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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. Sorry to sound like an idiot, but is that a file you can download, or do I have to make a fake one myself? EDIT: Oh! Hah! I found it, on the Nexus even! I will try this right away!
  2. Okay, before I start, I would like to give you all a bit of backstory on this: I finally found Fallout 3 today in my games collection, and decided that the first mod that I would install would be the RTS Settler mod. The Settler mod requires FOSE to function, and FOSE in turn requires the latest Fallout 3 patch. Therein lies my problem. I have installed the 1.7 patch, and it gives me this error: "The ordinal 5360 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll" Apparently it's a problem with Games for Windows, and one of the solutions is to update it, except the stupid thing will not update. :wallbash: So now I am just sitting here, looking longingly at that tiny Vault-Tec mascot on my desktop.. Please help me out party people!
  3. Talk about your cottage cheese. Ba-dum *tish*
  4. I downloaded it, but afterwards I noticed it's for Morrowind.. Which I don't have..
  5. Well.. Why not just have it to where you start your own cult or something, and then you become a daedric prince of your own design? Why should you have to be Sheogorath only? But whatever. It would be a small step, but a step in the right direction at least. Luck.
  6. I would say that the animals in his realm would either be crystalized versions of the fauna in the Shivering Isles, or they wouldn't exist.
  7. All righty then.. I guess I'll put this thread to good use.. I'm looking for a mod that acts kind of like a guild mod, except you control your own daedric cult. I mean, sort of like the Servant of the Dawn mod, except you have a choice in which Daedric Prince your cult follows. If that's not viable, then I am also looking for a mod that has a Steampunk-ish theme, or that adds Dwemer technology in game, other than Mr. Siikas' Dwemer tech mods.
  8. All right.. Sounds cool.. The magical powers of Copei Pasta! Name: Mal'Saras Race: Tiefling Gender: Male Class: Demonologist/Bounty hunter. Weapon: Chaos Ring, (A dual-bladed weapon, with it's blades curved downward. Holds strong demon magic inbetween the blades) Alignment/Faction: Evil, member of the Guild of Mute Assassins. Description: Mal'Saras was the unholy bonding between a human and a demon. Ridiculed by society for being different, and nearly being crucified, he went off to the dark city of Archaon. There, he trained himself in demonology, summoning his brethren in time of need, and mastering dark powers. He made his own Chaos Ring, a weapon to hold his demonic sigils and energies, and a requirement for all demonologists. He set out to return to his hometown, with his newfound powers, and burn it to the ground. After everybody was dead, he nailed every member of the village to a cross, and bound them in barbed wire. It was then he was hired as a hitman, a bounty hunter, by the Guild of Mute Assassins. Each victim he was sent to, wound up dead in some religiously ironic way. Mal'saras has been known to be called the "Fifth Horseman" due to his ominous ways of killing people.. Good old Mal'Saras will do this job nicely..
  9. This should be labeled as a Villain/Supervillain RP.. Anyways, as for my character, I'll just use my char from City of Villains. Name: C-DRONE #36752 (Commonly referred to as Cyro Bug) Gender: Male. Species: Insectiod Biomechanth. (Humanoid insect-cyborg.) Age: 7 years currently. Arsenal: LMG .52 Laser rifle. Complete arsenal of robots at his disposal as well. Also has complex devices in the suit, and can fly with his rocket boots or wings. Appearance: Completely covered in a red and black armored suit, with circuitry running over it. Wears a blast helmet that exposes his antennae. Description: Cyro Bug was sent from his home fleet to earth, designated as a conquest drone. He eventually landed in a large corn field in Oklahoma, and turned his drop pod into an underground facility. He soon produced massive amounts of robotic minions to provide support in his plans.. He now works towards his goals of domination, so that his species can have a planet again.
