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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. If you did use radio mods, try disabling all your mods except the DLC's, start a new game and check if the problem persists. If no problems then... (the really patient part), check the mods 1 by one to see which conflicts with the radio mod.
  2. You're absolutely right, didn't think about that. Toggling "wait" button does the same thing. It doesn't benefit one from speeding up time too.
  3. Hmm... I think this might be possible. Like in bullet time mod, you can slow down time, why not do the opposite of it. Pressing the bullet time key slows down time, eating time pill speeds up time. Not necessary be a pill, can be an ability that lets you dynamically speeds up time. Not sure though, I have no experience in script editing. Anyway, if you don't mind me asking, why would you request for such a mod? I'm just curious.
  4. No problem :biggrin: If you didn't made me search again or didn't post the video, I would have never known of such mods, now I have those mods to test out. :thumbsup:
  5. I really hope so, but I won't get my hopes up yet, it's just a teaser trailer anyway. http://gamerant.com/fallout-new-vegas-scre...tails-tom-8837/ The in-game screen shots look exactly the same as Fallout 3.
  6. I don't think Fallout 3's voiced dialogues are that bad, at least they're better than Oblivion's. But I certainly agree with you about searching the mod communities to improve their game. If you're familiar with Oscura's Oblivion Overhaul, the mod maker of that is also working on this game so be ready to have a whole new experience in playing the game. His mod absolutely changed the feeling of Elder Scrolls Oblivion.
  7. Nope, not pissed at all. But you did made me search for it again which I don't really mind at all. I didn't know about the mounts until now. The mods that you're looking for is on the link beside the video. Here, shortcut for you. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3330 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3981
  8. Yes, like that mod. I didn't know about it until now, thanks. I think he's also using invisible containers for his mod.
  9. What about an invisible container placed in the rubble? Seems practical and possible. It would be nice if you could scavenge the cars in the wastelands too for parts like scrap metal.
  10. I've never seen your mod before, could you post some screenshots for us?
  11. Sorry to dissapoint you but currently there's only the motorbike. You can also try mods that increases running speed like this one. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1854
  12. It's from this mod. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9857 Action poses mod.
  13. Neither am I, I can only do sound modding and no experience in using G.E.C.K. Maybe it could happen. But I this saw this recently. Take a look at this. He has 2 power fists on both hands, I don't know where this mod is from though and unsure if the left hand is usable. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?act=at...st&id=10623
  14. What is this MAXdog.esp? I'm not familiar with it. Your mod load order seems to be fine, have you ever downloaded any radio mods before?
  15. Download and toggle this. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944
  16. If someone were to make a left handed one, I don't think the character will ever use it. Vanilla animation for power fist only involves the right hand, someone would need to re-animate the whole fighting with power fist attack moves.
  17. The ambient music really adds to the game, and it's killing me that it's not working properly. Bethesda shouldn't have rushed this game out the door if they can't even get the basic functions such as music to work properly. I've had no problems with Oblivion, why should this be any different? Why are you replying to this? It's more than 5 months old. Thread Necromancy is not allowed in the forum.
  18. Granted, your next wish was to wish about what you're going to wish next again....(fading sentences....) I wish for world peace on planet earth again.
  19. Have you tried these: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1513 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2819 It's a bus home, I think it's what you're looking for.
  20. Please show us your full load order.
  21. Hmm... If you're familiar with Oblivion camera, you get to control the view real time with your mouse. If you prefer playing first person shooter games like F.E.A.R, Far cry, etc... go for first person view, will give you the same experience. If you're very used to MMORPG games that uses 3rd person view, go for 3rd person and try this for better 3rd person camera http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=577
  22. Please PM the mod author from this mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9497 He'll be able to help you out.
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