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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. I'd be happy with a simple campsite mod. You know, for those long trips into the wilderness, as you search for ore to improve your smithing, or other things. Say you went down to Blackreach to mine Geodes, or capture and raise Chaurus or something. You'd really need somewhere to sleep and everything. Dwemer beds are uncomfortable as hell. Of course, I'd be completely down with a kind of resource-gathering mod, where you hire people to chop wood, go hunting, or mine, or even build a mill, or a forge, or a farm for even better and larger amounts of resources! You could set up a Mammoth farm, or set up a mine in Blackreach. That would be awesome. And there's enough vanilla animations and models to do it too!
  2. I thought about adding in a blinding effect, but I have no clue how that would work. The most I could think of was making them stagger, as if you had Fus Ro Da'd them, or maybe some stamina damage. I don't think there's a way to make the AI less accurate in combat.
  3. After leveling up a mage character, I found that all the schools except for Destruction and Conjuration have been completely neglected in badassitude. Seriously, Conjuration masters get to summon permanent pets, and Destruction masters get these amazing AOE spells that do massive damage? I'll admit, Destruction has improved a lot more. Conjuration, kinda; with the right perks. But Alteration, Restoration and Illusion have a major downgrade in my opinion. Restoration and Alteration don't even have a quest! So here's some spell ideas. -----Alteration----- Wrath of the Frost Atronach You transform one of your arms into a giant icecicle, which functions kinda like a Big Daddy's drill in Bioshock. In other words, you kill anything that gets near you. This acts as a bound weapon; mouse1 is a heavy sweep melee attack, while mouse 2 performs an ice-slam attack. Sheathing dispels. Wrath of the Fire Atronach Your hands become fiery amalgams of molten brass, which act as a Khajiit's claws. This acts as a bound weapon; mouse1 is a claw-melee attack, while mouse2 is a blast of fire on par with a Dragon's. Sheathing dispels. Wrath of the Storm Atronach Your fists transform into stone, wrapped in lightning, allowing you to beat the snot out of whatever's in your way. This acts as a bound weapon; mouse1 is a lightning-fist combo, while mouse2 is a rocket-fist projectile, akin to punching your opponent's face. With rockets. Sheathing dispels. Polymorph You zap your opponent with a bolt of transforming energy, turning them into any number of "harmless" creatures. This functions as a Lightning spell, mixed in with the Wabbajack, except it turns targets into ONLY goats, chickens, deer, or foxes. Mist Form You transform yourself into a cloud of mist, becoming ethereal, and gaining the ability to fly. This spell functions like a Stoneskin spell. ----Restoration---- Holy Rune You create a magical trap that explodes in a flash of light if an enemy walks over it. Functions like a Destruction Rune spell, except it kills any lesser undead instantly, makes greater undead flee for 20 seconds, and staggers all other enemies. Holy Cloak You sheath yourself in cascading radiance. Functions like a Destruction Cloak spell, except it kills any lesser undead instantly, makes greater undead flee for 20 seconds, and staggers all other enemies. Wall of Light Creates a wall of blistering light when sprayed on the ground. Functions like a Destruction Wall spell, except it kills any lesser undead instantly, makes greater undead flee for 20 seconds, and staggers all other enemies. Divine Flash You create a shockwave of light and sound that destroys any undead around you, heals any living creature to full health near you, and sends several "Magelight" orbs around the area. Final Stand Any corpses in your vicinity are instantly dissolved into ash, as their spirits rise to your cause. This functions similar to The Ritual Stone power. All spirits have bonus damage against undead, deal fire damage, and light up where they stand. Restoring Light You release a flash of light that heals any living creature 100 points of life, and deals 100 points of damage to undead. This spell acts as a Fireball spell. Antimagic Cloak You wrap yourself in convex Magicka energies, sending any spell that hits you, back at the enemy. This spell functions like any Destruction Cloak spell. ----Illusion---- Prismatic Spray You expel a spray of fantastic colors from your hands, causing any creatures caught in the blast to flee, be charmed, be staggered, or fall unconscious. Functions like a Sparks, Flames, or Frostbite spell. Wall of Fear You create a wall of wailing faces and terrifying imagery, causing any creature that tries to pass through it to flee for 30 seconds. This spell functions as a Destruction Wall spell. Phantasmal Puppet You create an illusionary