  10. I'll join in. I've been interested in a Vault RP, but Atonkr's RP didn't seem structured enough for me. Anyways: Name: Jared Mason Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance: Tall and skinny, brown pageboy-style haircut. Wears an extensively modified Pipboy 3000 on his right hand. Currently wearing a Vault 83 repairman's jumpsuit. Job: Robotic repair/management. Weapons: Spanner, and an ancient .223 Pistol. Background: Jared was an orphan who was lucky enough to be admitted into a vault before the bombs dropped. He was put into menial labor by the Overseer, and soon learned how to fix machinery from the janitorial staff. He eventually built his own Mr. Handy robot, named Baxby, from spare parts left from machine repairs and upgrades. Personality: Extremely nonchalant, intelligent and calculating. Will generally stay calm until a plan comes to mind, then will immediately put it to action. In combat, he will normally send Baxby in to attack, and provide fire support from afar. Since my character is accompanied by his robot, I think Baxby also needs a profile as well. Name: Baxby Model: Vaguely resembles a Mr. Handy Mark II Weapons: Basic welding torch, power drill, and gripping unit on three arms. Build/appearance: Baxby has three arms, but only two sensor units/eyes. Advanced 37.8 memory unit and 2309 computing drive. Has a G.A.I. communications chip, and talks with an Australian accent. He also has a toolbox welded to his back, to hold Jared's working supplies. Personality: Baxby has a loyalty equivalent to a dog towards his creator, and has an extreme distrust to anyone else. He also has a problem with his CPU where he attacks anything without a Vault-Tec logo.
  11. ACK! No, no, no, no, no.... I apologize dearly for letting the RP die! We must revive it! Wasn't it already dead? I mean, undead? No, I would never let such an awesome place die.. LIVE! *pulls out some jumper cables*
  12. Oh, I have another one. This is for my RP as well, it's an atlas of all the realms; http://art3.server06.sheezyart.com/image/204/2044024.jpg
  13. I'm just thinking about how if I became the emperor, how messed up Cyrodill would turn out, my character being an assassin/mage guy. Also, he's a member of the Mythic Dawn remnants.
  14. o_O Juust pokin' my head in. Anyways, here: http://art3.server06.sheezyart.com/image/203/2035660.jpg This is a test of my dove's blood writing kit/thing. It's basically a sigil circle for the Valkar, a race in my forum RPs. I like it, because it looks kinda demonic and hellish. Makes my religious friends flip out.
  15. Pac-man is the All-devourer! He shall swallow the world! Praise be him in these dark and glorious times! Please the All-Devourer with a gift of Cherries and pellets. Lol... My opinion is already said.
  16. How about you get trapped in a miniature vault, where several tech from previous vault experiments has been found by the Jigsaw Killer, and is being used against you. Such as the White Noise tech, or the halluciogenic drug.
  17. IxionInc

    Swine Flu

    I'm not participating in this whole debate, but this new strain of Influenza has me scared shitless. Sorry for harsh words, but I am. Especially since the disease has been found in Texas and Kansas. There's a huge gap there, completely avoiding Oklahoma (That's where I live). I just dont want to be one of the people cursed with this new bacteria, since I have nothing for health insurance.
  18. Banning atonkr for thinking Azir is cool.
  19. :sick: Barfbanning Floggingmolly :sick:
  20. Name: Gideon Ravenbane, Lord of Flies. Race: Breton Male Weapons of choice: Animal Skull staff of Plagues. Guilds: Dark Brotherhood, Necromancers. Also a member of a small sect of Plague Doctors. Assassination style: Generally curses a house or person with a quick killing plague, and walks away. The next day, victims are usually dead. If confronted by guards, Gideon will escape by turning into a flock of flies or turning into a raven and escaping. Will curse the people who confronted him. Attitude: Pessimistic, always has a bleak outlook on life. Enjoys swindling people by plauging them, then offering his doctoring skills for a hefty sum. Enjoys bartering with people who don't pay back loans or debts to him. Description: Gideon was always seeing the world in a constant fog, a shadow laying over it. He could never feel the beauty of life, and wound up desensitized, and spiteful. He trained as a plague doctor, healing the sick and wounded, but still felt no joy, even though all of his patients lived. He eventually joined the dark circle of the Necromancers, and learned the powers of death. He was called Lord of the Flies by his guildmates. When he tested his powers on a mob who drove him out of town because of his "witchery", he then felt joy. Ever since, he has been with the Dark Brotherhood, killing people for the sheer happiness that he desires so greatly.
  21. Banning ytsejam91 for have 3 eggs in his siggy.. for shame!
  22. *sneak attack ban!* Banning jaosals42 for teh lulz..
  23. I think that this should be the equivalent of a Siege Crawler, except for order. But since it'd be too large to be teleported from an obelisk, it would be many obelisks that emerge from the ground, and form together. Also, there's already a modders resource for an Order Atronach by the modding god J3X (I worship the very ground he walks upon, lol) Here's the link: Clickity click click.. EDIT: That pic reminds me of Cloverfield for some reason.
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