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Everything posted by antonkr

  1. Funny how people still manage to get FO:NV to work even though it uses Steam as DRM. Seriously.... no need to put on us paying users more DRM. Pirates will still always manage to crack it.
  2. First thing I'll do is install the flying airship mod and bomb your castle xD And Nams then secretly replace the world on the server to the one I bombed. MWUAHAHAHAHA
  3. I would take one or two million and host a party for all Nexus people at Dark One's villa (since he also on the lotto. Not sure if many people remember that time) Drinks DRINKS for everyone. And cheese. Rest I would invest. Some charity too of course.
  4. TF2 is a pretty decent hat collector simulator. The fighting mini-game is kinda cool too. :P And BF3 isn't going to be slow. BF games always had and always will have a small amount of small maps where its a pure frag-fest and where you take breaks before spawning because once you do you are in the meat grinder. If not for the company making modern warfare 3 it might have actually been a fair competition however the only reason MW3 right now claims to be superior is faster frame rate on consoles. If you want a fast paced game, stick with older Call of Duty's. Its not like Modern Warfare 3 is going to be any different from them.
  5. Come to Battlefield 3, We have fighterjets!! And helicopters. And tanks. And APC's. And FAV's..... And of course dinosaurs. http://soldiersofchaosgaming.com/images/tim/bf3_trex.gif
  6. During the release of MW3 there will actually be a great way to get dedicated servers Step one: Don't buy MW3 ( or should I sayCall of Duty 4.75) Step two: Buy Battlefield 3 on PC if possible. Step three: ??? step four: Profit!
  7. Well if you are planning on working for Bethesda the job of 3D modeling is required in multiple fields. If you are working on making the world itself you have to be the one modeling it also. There is also a job for making characters/creatures. http://jobs.zenimax.com/ Here. Remember when focusing and learning you won't just be able to work for Bethesda or Zenimax you will have a lot of opportunities for a career.
  8. If you look in the jobs Beth offers you will never be working both with making the quests and making environments and building the basic engine of the game. Getting a job in bethesda isn't too easy to do it but many modders got those jobs because of their mods.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoTFPoAjTq4 This looks quite amazing Click CC to turn on captions.
  10. There are a couple of Russian sites I've seen that reupload mods. Most of them however translate them. I am quite sure I've seen your mod LHammonds one of the Russia Elder Scrolls sites. I can understand their purpose of not using the site like Nexus since they translate some of the mods.
  11. I did the same thing with Episode 3 but thats bullcrap. You can set the shortcut to say anything you want and it will show epictroll is now playing skyrim demo even though he really is not.
  12. He said that the site doesn't have ads right now nor will membership cost anything.
  13. If I can chime in. Antokr, GMOD tried and continues to try and contact mod devs before uploading content. The difficulty is that most developers are no longer active. The VAST majority of mods are uploaded up someone several months / years ago and 1. didn't include an contact email or 2. the email they provided is dead. What happens to that content? If the user didn't put restrictions on the the distribution or didn't ask to be contacted before hand, can it be moved to another site for hosting? What happens when the fan sites hosting mods for older games like Diablo 2, NVN 2, Baldur's Gate, Etc. close down? Does that content die with the site because the devs are unreachable? "Contacting each developer" is a lot easier then it sounds. If the modder asks specificly for their content not to be uploaded to other sites. DON'T UPLOAD IT TO OTHER SITES. How hard can it be? A lot of modders here on The Nexus would love to upload their work to your site, since a lot of attention has been gained. As long as you change your policy with "Claim your mod" bullcrap a lot of community members would love to have more members enjoy their mod and expand their horizons beyond the Nexus but just taking the mod. And not uploading permissions and requirements for the mod!! That's just nonsense. If you only uploaded the mods that have no requirements or restrictions about uploading them to other site than there wouldn't be a problem.
  14. @Terry If this is in testing than why the hell is it not just within a close circuit of people? In reality ANYONE can go make account and download work of someone else on the website. Terry, LOOK if you simply delete the files, send out an apology to those you stole work from and than KINDLY ask them to upload their hard work on your website, than it would be better for everyone. You cannot run a modding community like a business and treat everyone like crap. Robin (Dark0ne) Doesn't make a penny from the site and most of the time I am sure he loses money from the site. However he treats modders with respect and anyone stealing w/o permission and uploading to the site is banned. Simply messaging a 100 or so active modders would make it so much easier for your site to get traffic and legit mods uploaded by AUTHORS not bots or MEMBERS but by the people who spent hours of work making mods. Simply asking the author would most likely have him/her say sure and upload their mod to your website.
  15. Yup post count. I have four :D
  16. Guys send emails to [email protected] Alternatively if you are in US their website lists (206) 774 0240 as their number. Please be polite and explain the situation we are in.
  17. Are we getting a new map or are we sticking to this one?
  18. Wait which version is the server right now?
  19. antonkr

    Steam sale

    I am going to hold tight and not buy anything on the first day. Waiting for something good that I don't have yet.
  20. antonkr

    Steam sale

    Steam summer sale. http://i.xstend.com/82a081f8.jpg
  21. I actually like the brick. The original was way too... pink for my liking xD
  22. I'll just take the word of people who have tried and partially succeded at doing it. I've seen a LOT of people mess up with what they expect a single modder or even a team can do.
  23. I don't use texture packs! Seriously? Cobblestone? I've seen in piston demo how it looks like and... I don't like it :( I am going to make a texturepack just replacing the cobble to what I was used to .
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