warrior that attracts the attention of every enemy that sees it. Should the phantom take enough damage that it "dies", it explodes, causing enemies to flee. Mind Control You psychically subdue any living creature, and bind it to your will. It will follow you as if it were a Conjurer's Thrall. This spell acts like a Dead Thrall spell, but used on a living creature. Invisibility You become completely and utterly invisible for as long as your Magicka can take it. This spell functions like a Healing spell. Enfeeblement You blast your enemy with loud, booming curse words, causing them to lose all Stamina. This spell acts like a Lightning spell. ----Conjuration---- Wall of Tyranny You create a wall of imposing mental will, causing any summoned creatures that pass through it to fall under your control, or be banished or dispelled. Functions like a Destruction Wall spell. Stinging Swarm You spew a swarm of butterflies, bees, and dragonflies forth from your hands, all of which attack anything in sight. Functions like a Frostbite, Sparks, or Flames spell. Conjure Torchbug You summon a slightly larger version of a regular Torchbug to follow you, and light up dark places. This functions like any Conjuration spell. Gate You create a smoldering blue gateway through Oblivion, all the way back to your home, allowing you to quickly travel back and forth. Functions like any Conjuration spell. Gateways are permanent unless you attempt to summon more than two. Bound Chest You create a flaming spirit treasure chest to stow away any extra items you may have. These items will remain there, even if you resummon it. However, the chest is not of this world, and therefore has a set carrying capacity. Functions as any Conjuration spell. Crouching and using the chest unsummons it. Voltaic Sentinel You create a hovering vortex of stones and lightning that shoots Lightning spells at any enemy that comes near. This spell functions like any Conjuration Spell. The Sentinel cannot move. Cinder Sentinel You create a floating fire-pit of ash and flame that spews Fireball spells at any enemy that comes near. This spell functions like any Conjuration Spell. The Sentinel cannot move. Frigid Sentinel You create a levitating cloud of snow and icicles that shoots Ice Spike spells at any enemy that comes near. This spell functions like any Conjuration Spell. The Sentinel cannot move.
  4. I feel suddenly cultured after looking through this. We definitely need minotaurs in Skyrim. Can we get some kind of mod that replaces those hard as s*** Ice Trolls with minotaurs?
  5. Well, a sea SERPENT, it'd have to, wouldn't it? ;P But yeah, I'm also thinking that instead of its' skin dissolving into flame, it should dissolve into frost instead, leaving behind a bone structure made of ice.
  6. I thought snow elves were these ugly hunch-backed things that are annoying as hell to fight cause they herd these bugs that have ridiculously high health under level 30. http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/2/23/Falmer.png
  7. *COUGHCOUGH NEEDS TO HAPPEN: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=712 COUGH*
  8. I think some kind of sea serpent would be cool. Like, in the same vein as a dragon battle, except instead of flying around, it'd randomly teleport around in the water or something. You're wandering around on the coast under Winterhold or something, and all of a sudden, you hear this loud hiss that makes your skin crawl. Out of the water comes this massive head, sending an explosion of water as it surfaces. The serpent's tail swings out at you from 10 feet in the water, as it's head spews frost from afar. You shoot arrows at it, but it keeps ducking under the water and resurfacing! It'd work well, since you can't use weapons in water, and the fact that it would snatch you up and eat you the same way a dragon would. And when you kill it, you would absorb it's soul too.
  9. Vampires, compared to werewolves are super underpowered. Hence the derivative of this topic. I'm sure there will be plenty of mods to balance vampires and werewolves out, but in the meantime, this is just a basic idea for Lichdom. And you'd be in human form all the time anyways, that's why the true form power is there. The rest of the time, you'd be human with the permanent mask, and the other benefits until you activated True Form.
  10. You could reskin the dragon skeletons and make them fly maybe?
  11. The Soul stone sentries sound wonderful. If all you need is just a petty soul stone to make a fireball turret in the middle of a battlefield, then it definitely needs to be done. I would love to be able to raise dragons. A How To Train Your Dragon mod would be amazing. ;U; As for the Dwemer Tech, it sounds a lot like J3X's mods for Fallout and Oblivion; Which I loved. I have an idea to combine Necromancy, Daedric Conjuration, and Dwemer Engineering together into one big, tasty minion mod. I'm hoping learning to mod is easy.
