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Vortex Alpha Release


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In response to post #57637071. #57653356, #57654011, #57682521, #57683016 are all replies on the same post.

VincentPlays4Keeps wrote: My first impression after just a few hours of using it, this is very well thought out and Vortex will be everything MO users and NMM users want. They just might not know it yet. Seriously, I am very pleased with Vortex so far and once Gopher gets some videos out explaining how to use it from a beginners point of view, I expect Vortex will soon be adopted by the majority of users. Very nice work to all involved in the project. Thank you!

EDIT: removed my confusing words
mcdanielskh wrote: Really? did you find a way to hide texture files in a overwriting mod that you might not want to overwrite? What I see is a one or the other deal. To do what I could do with MO to have the texture diversity that I want I have to repackage my textures manually..
Lazybob1 wrote: I believe Tannin has said that per file overwrites are coming though right now it is one conflicting moid totally overwriting any conflicts with another mod.
mcdanielskh wrote: Well, I sure hope your right.
Other than missing that feature and the occasionally bugginess with load order, I am quite happy with Vortex now. A simple, reload of Vortex usually seems to fix the stuck load order problem I occasionally see, and i'm sure the controller will become more intuitive with a combination of users getting more fimalar and perhaps a few changes to Vortex.

One more thing, perhaps a bug? On the Dashboard @ the recently managed square, it always says "You don't have any recently managed games". I am using Skyrim SE, shouldn't it show that as recently managed. JUst thought I would point it out. Personally, I see no point to this anyway so I just x closed it. I don't see it as having any real function anyways.
Stiffon wrote: +1
Still figuring some of it out, but overall I like it!

I checked and mine also says "You don't have any recently managed games". Not sure if that is a bug or a incomplete feature. I also noticed Vortex tells me I need to deploy my mods, even though they have been deployed. Nothing game breaking. As far as individual file conflict options, idk, will wait and see what they do for that.
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Hey, has anybody tried moving the Download folder to another drive. Originally I heard that Vortex had to be on the same drive as Skyrim. Then I heard that the actual Vortex application does not have to be on the same drive as the game and in fact should be on the C:\ drive. (that's where I have it now.) Currently, I have two folders on the same drive as my game that are being used by Vortex. 1. Mods and 2. Downloads.

What I am hoping is that perhaps I can move the Downloads folder to another drive and Vortex will be happy once I select the new path, as long as I leave Mods were they are. The reason I want to do this is because I am running a 8 GB RAM Cache (BTW 47% hit rate :) ) on this drive. I am using Primocache which intelligently caches files it thinks you will need to Ram. It does learn based on usage history, but it helps to have only perdenate files at the location being cached. BTW, you can't imagine how fast skyrim loads when you combine a Samsung 950 Pro PCIe M.2 with a 8 MB Ram Cache :) The load screens only blink onto the screen for a second :)



OK it appears that you can have the Downloads folder on a different drive.

Things I learned/did wrong at first.

1. Don't manually move the files. Vortex will move them for you and is expecting to, so if you moved them already, you will have to move them back. Then when you change the download path in Vortex it will move them for you :)

2. I think you need to uninstall them before you move them/change the path. I think this because I ended up with the same mods both installed and not installed. I ended up uninstalling after the fact and having to reinstall them all. Now none of the mods have any meta data attached like Nexus mod number and version. I will have to re-enter this all by hand. However, I did see that Vortex has a Guess button for the Nexus Mod number which seems to be working great. So after it guesses, I use the link it adds to check the version and add it.

3. I also had to redo all my dependance / load order rules.


Its possible I would not have had these problems if I had did it correctly to begin with. IF possible I recommend setting up the paths correctly before you even start adding mods, THEN you will avoid all the problems I had for sure. Now that we know that Downloads can be on a drive other the the game drive, that's the way to set it up in my opinion. Ideally, use a old slow drive for the downloads and save room on you newer faster SSD's that your using for Steam/Game and Mod data.



I found another problem with having moved my download location. When I later decided to delete a mod that I had moved , I got a windows style popup saying the file could not be found and is showed the old download location. However, it did not appear to cause any problems and I see that it was removed from the new location. lol/

Edited by mcdanielskh
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In response to post #57589691. #57598431, #57599596, #57600696, #57607326, #57607936, #57608341, #57609276, #57619976, #57663521, #57671206, #57676791 are all replies on the same post.

