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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. There was a discussion somewhere else about how Microsoft wanted them to wait, or that releasing the SDK would upset 90% of their customers that are on console. Tons of ideas. All I know is it's the week after Thanksgiving, and I'm still dying for that patch.
  2. Um. Normally the locks that require a key are supposed to be opened through a quest, otherwise you COULD pick the lock. Of course, you can also unlock it manually with the console. As for the auto-recharging items, the Staff of Magnus recharges itself as you attack with it. I guess that could work out in a way.
  3. I would like the favorites menu to be fixed. I hate the fact that I can't equip two steel maces, because when I use one from the favorites menu, the other one somehow becomes unfavorited. Also, the way it won't let you access any dual-wielding combos after using a spell or a bow is frustrating too; it just keeps switching between the two weapons in your combo.
  4. They do that already, albeit horribly. At least, your followers do. For everyone else, there's this thing called "FUS RO DAH".
  5. I'd say a business mod, but not in the way you've stated. Basically, the mod would take advantage of the numerous work-stations (Wood-cutting, mining, cooking) and turn them into resources. You'd start out and make a hut out of wood and gathered wheat. Then you'd build it, and be able to attract your first work-force. Then you could build mills, mines, or farms under your name. Maybe have "innovative" ideas, such as raising mammoths, or mining in Blackreach. Maybe even have a village in your name and work under a Hold, like Riverwood. Well, s***. Nevermind. I see you covered that in the Jarl mod. Bravo.
  6. I have no logical idea why Bethesda took out Knock spells.
  7. Ever since Bioware made Mage deathblows in Dragon Age 2, I've been hooked on that concept. Like, you hit the final blow on a bandit with your Ice-Spear, and it zooms in on him and goes into slow-mo, as the spear pierces him through the chest, and freezes/shatters him. Archery finishers would be cool too.
  8. It's the time Valve uses when they talk about anything that involves them physically working. Normally it's 2 to 6 times longer whatever time they said, maybe even more. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time A closer example would be Blizzard's use of the word "Soon". http://www.wowwiki.com/Soon
  9. You'd be surprised at some of the phobias in the world. I've seen people that are hysterically afraid of balloons. Arachnophobia isn't that bad considering spiders aren't exactly cuddly. Balloons are quite horrible to behold, honestly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8hCzztnqZyw But I'd think being an amazing Nordic harbinger of death who kills dragons, that'd at least give you some courage to kill that spider in his face. A phobia's a phobia I guess.
  10. I love the concept of deep-sea dragons. <3 Maybe giant sea-serpents/eels too? I mean, Ice Wraiths not only fly in a sense, but they also have a snake-like body type, so it's definitely possible. And if you could somehow jury-rig a jellyfish boss monster out of the fungus in Blackreach, that'd be amazing.
  11. So, is this just things that we've drawn, or any request? Because I'd like to see a Dwemer Airship, or a Mechanical Dragon, as an earlier mod request was. Failing that, I'd like one of my creatures to be made: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/143/9/6/Tainted_Beast__The_Briatoad_by_IxionIndustries.jpg This is a Briatoad. It's a magical amphibian that serves as a battery for mana. It absorbs any magic attack, and can detect magic from any distance. It also causes random jolts in reality, like foxes turning into butterflies, or combusting trees. Should you kill one, the creature's body becomes unstable after a while, and explodes in a blast of chaotic magical energies. Or, if you could, make a Primal Earth Elemental: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/216/f/1/Spirits_of_the_Azure__Primal_by_IxionIndustries.jpg Basically, Primal elementals are the ravenous and wild embodiments of nature, unlike Djiin, or Husks (Normal individuals' spirits tainted by elemental forces). Primal Earth Elementals tend to take the forms of pack beasts, as they tend to be the most numerous of the other elements. Normally, they only attack with the top part of their bodies exposed, leaving their legs, tails, or god knows what else, underground.
  12. My dog had an ice-spike lodged in his face for the longest time. Dying helped clear it up though. :{
  13. She's just letting it all hang out. You know. Like bros do. She's your bro man. Your BRO.
  14. Well, they're running the PC version through Steam, so I'd say at around Valve Time.
  15. I have a feeling this is more of a political statement than a mod request. But protests would be cool? I guess any kind of dynamic civil unrest would be good, considering the Stormcloak rebellion and all. Though seriously, what's with this whole 99%, 1% crap?
  16. Now, onto the gameplay element: Rifts are essentially Oblivion gates; large, invasive portals to another realm that twist the land around them, each associated with the elemental plane they are opened to. In order to open one, you would require two things: An elemental sigil spell (Which would function like a Destruction rune spell), and a Planar Lure spell, which would work like one of the conjuration thrall spells. When you place the sigil and cast the Planar Lure on it, the sigil explodes (Like if you hit a frost rune with a fireball), and forms the Rift. The Rift then opens up, and begins the process of changing the surrounding area. Water Rifts would turn the ground into water, make the weather rainy, and create large growths of seaweed and strange aquatic life. http://telarapedia.com/w/images/thumb/b/b6/Water_Rift.jpg/800px-Water_Rift.jpg Then, the Rift would spew out monsters suiting its' element, such as Spriggans and Sabrecats for Life Rifts, Hagravens and Wisps for Air Rifts, and Mudcrabs and Chaurus for Water Rifts. In order to close a Rift, you must clear the area of monsters, and then defeat the Dragon God that comes out (Which would function like a regular dragon battle). After you kill the Dragon God, the Rift is sealed, and you get a unique item. Or, you can let the Rifts grow, if you're the sick kind like I am. Rifts have a thing of consuming and conquering anything next to them. So if left alone, it would gather it's forces, and attack a Hold. Should the Hold fall, a new Rift will open in the Hold, and all the NPCs will be disabled, and rendered as corpses. Then the conquest would continue, so on and so forth.
