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Everything posted by gsmanners

  1. If your skin mod also comes with a face mod, it might work. I use a skin override mod, and that works for me. Otherwise, I see a lot of people reporting this type of problem with 1.5+.
  2. I doubt the order you patch it in really matters. If you want 1.6, just patch with 1.6. You do need 1.6 to play PL (or so they say). Just don't bother tech support if you play PL with an older version and then discover a problem.
  3. I like my no-damage-to-weapon mod because weapons don't really work like that. A real weapon only needs to be cleaned, and that's a trivial exercise. I wouldn't say Repair is useless to me, just more important toward the start of the game than later on. To put it another way, if you allow damage to weapons, that makes weapon's availability more important than that weapon's inherent effectiveness, and I think that disrupts the proper balance of the game. Bigger, more powerful weapons already have the disadvantage of being more costly in terms of ammunition. They don't need a further disadvantage. What's really messed up is the economics of the game. The game's vendors should really do a better job of respecting the real supply/demand side of the equation.
  4. I'm using FOMM+FOSE+official 1.6 patch and it seems about the same performance-wise as 1.1. Then again, I'm using a 7600 GT so I doubt I'll see any difference in future patches either.
  5. Lincoln's Repeater: Pros: A solid, moderately powerful weapon, suitable for most enemies. Cons: It belongs in the hands of someone who can take care of it. I always sell it to Hannibal or Abe. Reservist's Rifle: Pros: A very powerful weapon, able to handle just about anything with one shot. Cons: Generally considered to be overpowered. Frags: Pros: A highly common weapon, suitable for short-to-medium range combat with multiple foes. Cons: Not really suitable for all enemies. Grenades work best against slow-moving foes who clump together, and mines work best against creatures that crawl along the ground.
  6. NPCs do have a knack for teleporting around when you're not in the cell with them. I doubt it matters whether you leave them in a prison or move them to a dummy cell. Maybe a high-priority quest that works on a custom faction which contains some dialog with an NPC you have in the prison cell by default, and you AddToFaction that prisoner when they are put in. I wonder if dialog has priority over normal AI. Well, that would give them something to do other than sandbox, and it might prevent them from teleporting out.
  7. I'm starting to think that maybe those NPCs get moved out of the cell when you leave. The GetFirstRef/GetNextRef wouldn't ignore disabled objects. That flag only applies to whether objects are "taken" (and only normal GECK objects). It could be that you need to keep track of those NPCs some other way, like using variables in your quest script rather than using the GetFirstRef/GetNextRef loops. So, you could have like nine variables for up to nine NPCs, and they could keep track of each of your prisoners (so, even if they did escape the cell while disabled, you could just move them back before enabling them). It's interesting that AI apparently takes priority over placement whether an NPC is even enabled or not.
  8. I suppose you might code it to auto-grab everything, but it would definitely require FOSE. So maybe something like this: set target to player.GetFirstRef 200 1 0 Label 10 if target if target != player && target.GetDead == 1 set wep to target.GetEquippedObject 5 set arm to target.GetEquippedObject 2 if wep || arm target.RemoveAllItems player endif endif set target to target.GetNextRef Goto 10 endif I just don't feel like *doing* a mod like this. Maybe someone else will implement it.
  9. Wiki to the rescue: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Help:Form_IDs
  10. Maybe you need to do AddScriptPackage, then Enable. Or maybe you need to do a MoveTo, AddScriptPackage, then Enable.
  11. I guess it's too much to hope that Fallout 4 will use id Tech 5 (aka Quake 5) engine?
  12. The way GetFirstRef/GetNextRef works is that it returns a 0 terminator. The practical upshot is that you need to check that variable, and do the respective Goto within that check. Maybe you should try GetDisabled rather than checking the faction on the enable loop (not sure that works on NPCs that are disabled). http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetDisabled
  13. If it's a choice between Luck and Agility, I always go with Luck. Luck boosts all your skills (if they can be boosted) and increases the chance of criticals. I think Scrounger (which is a really nice perk) requires high Luck, too.
