Vortex to manage my load order though because as was stated it doesn't have enough info. Wrye Bash does it way better and I would be using it for the bashed patch anyway so i use it instead.
  16. It is indeed quite weird. Just pick some mod-added NPC, and establish what causes their black face - that is, which head part EditorID does not match a shape in their head .nif. Once you can establish it for one , it might be possible to determine while vanilla NPCs are not affected.
  17. Formal Warning Issued - SyntaxKomplex SyntaxKomplex has received a formal warning for violating our community rules. Reason spamming the same comment in a mod's posts tab "Can someone please tell me how to mp3 option works, I tried to add songs in the sounds folder but its not working can someone tell me how to use this feature? " From our ToS... "Do not spam. Do not post repeatedly. Do not post nonsense." Reference Below are links to where the infractions took place (where relevant). Some links may point to hidden, deleted or restricted content that can only be accessed by moderators. https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/233?tab=posts https://moderation.nexusmods.com/cases/125397 Account Restrictions As part of the warning, SyntaxKomplex has been restricted from using the following features: Restrictions: [ This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future]. Moderation History Warning issued by Jannifer. This user has now received a total of 0 formal warning(s).
  18. Account Banned - NaliSeed NaliSeed has been banned from Nexus Mods for violating our community rules. Reason encouraging piracy "Don't buy their games, just pirate them." Reference Below are links to where the infractions took place (where relevant). Some links may point to hidden, deleted or restricted content that can only be accessed by moderators. https://www.nexusmods.com/posts/136655943 https://moderation.nexusmods.com/cases/125405 Moderation History Banned by Jannifer. This member received 0 formal warnings before they were banned.
  19. Deleting mods seems to only use the third thread on my CPU and slows down the entire program until the process is completed, bit poor.
  20. You need to replace all of the manifest id numbers from the link. Just look at the installed depot number find it on the list of the steamdb and replace the manifest number in your acf with the ones from the link. Hope that makes sense. Edit: you don't need to follow the links just highlight and copy them.
  21. You are not being patient or helpful at all. I know all that already. I already said that I know all that. And that video is absolute garbage. Please stop replying if you refuse to actually help.
  22. It's not really necessary because we have back end ability now to flag mod pages. The list will be constantly updated automatically and to read the list one need only search files using the appropriate tag.
  23. To start with some details: I am using Vortex (obviously). I'm playing Starfield, the steam version. Although it's not located in a steam folder. I have no mods installed except a "plugin" folder for a mod that had to be installed manually. Whenever I start Vortex in Starfield it shows me this: After clicking "use junction", it just does this forever: Edit: Now it says I don't have "My Games\Starfield\Data-backup-1714103228708"????? I don't but why is that stopping everything..?
  24. I've got some deep digging to do then it seems. Am I wrong in thinking that it makes less sense to be a race record since vanilla NPCs are seemingly fine?
  25. First, thank you so much for all the diligence people are doing to manage all of this. I'm sure it's a headache and you're all doing great. Second...I'm afraid I'm still too much of a newbie and I did something wrong. For starters, when I went to that steamdb link, all of my depots matched the manifestIDs listed there--does that mean my game already updated and borked? I followed the rest of the instructions diligently just in case but F4SE tells me I'm using a newer version and I gotta go touch grass instead of playing Fallout 4. I tried running Fallout 4 from Steam and from my Vortex dashboard and neither of those worked, they just spin and crash. I suspect it updated already and now I'm stuck unless I follow the (even more daunting) instructions for rolling back. Tldr: After finishing these steps, do I try to play the game as normal? If my manifestIDs matched that file already is that a good or bad thing? Thanks so much in advance!
  26. I remember someone made a morrowind packguar mod? They were able to stick legs on the guar thingy and then they just clipped the character through the mesh of the guar to give the illusion that it was sitting on top of it. Alternatively there were elephant carriages in ancient history! There might be some creative solutions out there? Anyway just an idea. Would be sweet to have a mod to ride on top of anything massive in fallout. Used for something like this!? Maybe!? @2:55 a delivery mission would be cool in fallout! Similar to this Zelda quest!! Strangely enough I think they used this milk delivery idea in a Mad Max film lol
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