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Everything posted by antonkr

  1. She posts. I think I saw her in the *I like* thread. Hehe I remember their wedding topic. And Malachi is always on *I like* thread.
  2. Weren't you the guy who I tried arguing with saying that Battlefield was better then CoD? :teehee:
  3. I now have to call the cyber police to have you banned from the internet. >.>
  4. KD I would not trust you with a stick being afraid you will kill someone with it. I can see why Ub3r would not trust you with a list of potty words you don't need to know. xD
  5. It probably contains words average 12 year old Xbox live CoD players even don't know about.
  6. I wrote a song for Nexus so I think I get the biggest fan title. :D
  7. Actually, if I remember correctly, the Chinook is one of our fastest choppers. It used to be fastest then most of our helicopters however helicopters like UH-60 Blackhawk can reach speeds up to 220 mp/h, however CH-47 is more used to transport heavy objects like artillery. It was not a stupid move for them to attack the helicopter since a Stinger missile can easily take it out and the cost to amount of casualties is greater then a conventional transport helicopter since it can carry much more passengers.
  8. Thank you. I love your poems and stories a lot so it means a lot to me. Thanks :smile:
  9. The moon is red, The clouds are dark, The sun is far away, Will it be the end of the world tonight? I wend to my bed, And hide under my coat, to try to fall asleep, So when the cloulds go dark and we cannot live I will be deep in sleep, Dreaming of what I used to be.
  10. The reason your account most of the time would be banned for piracy is because you mentioned playing a pirated game regardless of what game it is.
  11. Once you have everything sorted mind showing us some pictures? Curiosity gets the best of me.
  12. Todd is not the CEO of the company so I doubt it was up to him really. CEO is Vlatko Andonov who is some Russian guy that I don't know much about. Todd Howard is not in charge of the company at all really.
  13. Granted Activision buys Battlefield series and turns it into a new COD (only 15 dollars for 3 new maps ) I wish that Rausheim did not ninja me
  14. Notch did confirm it on his Twitter and claimed he will have a blog post on it once he gets home
  15. Before learning how to mod you first have to learn how to learn. I started modding with a small 2D counter strike copy. I started with just poking around other peoples work. I then knew the best the small engine like the one used could provide. I could have started making tiles but I lost interest in modding that specific game. Learning construction set needed a base which many kind moders helped me with and then just poking around after knowing the basics and asking for help if you need it. Then you learn new things every day. (today I learned that iPhone keyboards are terrible and should not be used for long posts like this one)
  16. Did someone sell TF2 hat? :woot: I am sold :P
  17. Woah Well first of all yes there has been work on this done. I cannot quite recall the site and second of all this idea is HUGE. And by huge I mean an intense amount of work.
  18. Guys why are we even debating about this? All that matters and that I personally care about is some psycho no matter what reasons killed over 90 innocent people. I don't care whether he played video games or had a reason behind doing it I care for the victims and their families on that day. ANYONE for ANY reason murdering INNOCENT children is a psychopath no matter in what way you look at it.
  19. DDoS part pretty much killed the creepiness for me. If that mod exists hehe I would have so much fun figuring out how the hell that troll modder got it to work,
  20. For my friends birthday we were all playing Amnesia and making jokes and such not paying that much attention to the game which made it not scary at all. :P
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