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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. It's not DC interiors, I'm using that as well and no problems. For me, I think try to disable Raider preset beta.esp.
  2. Porting user made creations from other games are not allowed in Nexus. It must be made from scratch. I heard a rumor that Breeze was working on the bouncing chests, not sure if it's true or he's still working on it.
  3. No one's going to email you their creations. It would be uploaded to be shared to the public if the modder chooses to do so. It is hard to understand/imagine though, a rough picture of what you're looking for would really help out he modders.
  4. You don't need to make a mod for it. Try using weapon mod kit: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3388
  5. I think we'll be even having a nuclear winter instead of a dry desert wasteland.
  6. Are you using any mods that might have conflict with in-game followers?
  7. It's hard to make squirrels since they're so tiny compared to other creatures in the game. Besides, they hide on trees, it's hard to spot them. But if someone does make squirrels, I suggest making them mutated squirrels that are carnivorous about the dog's size, then after killing it, you get mutated squirrel meat.
  8. hologram pipboy3000 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1225
  9. Try this house mod, been using it for quite some time now, hope it suits you. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1547
  10. I had exactly the same issue, only Maggy from Megaton had the purple rings around the eye. I solved it by reinstalling the whole mod. DO NOT drag and drop the whole data folder into the Fallout 3 directory, you need to copy part by part so that it transfers and read all the files. Also after reinstalling, you must toggle archive invalidation.
  11. Thank you. I assume you're using photoshop as well? I can create a custom one for you and send you the .psd file. Then you can slowly learn from it. PM me if you're interested.
  12. Please PM me and re-explain what you're trying to do. I want to help you. Also in the PM, send me a link to the custom sound. I will install this mod first.
  13. Your load order seems to be fine, if you can start the game without instant CTD then it's not a load order problem/mod conflict. You seem to have a decent rig too. Try these methods to reduce crashes: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7529 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8886 You can try lowering all the graphics and test the game out, see if it crashes after every 10-30 minutes. If it doesn't crush, means you need to lower/optimize your graphic settings.
  14. Hmm... I do not think there is a command for you to set the resurrect time. As far as I know it doesn't affect "quest" status, it just "resurrects" them from death or make essential NPC conscious. Just for your information, waiting in the game doesn't speed up the time for them for them to be conscious, it needs to be in real time. Use this mod if the problem still persists: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5147 Vanilla is 10 seconds, you can have many other time options with this mod. Ranging from 1 second to 15 minutes. Remember, they're in real time and not in-game time. Hope this solves your problem.
  15. How could one be a retard but yet knows how to type and knows proper English? If you have so much stuff to do, you shouldn't be spending time playing the game. I think you need some time out. We all know that it's a request but you shouldn't keep on bumping and asking the same thing over and over again. Your life is not dependent on the mod add-on. Modders/members will/would do the request only if they have the same interest. We do not owe you anything. Either play the mod as it is or learn how to use G.E.C.K.
  16. Religion is only a minor role. In the whole game, there's only the atom church worshipers and Saint Monica's Church. And the Revelation 21:6 Bible verse. There's The Children of the Atom and the Catholic Church in Rivet City. You donate to them both for good Karma (unlimited even). For negative karma just simply take what's not yours. I don't really understand why you would request for something like this though, but I have nothing against it either.
  17. You'll have to wait then, too few animators out there modding.
  18. Check the weapon and load the mod with GECK. From there you'll be able to see how you should really name the file/place the sound file. I cannot personally help you with this because I don't have the mod and can't find it.
  19. Hello there and officially welcome to The Nexus Forums.
  20. Can you post your full load order? There's a Fallout 3 mod that lets you set the time for unconsciousness, did you install that mod? Also you can resurrect them by going into console clicking on the person then type "resurrect" without the quotes.
  21. This will come down to personal taste. If I had to replay the three games, I would totally go for Fallout 3. I love guns! As for the mods that you're looking for, there's no mod that livens up interiors, instead you have mods that are for the outdoors. Here are some: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10045 (Fallout Street lights - wasteland) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8069 (Fallout street lights) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10607 (Dynamic weather) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6170 (Rain and snow) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6341 (Project beauty - to improve all the uglies) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10863 (Better sound FX mod - try out my mod for more variety of sounds)
  22. Sorry, as far as I know there's no such mod in Fallout 3. Yet...
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