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Everything posted by antonkr

  1. What??? :O We are not planning on taking over the world, just the nexus
  2. Russian living in United States.
  3. I follow my leader I vote like Thor Antonkr for president :dance: Just make up your mind already Vote Antonkr! http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x5/newbornnikki/Smilies/russian.gif
  4. Good to know. Now what is your stance on the war between the sheep and azgard? If azgard wins there will be no cake! :( Also, Permission to bombard broken and her pony army with tanks that will be fired via our mighty carriers in orbit? Sure you can do it if when we win. Vote for me. And I will bring you slavery and leave cake for myself not start silly wars, be a diplomatic leader and share cake among everyone
  5. Look at my above post :thumbsup:
  6. Vote for some 1 who knows the difference between the and there instead :dance: ?? Ah you edited it. Why spoil such great evidence :teehee: And Pagafyr. If we question life, spend so much time thinking about why we are here. But what if our purpose was to be questioning our lives and to always have wonder and curiosity and the want to answer questions and find different possibilities.
  7. When did you join the great Nexus community (and what it was named before) I am considerably new being here only from 2009 How about you?
  8. Vote for someone who knows the difference between there and their instead :dance:
  9. Yes Sheep will be in charge of space tank programs http://i53.tinypic.com/whaznn.jpg And if I win I will buy myself photoshop too :teehee:
  10. whaaaa... but how will I stand a chance against a crazy mage with a badass tower?
  11. is that a wool cap or was it made of live wolves Its made of hair, my enemies grow when they fear me. Oh and also under my rule, no PlayStation Vita allowed to anyone who hate sheep
  12. what. WHAT!? After we worked together SO DAMN WELL on the sheep, you come out with THIS!? Anton, if WHEN you win this, we must work on removing ALL TRACES of this incident. Their ponies and sheep are no match for mine http://www.concretepiano.com/images/Walter_Christies_flying_tank.jpg Flying tank Isn't that thing pretty? :wub: Wow. My dreams have been shattered! WHY ANTONKR?! Supporter sheep are actually welcomed here so just ponies and Brokenergy will be destroyed :P No, not that. My dream of creating the first flying tank is destroyed. :( And Thor. The sheep are the ones that create the delicious cake. Get rid of them means no more cake. >:( Thats why voting for me will result in a prejudice free non hateful environment. Sheep are welcome as long as you wear this http://operatorchan.org/g/src/g42288_ushanka.jpg
  13. what. WHAT!? After we worked together SO DAMN WELL on the sheep, you come out with THIS!? Anton, if WHEN you win this, we must work on removing ALL TRACES of this incident. Their ponies and sheep are no match for mine http://www.concretepiano.com/images/Walter_Christies_flying_tank.jpg Flying tank Isn't that thing pretty? :wub: Wow. My dreams have been shattered! WHY ANTONKR?! Supporter sheep are actually welcomed here so just ponies and Brokenergy will be destroyed :P
  14. Yarr vote for mee as yar captin' mah mateys. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/434731-election-campaign-poll/
  15. what. WHAT!? After we worked together SO DAMN WELL on the sheep, you come out with THIS!? Anton, if WHEN you win this, we must work on removing ALL TRACES of this incident. Their ponies and sheep are no match for mine http://www.concretepiano.com/images/Walter_Christies_flying_tank.jpg Flying tank Isn't that thing pretty? :wub:
  16. :woot:! I mean... You have my vote sir. For that great looking AK. Now. What is your opinion on gun laws? And what is your stance on the inevitable overthrow of Dark0ne and the nexus staff by the mighty sitebot? Errr if you vote for me, free membership to the nexus armory, and 10 precent discount to the firing range. (that AK by the way is real and if you ever visit Russia you can probably find one ) And we will start wars on other inferior sections and take control of the whole nexus. http://www.foxnews.com/images/368544/0_63_russia2_320.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1116/1332004188_35462093f3.jpg http://i55.tinypic.com/15nqb80.jpg FORWARD TO VICTORY MY GREAT TROOPS
  17. Right so here's my proposition. Vote for me and you get the following Russian vodka in an AK bottle http://www.moosemother.com/img-products/kalashnikov-vodka.jpg Russian AK that looks like a vodka bottle (picture coming soon!) And of course Slavery Slavery for all You and your friends will be enslaved and forced to make mods for me Err no. Slavery for no one. you will still totally be free and not going to be forced to eat my Russian food I will cook for you. http://i55.tinypic.com/15nqb80.jpg
  18. That sounds more of a general name of a small pie in Russian. Pirog is techincally pie, Pirozhok (pirozhki) is like a small pie sort of thing.
  19. I don't know about you but for 10 dollars we get a free very cool dlc by the name of construction set
  20. I am Russian and never had such a thing :P
  21. My name Antonkr and this is my favorite forum on the Citadel
  22. Err me??? :P I remember the previous one which was a lot of fun and only one person voted for me
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