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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. If you have any mods, please post your load order. Does it also freeze when you have no mods running?
  2. The best way to look for mods that suit everyone is by going into each individual category and then searching for the top endorsed by descending order. That way you get only the top or the best mod in each category.
  3. Erm... hello there Hoshi, just for your information, we're not allowed to involve "God" and religion into debates, not even the words. They're forbidden. :(
  4. Simple, copyright infringement. It is illegal to port stuff from games of different producing companies or even the same.Everything needs to be made from scratch. And yes... Will take a LONG time until we can get the quality and quantity, but look at the bright side, slower mods means it'll keep you more interested in the game, you'll keep on checking the forum sites for mods daily or weekly.
  5. If the place is really cleared out permanently, wouldn't it be in conflict with a lot of the major mods like MMM, FWE, FOOK, etc... All of these clearly adds quick re-spawn points into the area. Raiders would show up in 3 days...
  6. Ban CommanderCrazy for not taking over the Lounge President seat at this very moment.
  7. If you want stealth, try the Hitman series games for the PC.
  8. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/7724/screenshot1ds.png My character is a street cleaner :P . I role play as a wasteland scavenger. I collect tin cans, then turn them into scrap metals for caps.
  9. Maafiaman is very talented, too. Yes he is, I'm not even close to be as good as him. We can't be compared, I have no designing background, I've only started learning how to use Photoshop on my own just about 3 weeks ago.
  10. Your load order is actually quite messed up, you shouldn't use the FOMM auto sort function.
  11. Is destruction mod the one that allows most static items to be destroyed? The crashing can be due to wrong load order, would you mind posting yours?
  12. Are you using Fook by any chance? If so this could fix your problem on freezing when selecting perk. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9110
  13. Whine - make a high-pitched, screeching noise. So maybe when your player character attacks or get hits by a missile, he/she would make chipmunk sounds. I think that was what he was trying to say. I think... :sweat:
  14. I told you so! :wallbash: For those who voted for her. She was just *cough* tryi-*cough*ng *cough* to g*cough*et at*cough**cough*tent*cough*ion*cough*. :) Let me guess, still no smoochies? :kiss:
  15. You can do a clean save. Save your current game, exit. Uncheck the armor mod, load your save game, then save. Exit, re-enable armor mod, start game and load your save. Get back the armors from the original place (near the broken up highway bridge near MEGATON).
  16. Something to do with Fallout 3 cache, I've seen the fix somewhere and it goes like this. Whenever you feel that your load game starts to get slow during each load, get a fatman and target the ground. Dying that way clears the cache. Might be your remedy, try that first.
  17. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2881 Erm... sorry, not to sound rude but if you have no useful input, please do not post replies like this.
  18. For the pistol animations and more, try this mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7670 EDIT: sorry, for barrel down it's not this mod, will look for it... I can only find this, it only applies to rifles though: As for the animations for moving forward, absolutely can be done. The problem is... there's too few animators in Fallout 3 modding, I can only name 2 person that I know who are good in making animations among the thousand's of modders. Not sure if this is what you're exactly looking for, but it does look a lil' bit like a forward strafe. It's only for female characters.
  19. If you've installed type 3 bodies correctly, all the NPC females including your female player character would also be using the body. About your problem, it is very unclear. Are you saying that after installing, no female characters are using type 3 bodies or.... are you saying you want only 1 character in the game using type 3 body?
  20. How can it be an offline wiki for Fallout 3? Someone needs to get online to log into Nexus Forums to view this, how can it be "offline"? Like I said, all these aren't necessary, it's better for you to make a short word link to the official Fallout wiki pages at your signature section than to write your own that only has some altered sentences and word structures in it. 'A rolling stone gathers no moss', you have too many projects going on and now you're doing a Fallout wiki thing. You said you were going to make a radio mod, then a super duper mart overhaul mod and now this. Try to focus on one thing at a time.
  21. Try making a clean save. Disable your mod that involves lucas simms. Start up and load game, save the game, exit. Re-enable the quest mod that involves him, load save game and test the game (resurrect him).
  22. How long have you been playing in a session until it starts to have long load time?
  23. How many hours have you been playing until it gets laggy? Have you tried to replicate the problem? Test it again by starting a new game, then look for some combat. If it's smooth with a new game then it's something to do with your save game.
  24. Thank You. I think I tried that but can’t remember if I put the one after setscale will try again when I get home tonight. Sorry it took so long to reply, I lost the run of him for a while, I thought the game had finally removed him, and then I found him killing some raiders in Foggy Bottom Station? I used the consol command as suggested “setscale 1” which brought him to his proper size. Then I grabbed him put him in stasis using the Groovatron took him back to his spawn point. I then released him and killed him. Hopefully when he re-spawns he will retain his proper size. I thank you for your assistance I must have forgotten to put the 1 after setscale. No problem, glad it worked out for you.
  25. Erm... Have you modded the game before? Have you downloaded any mods? If so please post us your load order.
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