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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. It shows inactive, that means you haven't activated it but installed correctly. I recommend using FOMM, check the mods, toggle archive invalidation then play the game. FOMM- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=640 Oh yeah... are you using steam version or non-steam?
  2. Type "prid 000987" and then type "moveto player" without the quotes.
  3. You need to provide more information. Please post your load order. Are you using FOMM? Fallout 3 original or Fallout 3 Game of the year edition? Steam or non-steam version? Did you install the mods properly? Here's some reference for installing mods. http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/articles/...-Mods-for-Newbs
  4. Breeze's male bodies and Exnem's. Tried all other female bodies, but Exnem's suits best for me.
  5. Not bad, I would like the story to go on.
  6. Ban Monolithic0117 for drinking vodka.
  7. You'll need to know the NPC ID if you want to set them essential. For example "setessential 6a772 1" 1=essemtial 0=non-essential I think you'll see the NPC ID when you click on them, I'm not so sure though. Download this for the NPC ID list: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=368
  8. I think youtube is suitable. Don't need a real video, just a black background with the title and music playing would be more than enough. And if you want to share your own music composition with fellow Nexus members, just upload the file onto Nexus.
  9. I would love to hear one of your song compositions if you wouldn't mind. Copyrighted soundtracks aren't allowed on the site, since Fallout 3 lacks soundtrack mods, it would be great if you could make some.
  10. You're sure it only started when you updated your driver? Or it's a mod that you've recently added? Have you tried out other games on your PC? It might be heat related. I'm also using Nvidia, go into your Nvidia control panel, try setting maximum pre-rendered frames to 6 (default is 2, set the suitable value until your game is smoother, do not set it over 6). You can also try this mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8886 - Fallout Stutter Remover
  11. The problem of having a Godzilla is that a new mesh/model needs to be created. Chuck Norris, Jason Voorhees both use human models. Unless.... someone makes a gigantic death claw with retex to "look" like Godzilla.
  12. You didn't mention about having any mods or not when setting you've set it to ultra and getting smooth gameplay. Increasing graphical settings still would cause lag if your rig isn't sufficient enough to handle it. Now that you've mention about mod plugins, of course it lags and takes more processing power from your PC. It doesn't depend on the number of mods you're running but the type of mod. Overhauls usually cause the most lag for mods. Reducing screen resolution also helps reduce lag.
  13. Do you use FOMM? Remember to toggle archive invalidation at the FOMM menu after installing mods. If you're not using FOMM, then use this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944
  14. That's not suppose to happen, I don't think it's a mod effect. Count yourself lucky then. ;) You can play Fallout 3 with ultra settings and no lag.
  15. Erm... that you work with Oblivion? I don't really understand. If you meant Oblivion mods that were ported to Fallout 3, I can think of one only. Here's the link: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1146 - Hair pack
  16. Have you tried running FO3 Edit? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637
  17. If that's the case then it's really hard to test out where the problem is. You need to be sure if it's a mod related bug. Here's what you can do, just uncheck all your mods except the DLC's, then start a new game to test. If the problem still persist even in a new game, then it's patch related bug that hasn't been known yet. Does it only involve weapons? Have you tried repairing armor? Try this method out in the meantime : from the wiki Glitches * My First Workbench The My First Workbench CAN actually be used to repair your current weapons to maximum condition. You first need to put any weapon on top of the workbench and then wait about a week or two for your house to reset. Once your house has reset, go check the weapon on the workbench and it should be in maximum condition. Edit: Btw the thing above is not a glitch, its supposed to be like you are working on it over time, and you eventually repair it all the way. It is a nifty REAL feature put into the game. Very rpg style.
  18. Try disabling craft and weapon mod kits.Start a new game to test.
  19. :D Do not mind him, but Tony is right. "Let us build a realistic Fallout together", you shouldn't say something like that at all, you've haven't contributed to anything at all but to ask others for mod links. I do not think it is a good idea to mix all of these mods together. People want variety, that's the reasons for having individual files uploaded on Nexus instead of having overhauls here and there. If you compile all of these, it'll just be exactly another FWE Overhaul mod or FOOK overhaul mod. So it's kinda redundant. And you don't need to go through all the trouble to compile it all, just make a short web link to this thread so others may know and download it through these links as shortcuts.
  20. For music to play in certain places, you need to place the music in the ~regions folder that's located in your sound folder. For it to fully work, you'll need scripting.
  21. http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/articles/...-Mods-for-Newbs - Please read this, it explains everything to you. Has pictured tutorials so don't worry about getting confused. If the files are .FOMOD, place them in your FOMM mod folder, it should look like this, E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\fomm\mods (place the files here). You install them by going into FOMM, package manager, check the file and activate it.
  22. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9110 - FOOK 2 Level Up Freeze Fix 1-3
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