  14. I think you missed a line or two: if player.getincell vault == 0 set prisoner to getfirstrefincell vault 200 1 label 10 ; check the ref, or else this will loop forever if prisoner if prisoner.getinfaction vaultprisonerfaction == 1 prisoner.disable endif set prisoner to prisoner.getnextref goto 10 endif else set prisoner to getfirstrefincell vault 200 1 label 20 if prisoner if prisoner.getinfaction vaultprisonerfaction == 1 prisoner.enable endif set prisoner to prisoner.getnextref goto 20 endif endif AI can get pretty tricky, especially when you're tweaking it on the fly.
  15. If you use FakePatch to fix VATS percentage and lag problems, you *will* still need it for 1.6, albeit you will have to wait a bit if you want DLC support. http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...owtopic=1004082 http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=990021
  16. My script targets any NPC in the player's cell, and it then checks if they're an enemy. It's a standard loop structure for FOSE. The GetFirstRef tells FOSE what you want to find, and the respective GetNextRef continues its context. It's all nicely spelled out in the document that comes with FOSE. It would be nice if you could disable a cell, but something tells me (even if that syntax is permitted) that they haven't implemented that capability. You could always try it in console mode and see if it works. :) The parentref for an object allows you to give it special disabling. That is to say, it won't disable by itself. Objects that have a parentref other than 0 can only be disabled by disabling their parentref. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Disable http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetParentRef I mention this because a number of NPCs (Talon Mercs and some Super Mutants especially) tend to be chained together like this. If you were planning on having something that disables their AI via the disable command, you may be forced to disable whole groups of them somehow.
  17. New FOSE just went up: http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...&p=14554282
  18. Prima guides tend to be a bit off sometimes, so it might be best to just go by wiki: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_quests <-- Quests http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Custom-built_weapon_components <-- Workbench weapons' items http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_skills <-- Skills http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_perks <-- Perks http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_general_tips#Combat <-- Stuff
  19. I really don't know. At the moment, I guess it would just be best to try different things, but those NPCs that have parentrefs would be tough to handle. I would probably avoid those if possible. With FOSE you can do stuff like that, but I don't think it's quite what you're looking for: set target to player.GetFirstRef 200 1 0 Label 10 if target if target != player && target.GetIsCreature == 0 && target.GetInSameCell player if player.GetFactionRelation target == 1 ; NPC is enemy, do stuff here endif endif set target to target.GetNextRef Goto 10 endif
  20. I'm personally fond of DarN's UI. In particular, FOMM+FOSE+dui = win. http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=984736
  21. I prefer Leather Armor or Recon Armor, as that forces you to rely more on stealth and well-placed land mines. One mistake, though, and you better be ready to go with the combat shotgun.
  22. When I start out, I like to have all 5s except for INT (I might put 6 into a couple other stats). This gives me a nice, boring character that I can do whatever I want with, and I don't have to worry about finding the Skill Bobbleheads or skill books. I do tend to lean toward stealthy types, so I nearly always end up with 10 in PER (after various perks and such). Initially, I always try to focus on Lockpick and Repair. I aim toward getting 50 in Lockpick ASAP, then raise my Repair to 30 while getting up to 30 in Explosives and 30 in Small Guns. After that, I usually focus on Stealth and maybe Science and/or Speech (although this varies quite a bit).
  23. I was kind of wondering about that myself, which was why I suggested you try maybe disable/enable the NPC. :) Disabled NPCs will not process their AI, so you'd be good as long as said NPC doesn't have a parentref (in which case, you'd have to track down the parent ref and disable that, which can be fun considering you never know if those are attached to some kind of special master or if they're daisy-chained together).
  24. Considering that there are a number of people reporting this type of problem in the Xbox 360 support forum, I wouldn't be surprised if there are bugs like that for the PC, as well.
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