  12. I want my wife to be more active, as in she goes out, slays a mammoth, and makes me a sandwich from it in under 30 minut- ....Oh. You mean like sleeping with her and having kids and stuff that grow up to be Dovahrunts?
  13. Yes, but didn't the last of the Dragonborns die out with Martin Septim? And hasn't the Empire been ravaged with war against the Thalmor, and other civic unrests for the past 183 years or so? The Imperial City itself was sacked in the Fourth Era. What I'm saying is that there is no possible way the Empire could prevent other Oblivion gates from opening, without the Amulet of Kings nor a proper Dovahkiin Emperor. And who's to say the Mythic Dawn wouldn't revive itself, with a Dragonborn warrior on their side, and a crumbling Empire in front of them? Not only that, but Oblivion Gates themselves aren't limited to Dagon's realm. There is easily enough Dremora and Atronachs in Malcath's realm as there is in the fiery seas of Dagon's realm. I've been wanting to make a mod where you open gates to Azura's, Sheogorath's, or any other Daedric Prince's realm for a while, but from a technical standpoint, it's probably better to start with the simple hellfire and brimstone of the classic Oblivion Gates.
  14. Not to mention that Bound Weapons are freaking amazing. Blue fiery demon sword that has no weight nor presence in my inventory? Sounds good to me!
  15. Okay, so I finally made a werewolf character, and the Beast Form power is pretty sweet, but it got me to thinking; The vampires really blow. Bethesda should have just dropped vampires in Skyrim altogether, and added in Liches. Here's how I think it should work: You stumble across a Dragon Priest or something in a dungeon, and kill him. Left behind is a mask, and his notes for creating a phylactery. You get the ingredients and perform the ritual, making the mask your phylactery. As you put it on, your body is engulfed in frost, binding the mask to you permanently. This grants you the following benefits: Resist Frost: 30% Magicka Regeneration: 100% Magicka Boost: 30 points Death's Call: Conjures a Draugr Wight for 60 seconds. Lich Movement: Allows you to hover over water, and slow your falls. True Form: Engulfs your body in frost, withering your flesh away into your true Lich form for 130 seconds. When in True Form, you gain a shout ability just like in Beast Form, that allows you to transform nearby dead bodies into Draugr, and reanimate them. (Similar to The Ritual power) Not only that, but you also have a bound staff that functions as an Ice Spike attack, and a Frostbite attack, and any frost damage you take in this form heals you instead of damaging. Finally, if you happen to go below your health in True Form, you die, and then are reformed in a blast of ice as your normal form, due to your phylactery, damaging anything around your corpse. There could also be quests similar to the Companions' which allow you different masks or artifacts to specialize your True Form, such as a Corpse Explosion shout, or a shout that reanimates an Undead Dragon. However, you would also have a 50% Fire Weakness, and any kind of Healing spell, or turning spell would affect you, and possibly kill you. Also, The Divines would forsake you for becoming such an abomination, and you could not receive their Blessings. To cure yourself of Lichdom, you'd have to undergo a quest where you summon Potema, and give her your mask, ridding you of it's powers, but also forcing you to slay Potema's reanimated body.
