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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. Well, post your mod load order for us. Maybe someone would recognise the mod. You can also try to "cheat", open up console, click on them then type "kill".
  2. The thread is 2 months old, why the reply?
  3. I wish I could have taken back my vote and vote for you. As for mature... only time will tell.
  4. Alastair91


    Do not misunderstood me, I know they're legit, so are mine, they're also legit. What I really meant was when you first joined the forums, I think everyone had clicked on their own kudos button before at least once. I can honestly tell you that, I was curious back then to see if it's possible to do that, then "click" you can't give yourself kudos message.
  5. Alastair91


    Who haven't? :P I'm sure everyone did it at least once when they first joined Nexus Forums. Don't deny it, you liars! :)
  6. Please read this : http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=120735
  7. I can't seem to find any mods that might cause the problem, you might have to uncheck all the mods then start the game and see which mod causes the problem. What did you mean by some mod added dialogue?
  8. Check this link out: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/102779-1...3-patch-windows Installing Games for Windows - LIVE Setup 3.0 fixes the issue.
  9. There are mods that add piercings to ear, nose, lips and eyebrow. Check this out: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4616 It's compatible with all kinds of body type.
  10. True, but mobucks haven't replied why he wants such a mod, which I'm really curious to know. The next thing that I can think off is you get to see the weather, day/night move around in fast forward which would look pretty cool.
  11. It is a lot a work, I think the most that'll be done is just an outfit or some weapons. Well, it'll help out if you could post some images of what you want or what "modern atmosphere" would look like.
  12. I do not think he'll be able to resume work, the only way it'll work if he releases the modder resources so someone could continue his work.
  13. Does this look like a chinese power armor to you? Give it a try, lots of goodies from this armor. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5981
  14. Most likely won't get any much help since you need to gain the people's trust. I think people will only take notice when a beta is released.
  15. Flying camera mod for Oblivion, could you explain how it works? I've never seen that mod before. What's makes it so special and different from the console one? Anyway, why go through all the trouble to script and mod something that can be easily be accomplished by typing "tfc" or "tcl"
  16. You do not need to thinker in G.E.C.K actually. If you can play .Ogg files, just listen to the downloaded version one by one, I do not think the mod adds new voices but only lowered their voice pitch to make them sound more serious and mutated. Figure out what you want for their voices then do the same as the mod (the renaming and install directory). Start the game to see if they'll playing the sound correctly. If you want to alter frequency, you must have your sound files ready to be made into .esp files (script). You'll need to create the sound ID's from scratch, one by one, then alter the settings. Explanation for the settings can be found here: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Sound
  17. So far there's no good ones, but you may try these: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2928 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6259
  18. Disable that current mod and try this one. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11185
  19. Another problem I hope they solve in New Vegas, I really really really REALLY hope they get more voice actors for the voice acting instead of having the same person doing voices over and over again. :glare:
  20. I would like to have a realistic interior lighting mod. I remember back in Oblivion (might have mistaken it for Morrowind, unsure), there's a lighting mod that dynamically changes the interior lighting as the day goes by. When it's sunny and bright during the day, interiors are bright, when it's late at night, the interiors starts to fade darker, only with the lamps as light sources. This would really make the game much more realistic and immersive.
  21. You can "role-play" and join the Talons if you have alternative start mod but just no quests and stuff. Might be a huge project and take a really long time. But if someone's interested in making one, I offer my help in sound editing.
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