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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. :closedeyes: I'll go take a look again. Those can be used as substitudes for the time being.
  2. WoogieMonster has the right answer. Having karma no matter high or low will not affect the outcasts. Even if they did turn hostile and attack you if they witness a crime made by you, they should go back to normal in a few days.
  3. @unavi: Granted, you managed to dodge the punch but you ended up hitting a lamp post while dodging and would now need plastic surgery. (good news, you can now look like a Navi, ;D ) @commandercrazy :Granted, your wish was skipped and now taken by me. I wish for nothing!
  4. I think it's illegal to port stuff from Oblivion, even if it's a mod. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, there's already a sexy walk animation for Fallout 3. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7197 It doesn't look natural and is a lil awkward looking though, just my opinion.
  5. looks a lot similar like this one. With a mix of the second one. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10228 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10183
  6. That should be a mod related bug, I had the same problem in Springvale with floating pieces of metal in the air oddly is caused by a backpack mod. But it's been fixed by the mod author.
  7. So... what's your ideal power armor, could you post a few pics of what it might look like? Maybe it's already in Nexus data base.
  8. :biggrin: , no problem. Glad to help out. Thanks for the kudos!
  9. I could be possible for terrain mod to cause that. Missing meshes can affect both PC and NPCs. I suggest reinstalling your mods, when dragging and dropping files, do not copy the whole 'data' folder and then pasting it, some files may not be copied over, I had that problem when installing mods bigger than 100mb. Open up the data folder, then drop the stuff inside one by one, 'textures', 'sounds', 'meshes' etc.... After reinstalling, remember to toggle archive invalidation again. If all fails, it might be a game update problem, make sure you have the latest patch (version 1.7) if you're using GOTY edition, if you have specific DLC's, then check for their patch requirements and download the specific patch version.
  10. Too bad they're still beta, might be really buggy. I do not think those are what the person is looking for though, it doesn't give you skills for individual stuff when using them. For example using 10mm over time will slowly increase skill for that particular weapon only. So far such a mod haven't been done in Fallout 3.
  11. Red exclamations can mean missing meshes and strange textures means missing textures. Please download this and toggle it to fix it, your game won't be able to read the mod without it. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944 If you're running Fallout Mod Manager, then toggle invalidation on the right side of the menu to apply archive invalidation.
  12. I second this request, I'd rather have rats then cats. Well, maybe mutated rats and cats. Would really add immersion if you see them running around in dark areas.
  13. If someone does actually model these, I hope they would also include a torn/worn out version so it'll fit the game.
  14. Not exactly what you want but it's something similar to a mag. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7632 As for flying over your shoulder part is not possible due to game limitations, it'll just follow you at the back like in a marching band. I'm unsure about your second request thought, remodeling is kinda hart but it is possible.
  15. And let me rephrase my answer. No, you don't need to use FOMM to install FOSE. It depends on what FOSE type you've downloaded, if it is a non-FOMM installer, then do it manually, if not then use FOMM. It's the same no matter you installed it manually or through FOMM package. The link explained it all clearly (maybe not, just explains manual way). I know you're not a newbie considering the amount of posts and kudos you have. The link is just for reference, please do not misunderstand. Other members might have the same question and could use it as a reference too.
  16. No, you don't need to use FOMM to install FOSE. Make sure you update your game to the latest patch (version 1.7 for GOTY edition, other patch versions for specific DLC's) for FOSE to be compatible. To get a clearer understanding on how to install FOSE, read this: http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/articles/...-Mods-for-Newbs It has pictured tutorials.
  17. That's it? :wacko: I thought they're suppose to come up with new games to fill the Lounge to replace the older ones.
  18. Ban ytsejam91 for being the Dark Dragon Wizard.
  19. Hail potential presidents! Quick question, what will you do after you've been elected as Lounge president?
  20. Granted, but due to your shyness, your future GF left you for someone else instead. Then came another hotter one to replace your ex. I wish for more Kudos.
  21. The mercs are from Amy Wong mod. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10577 Look at the file description.
  22. This thread is starting to get people's attention, I think I'll just help out, no harm offering help anyway. I can provide sound files if this mod is a success.
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