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Posts posted by Alastair91

  1. @ Dir Tek:


    Very good smudging once again. I think the Gears of war one could use a little bit of sharpening. Good job. ;)






    Alucard signature, not really a signature, maybe a fan art.

  2. Yup, that's the only gone that I could think of. I had to render it myself from a wallpaper since I couldn't find any pre-rendered ones on the internet. I tried using real Ghandi pictures, but they just won't work/fit correctly.
  3. I would volunteer to do beta testing for you but currently I'm pretty tied up with college and stuff. I don't even have much time for my mod. Try not to be bothered by the negative thoughts, keep it up and do not give up on it.
  4. Well said, I totally agree with you there. By the way, he could have used the edit button to post his ideas. Look at the post time, it's 30 minutes after his previous post. Shouldn't have posted a second time hence bumping the thread.
  5. "@dissapopinted fans of failed projects?

    whut? youre talking to yossarian... dunno but his GTS mod is one of the biggest and most beloved fallout projects you will find...


    i guess youre simply selfreflecting a bit too much here,


    however please refrain from your rudeness towards others here which so far stood quite calm in regards to your attitude of narcistic and also imo childish aggression towards the questioning of your ideas"


    Were you referring that to me? I don't get it, how was my comment rude? Aggression ?


    Edit: Nevermind, I'm slow... Ignore this.

  6. Come on guys, stop it already with all the demoralizing stuff. If it works and is successful, be happy that something like that could be achieved in Fallout 3, if it's an epic fail just accept it and move on. Give the guy some credit and room, at least he's is ACTUALLY doing something rather than some guy that request/thread bump for irrelevant stuff like a Dragon Ball Z overhaul mod/bleach overhaul.
  7. I'd have to disagree with you there. I do not think idea contributors should be credited at all unless the author insists. If I were to credit idea contributors in my mod, it would be a few pages long, I would include all of my favourite artists, fellow modders that inspired me, all those who PM'd me for suggestions, etc.... :mellow: Ideas are easy to come by, by contributing ideas it only means that you support the mod, it doesn't give one the right to be credited. One may contribute ideas and type them out all day but in the end of the day, nothing is really done. Modders/beta testers get credit because they're the ones doing all the work.


    Also, please use the edit button and not bump the thread. Thanks.

  8. This is the request section.


    "new armys/factions


    and other stuff"


    That is not sufficient, please be clear and specific. No one will do the request if you're going to post ideas like that.


    I'm slow to understand. What do you mean by thank who you got it from ? You mean we should thank and credit you for the ideas that you post here if modders use them? :blush:

  9. Have you lend your Fallout 3 disk to someone else to install before? How many times have you been reinstalling Fallout 3 back and fourth? If I'm not mistaken the disk version of it only allows you to install/re-install using the disk only for a few times, then it starts getting issues like those.
  10. @ Belagor:


    There are many ways, one of the easiest way is to play around with brightness and contrast. Another way is to use gaussian blur and then set it to lighten.


    @ Maafiaman:


    Love the asian style signature. Really nice. Awesome effects and filters for both of your signatures.


    This is my latest:



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