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Posts posted by Alastair91

  1. I thought I'd try to start something on these forums.


    Just post a random fact about yourself that nobody on the forum is going to know about you, can be as dull, interesting or bizarre as you like, just keep to the truth. http://cod4boards.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Try keep them short and sweet and one per post so if you feel the need to reveal any more about your wonderful self then you're gonna have to wait until somebody else has had a go.


    I will start it off...


    Random Fact: I weigh 15 lbs more than my dog



    You must be really skinny or your dog must be really big. :yes:


    I make at least one signature per day.

  2. There are working in progress/beta mods to fix the problem.


    Here's some of them:


    http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/6710/lordreaper.png - AWE Attentater wasteland Economy

    http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11035 - Crowded cities v2

    http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8556 - Expanding Megaton Mod

    OR (Use one of them only)

    http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7427 - Megaton Expansion Project V03


    There are plenty more mods to improve current cities/city surroundings. I suggest going into building category and search for top endorsed files in descending order.

  3. There's a possibility that it's due to sharing and caring companion mod. The mod will ask for key bind when the mod is first activated, then I would accidentally press "w" key. Try doing a clean save, deactivate sharing and caring mod, then start the game, load save game and save, exit game, activate the mod again, load your save game and bind the key to another one.
  4. Just a little something. DAO club card






    EDIT:: Why is my pic still showed in 22% reduced, when it only measures 380x247?



    very nice Belagor. Could use some sharpening to it. What method did you use to upload the picture? Which image hosting site? Maybe you've accidentally set it to thumbnail size format.

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