  16. Because people like you squirm when we do it.
  17. Whenever the Construction Kit comes out, I'm going to do my damndest to try and learn it, because I want some kind of minion mod. Working on getting a fully functioning Oblivion Gate will be my first project. :D
  18. In my long past with Bethesda games, and the mods that were wrought in their wake, I've come across many that have attempted to place the player in the backseat, while their armies of minions, be them from an Oblivion Gate, or an Enclave Vertibird, slaughtered their enemies. Now that I've proceeded on to Skyrim, I'm excited at the possibilities that will come. So much so, I'm even willing to create my own. Since I don't want to make a whole lot of posts, I figured I'd compile the ideas I have into one thing. First idea: Necromancy. This is something that's spawned many mods in Oblivion, and I'm certain that it will happen in Skyrim, but I just want to emphasize the numerous opportunities we have with the concept. Ice Wraiths, Undead Dragons, Draugr, Corrupted Shades, and even Wisps! There are so many undead beasties that just beg to be controlled, including the basic Skeletons, Ghosts and Liches. You could summon the Undead through a summoning circle spell (Like a lightning rune), or with one of the Master Conjuring spells (Flame Thrall). Second idea: Dwemeri Engineering. With the massive influx of Undead, we also now have a next-gen, tangible concept for Steampunk type mods. I feel there should be a minion mod focusing around these mechanical automatons. Something along the lines of TalkieToaster's RobCo Engineer mod, where you can rebuild any of the Dwemeri constructs you slay as permanent companions, and customize them with different enchantments and weaponry. Third idea: Oblivion Gates. Servant of the Dawn and J3X's Oblivion Gate mod were wonderful, but the AI for the Daedra servitors you called forth was more than a little bad. Follower AI in Fallout 3 improved, but the setting is different. In Skyrim, there's a museum for the Mythic Dawn, holding all the Commentaries, and the first page to the Mysterium Xarxes. You can even get Mehrune's Razor for crying out loud. It would be an insult to NOT make a mod where you conjure a fiery Oblivon Gate, and destroy Windhelm with a Siege Crawler. I think that at the lesser stages of the mod, you can summon and bind Daedra through a temporary portal which appears and vanishes like in Enclave Commander (Think lightning runes again), and as you work your way up the chain, you can summon full Oblivion Gates with AI scripts that cause the Daedra to siege towns, and eventually be able to create a Siege Gate, and summon a Siege Crawler to destroy the town. The last part may take a bit of work though, but it would totally be worth it. I honestly think I may work to compile all of these concepts in some kind of village/empire building mod, centered around being a Conjurer, Necromancer, or Technomage, and gathering resources and stuff (I'm certain Skeletons and Dremora can use tanning racks just like a Nord!), in the same vein as Real Time Settler. But I figured I'd throw these ideas out there in case anyone would take the task of making them.
  20. I approve of this idea. Honestly, with the new additions in Skyrim, it's almost an insult to NOT do something like this. Oh, also, we need Siege Gates. J3X's old Oblivion Gate mod was cool and all, but he moved on to Fallout 3 before he could finish it, and there were loads of requests for both the Siege Crawler and Siege Gates. So maybe an option or quest added in for destroying a Hold.
  21. Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm StreetLights.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm EVE.esm Mart's Mutant Mod.esm Companion Core.esm RobCo Certified v2.esm Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm RTS NW.esm EnclaveCommander-OA-Pitt-Steel.esm StreetLights - Wasteland.esp TCOS.esp RobcoCertified24SideMod.esp Companion Core DLC Addon.esp EVE.esp EVE Operation Anchorage.esp Mart's Mutant Mod.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp CMF-NewStart.esp Glow Sticks.esp Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin.esp Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp Enhanced Weather - REBOOT.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - The Pitt.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Broken Steel.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Point Lookout.esp RobCo Certified v2 Omnipatch.esp Total active plugins: 44 Total plugins: 63 Currently, I'm having a rather large abundance of CTDs, and I'm hypothesizing they might be related to MMM or EVE, as they are my two biggest mods in my load order, but then again, I'm not sure. I've used the BOSS Auto Sort on FOMM, and this is the load order it gave me, and the CTDs have not ceased. Any assistance will make me love you forever!
  22. Uhhh... Also, any idea what happened up there? EDIT: Nevermind, it's gone.
  23. I ran the GFWL installer, it installed, and then it wanted to do updates. I hit OK for the updates, and then it takes me to this page: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/960554 It's a vicious freaking cycle! Also, somehow, I did get it to work a few times, with FOSE, FOMM, and a .dll file that I had downloaded, but it would be like one time I would run it through FOSE, and it would work, then the next time I'd run it through FOSE, it would CTD on startup, but run through FOMM just fine, and vice versa. I swear, if I could backhand Microsoft, I would. They need to leave their shite programs off of my Fallout!
  24. The problem with that is that FOSE wants the latest patch, which is 1.7. I tried it with 1.6, but it still wanted 1.7.
  25. All right, I tried it. I installed FOMM, disabled the settler mod, used the fake DLL tweaker, and clicked "Launch FOSE". It ran through the command prompt thing as usual with FOSE startup, and then it freaking errored out on me. I don't have the ordinal problem anymore, but it still doesn't let me play my game.
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