HelelBenShahaar wrote: At first glance, I can only repeat what I said to SirSalami: this thing frightens me.

I can't really understand anything I see there. Doesn't look very user friendly, all things considered.

I never used Mod Organizer, but I tried Wrye Bash for a short time. Looking back at them, their interfaces looked ancient as hell. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not good in my experience. I never actually got used to WB and I don't think I'll ever be using MO.

However, Vortex's interface looks too modern. Looks more aesthetic than functional to be honest. This may not sit well with some users. Doesn't sit well with me, that's for sure.

To put it the best I can, as far as interfaces were concerned: WB and MO looked like Windows 95 and Windows 2000, respectively. NMM looks like Windows XP. Vortex looks like Windows 10.

I have a feeling that this was a too large of a leap from NMM's simple and very useful mechs. Like you skipped the metaphorical Windows 7.

Highly unlikely that my voice will mean a bloody thing in a long run, but at least I said what was on my soul.
Anqayas wrote: I agree. It feels weird, hard to use.
r0ck7y wrote: i think the whole interface will change after they leave the alpha as they said somewhere else before that's they haven't started on the interface yet and it will be planned later when Vortex is stable and ready. still not sure if that's what they meant or i understood it wrong.
Valyn81 wrote: sound to me like they are never satisfied. "Its old and too simple" to "I don't like xp", now "it is too modern and hightech!" Please, stop being an old fart and learn to adapt.

MO is super simple if you take a little time to learn it; NMM was SUPER simple and cause more issues than it resolved; Vortex should be a happy mid between them or simply a new and inventive way to make our gaming experience easier.
RadioactiveStud wrote: I had trouble understanding at first too but once you get used to it, it is great.
bigd4450 wrote: unfortunately there are a lot of old fart's out here, (I proudly count myself as one, 60 years old really soon). XP was good, a nice step from 98. windows 8 sucked, too big of a change, too much to try to learn for the sake of ... aesthetics. at this point 10, a decent mix, still not really liked. I just want to push a button and have it work, don't want to relearn how to do something that was really simple a couple of months ago for the sake of ... aesthetics?
GeneralJohn wrote: I don't understand what people find hard about using it - I mean if you just sit there and look at it for a minute or two, it's all very self explanatory, I understood how to use it within a few minutes...
KeltecRFB wrote: And easier to use than MO and MO2. People are caught up that since Tannin developed it, it is like MO. This is not even close, MOs were much more involved than this. We will see if it handles TTW as good as FOMM or MO did.
KeltecRFB wrote: Ok, now I see the MO'ism but don't fear them. It actually helps you make your game more stable once you figure how to use them. Look up the conflicts (aka dependencies) at the mod's website and load accordingly. There may be some trial and error. As for those with no masters, just disable those. Make sure to fix loose files. I am thinking for small load orders, you can be a novice and install Vortex but the larger the NMM install is, you may want to be more intermediate level or start from scratch installing your new game.

I am still working on getting me install working.
bigd4450 wrote: I realize that any comment here is like a fart in the wind, no one really notices. From what I'm reading it seems as though a lot of the Nexus community would rather spend the first hour or so of your gamming time checking load order, dependencies, and what ever the words/actions that seem to have to happen when YOU down load mods. Personally I would rather not. One button, activate, two minutes later I'm in game. Honestly I have no idea what you are talking about in most of your post, and I really don't want to know, I don't want to spend the next six months trying to figure out what your talking about or how to implement these things. Push button and play, an occasional mod that didn't meet my expectations, delete, and on with the game. Over 950 times, occasionally run LOOT, I have no idea what LOOT does, I just run it because someone told me it was a good idea. I don't want to delve into the inner workings and I don't want to know how it works. Push button, play game like I do now with NMM.
Ethreon wrote: Any person modding should spend time making sure the mods will work correctly and not expect a plug n play experience which was never really a thing with mods for bethesda's games.
KeltecRFB wrote: Yes, Vortex is not transparent and not for users who do not want to do anything but mesh buttons.

Okay, did you ever think that a huge portion of the Nexus community might be just like me, and not want to have to mess with things to make them work. Is it possible that all of the "messing with things" that you all like to do might have at least been part of the problems that you experienced with Nexus. At least 950 Mods with no problems does say something. I even deleted the 350+ mods that I had for original Skyrim, let my grandsons take over that game, create separate profiles on my Nexus (so I could keep an eye on what they were doing) and they have been adding and deleting mods for the last year... you guessed it, no problems.
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After several hours fooling around with Vortex, I'm liking what I see so far. Think this is a great start with lots of potential.