  17. This is my final idea for today's influx of mod plans! A RIFT: Planes of Telara conversion for Skyrim. Still with me? Well, basically, there's six Dragon Gods, each associated with a different element. These Dragon Gods hold their own elemental planes of sorts, and seek to destroy, corrupt, or subjugate all of mankind. Regulos, Dragon of Extinction, who embodies Death and the end of all things. http://www.mpogd.com/images/news/7446/1.jpg Maelforge, Dragon of Destruction, who embodies Fire and senseless violence. http://telarapedia.com/w/images/thumb/b/bc/Maelforge_trailer.jpg/800px-Maelforge_trailer.jpg Laethys, Dragon-Goddess of Greed, who embodies Earth, and the darkness of wealth. http://secretsofrift.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/goldenMawHeader.jpg Greenscale, Dragon of Evolution, who embodies Life and the survival of the strongest http://telarapedia.com/w/images/thumb/c/cc/Greenscale_trailer.jpg/800px-Greenscale_trailer.jpg Crucia, the Dragon of Order, who embodies the element of Air, and the subjugation of a hivemind. http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Direfen/RIFT/Crucia.jpg Akylios, the Dragon of Madness, who embodies the element of Water, and forbidden knowledge http://www.riftgame.com/img/npcs/AkyliosHeader.png Since both games feature dragons as the antagonists, and the previous game (Oblivion) featured an extra-planar invasion, I figure this would be a great game to make a conversion for.
  18. That command don't work on khajiit, because they don't have talking lines about marriage. But there is another trick you can do, you can change any companions race to khajiit with console, although their voice will remain what it was. Mmmm. Lydia as a Khajiit. XD I concur, we need a marriageable Khajiit, and possibly more companions too. J'Zargo is kind of a douche.
  19. I vouch for this. I'm getting sick of the ghostly remains from the Eye of Magnus stagnating my College. Also, I want dens and other locations to respawn and not be "cleared".
  20. Why you gotta replace the Khajiit? Why not some of the shitty races like maybe wood elves? Look at them. http://i.imgur.com/q9fSs.png LOOK AT THEM. They must be purged. The Khajiit need not suffer such a fate. Also, cute cat-girls with manly lion-men is my OTP.
  21. By the way, phayze81, I've kinda stolen your idea and expanded on it: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/477174-build-your-own-empire/page__view__findpost__p__3912074 Please don't be mad at me :C
  22. This reminds me of my idea for a weapon: Steam-bows. Basically, they're repeating crossbows that have a boiler built into them, so they rapidly fire and reload automatically. All you have to do is pull the trigger, and let the arrows fly. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Zhugenu-payne.jpg It would look the same as this, but with a boiler on the bottom, and a kind of gear-winch instead of the lever. If guns don't fit in lore wise, then this certainly should. On a side note, crossbows in general would be great to have in Skyrim.
  23. Actually, on a side note, and without making another thread, I've got an idea for you guys: A mod where you become a mage, and build an empire. Basically, you'd specialize in either Necromancy, Conjuration, or Artificing. Necromancy specializes in Frost spells, Conjuration in Fire spells, and Artificing in Shock spells. Each would have it's own unique method of summoning and customizing minions, and each would have particular bonuses and abilities. Then, you would get your first spells for minions. If you went Necromancy, you'd get a spell to strip a body of it's skin (a la dragon death), and turn it into a skeleton worker. If you went Conjuration, you'd get a spell to make a Summoning Circle of Slavery, which would act kind of like a portable Atronach Forge, and would conjure Dremora workers. If you go with Artificing, you would get a spell to repair Dwemer Spiders, and use them as workers. Each of these spells would take a Black Soul gem. After you have a work force built up, you would begin harvesting resources, and you would set up your hide-out. Your workers would have to gather ore, wood, and food at first. Spider worker hunting parties roaming the wilderness for deer and goats, Skeletal workers working their bones to dust mining iron in caves, Dremora slaves chopping firewood for your hordes of minions. That sort of thing. Then, you'd build up an army to take over mills, farms, and eventually, a Hold. Artificers would get customized spiders and Dwarven Spheres, preparing them for battle with different enchantments and steam-powered weaponry. Conjurers would get different types of Daedra and Atronachs, empowering them with different Sigil Stones and Summoning Circles. Necromancers would get Draugr minions and Ice Wraiths to fight with, using different corpse parts and essences to enhance them. Finally, you'd gain access to siege weaponry unique to your specialization, and you'd take over a Hold. Necromancers would get an Undead Dragon to fly around and terrorize the citizens, and Soul Cannons to pulverize the walls and buildings. Conjurers would get the ability to create Oblivion Gates, and summon a Siege Crawler to topple the walls. Artificers would get a giant Centurion/Spider to siege the Hold's defenses, and Gyrocopter Bombs to provide support. After that, you'd work on building up your empire with your subdued citizens (If there's any left), levelling up through your magical specialization, and conquer Skyrim. Then, you'd get an "Ultimate Reward" of sorts. Artificers would finally be able to travel to the Stars, and seek the madness of the Dwemer's Gods. Conjurers would gain their own Paradise realm, and immortality. Necromancers would ascend to Lichdom, and would be able to wield unlimited magical power. It shall be called...... MAGESTY: A TALE OF DWEMER, DAEDRA, AND DRAUGR! :D
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