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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. Banning Monolotihic0117 for not having a shorter name than mine.
  2. Ban psyclops for lifting a ban!
  3. Ban psyclops for making fun of my Sig's length, and for coming in for no reason!
  4. Ban floggingmolly22 for not agreeing with me Also ban floggingmolly22 for bringing up information that I didn't know!
  5. Are you an RPer? I hope so! Never can have too many RPers! Anyways welcome!
  6. Ban dezdi for being a strange creature that doesnt own books!
  7. Ban XanAlderon for making it seem like it's my fault that he's late.
  8. Ban XanAlderon for being late.. D:<
  9. Ban Puresnipe for commiting one of the seven deadly sins; PRIDE! Also banning him for not banning someone else for these past 5 or 6 posts. P.S. awesome pictures btw.
  10. Ban Puresnipe for being... artsy..
  11. Ban Puresnipe for being too fast. Also banning Puresnipe for making combo bans. COMBO BAN! +20 pts ....damn it...
  12. Greetings, LadyMidnight.. It's not normal for me to post on welcome topics, but i'm desperate for a post... Anyways, I know it's not much of a welcome, but like I said, I don't post on these most of the time.
  13. Ban Puresnipe for acting on impulse.
  14. Nosisab is banned for trying to end the ban wars!
  15. Banning Calliton for making yet ANOTHER page of bans
  16. Banning everyone in this forum for making nearly 5 pages of posts while i'm gone.
  17. Banning Calliton for having a horrible signature in a garish yellow font.
  18. Certainly, you'll have to join in from the forest though, since the city of Khorikan has fallen to the Valkar already, and I think it might suit your character a little better too.
  19. Banning Monolithic0117 for making it seem as though following floggingmolly22 is a bad thing!
  20. Banning PureSnipe for making technicalities!
  21. Banning calliton, because floggingmolly22 said so.
  22. Banning Monolithic0117 for not banning me!
  23. Banning everybody on this page because i'm a genocidal psychopath
  24. I ban myself for not being able to 'Can has' a cheezburger yet. D:
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