The biggest advantage I see is Vortex being a one-stop hub for all your games. That's a huge bonus IMO!


However, being an avid MO/MO2 user, I'm finding several powerful features are either lacking or simply not available (e.g., the ability to drag-and-drop mods and plugins in MO/MO2 was not only simple and intuitive, but WAY more efficient in terms of both ease and use of time). I hope this feature finds its way to the final product, otherwise I'll likely stick to MO/MO2 for the Skyrim and Fallout series.


Question: How do you change the Install Order numbering on the Mods Page and the Load Order numbering on the Plugins Page (the dependencies don't affect this from what I can tell)? This is driving me nuts! Any help on this is much appreciated.



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In response to post #57687361.

bbair999 wrote: After several hours fooling around with Vortex, I'm liking what I see so far. Think this is a great start with lots of potential.

The biggest advantage I see is Vortex being a one-stop hub for all your games. That's a huge bonus IMO!

However, being an avid MO/MO2 user, I'm finding several powerful features are either lacking or simply not available (e.g., the ability to drag-and-drop mods and plugins in MO/MO2 was not only simple and intuitive, but WAY more efficient in terms of both ease and use of time). I hope this feature finds its way to the final product, otherwise I'll likely stick to MO/MO2 for the Skyrim and Fallout series.

Question: How do you change the Install Order numbering on the Mods Page and the Load Order numbering on the Plugins Page (the dependencies don't affect this from what I can tell)? This is driving me nuts! Any help on this is much appreciated.


I can offer this...
I'm learning alot there.
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In response to post #57687361. #57688641 is also a reply to the same post.

bbair999 wrote: After several hours fooling around with Vortex, I'm liking what I see so far. Think this is a great start with lots of potential.

The biggest advantage I see is Vortex being a one-stop hub for all your games. That's a huge bonus IMO!

However, being an avid MO/MO2 user, I'm finding several powerful features are either lacking or simply not available (e.g., the ability to drag-and-drop mods and plugins in MO/MO2 was not only simple and intuitive, but WAY more efficient in terms of both ease and use of time). I hope this feature finds its way to the final product, otherwise I'll likely stick to MO/MO2 for the Skyrim and Fallout series.

Question: How do you change the Install Order numbering on the Mods Page and the Load Order numbering on the Plugins Page (the dependencies don't affect this from what I can tell)? This is driving me nuts! Any help on this is much appreciated.

VincentPlays4Keeps wrote: I can offer this...
I'm learning alot there.

Thank you! I'll check it out.
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Found another minor bug.

You can open in file manager under actions, once you make changes like adding or removing files, you have to click the Deploy Mods button. A screen will pop up asking if you want to undo or keep the changes made. However, regardless of your choice to keep or undo at the top of the pop up if at the bottom you click Confirm or apply (don't remember exactly) it will still undo your changes. Only way I found around it is to select to keep at the top vs. undo and then hit cancel at the bottom. This area needs some attention.


OK I think you have to open the drop menu to actually sellect Apply vs. just hitting Apply. I think this because that what I did this time and things went as expected.

Edited by mcdanielskh
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In response to post #57687361. #57688641, #57688866 are all replies on the same post.

bbair999 wrote: After several hours fooling around with Vortex, I'm liking what I see so far. Think this is a great start with lots of potential.

The biggest advantage I see is Vortex being a one-stop hub for all your games. That's a huge bonus IMO!

However, being an avid MO/MO2 user, I'm finding several powerful features are either lacking or simply not available (e.g., the ability to drag-and-drop mods and plugins in MO/MO2 was not only simple and intuitive, but WAY more efficient in terms of both ease and use of time). I hope this feature finds its way to the final product, otherwise I'll likely stick to MO/MO2 for the Skyrim and Fallout series.

Question: How do you change the Install Order numbering on the Mods Page and the Load Order numbering on the Plugins Page (the dependencies don't affect this from what I can tell)? This is driving me nuts! Any help on this is much appreciated.

VincentPlays4Keeps wrote: I can offer this...
I'm learning alot there.
bbair999 wrote: Thank you! I'll check it out.

Yes, Good info there. I see many have had the same round about learning curve I have been taking :)
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