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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. Ban psyclops for letting me know about the kudo. (Srsly didnt notice, lol)
  2. Avatar: 9 (Original idea I suppose, don't see too many mass effect icons.) Signature: 7 (The pyramid head animation is choppy)
  3. Banning jaosals42 for having Master Chef in his signature and icon
  4. Banning Monolithic for doubting my faith (in myself)! :bunny:
  5. Banning Monolithic for not finishing up that sentence in a Darth Vader format!
  6. Banning Monolithic for advocating that way of banning.
  7. Banning jaosals42 for not revealing his identity.
  8. The smell is in your kitchen.. It's all over your kitchen..
  9. Banning Monolithic for thinking that I am crazy... I'm not... really.. QUIT LOOKING AT ME!! <.< >.>
  10. Unbanning floggingmolly22 because I agree. Banning ytsejam91 for basing his opinions on shoes.
  11. ban ytsejam91 for making confusing statements.. O.o
  12. Mal'saras had taken the tomes, and had the Alagoi Priest cut apart. His skinless skeleton on the conjured table, with a hexagram around the around. "Hmm, and it says, 'Channel the spirit back into the body, after you have the seal upon it'." Mal'saras said, and he placed his hand upon the skull of the skeleton, making a small symbol of a wing with a scythe inside. "That ought to work.." He said. Mal'saras was about to re-attatch the spirit, when he heard yelling from inside the tower. "Huh, I guess someone got Llervu angry. They really shouldn't do that, especially since he's a lich." Mal'saras raised his arms, green mist swirling around him. It went to the skeleton, and into the diaphragm. The skeleton sat up, and stared at Mal'saras with it's empty sockets. What am I doing here?!? It said to Mal'saras, telepathically.. I thought I was dead. When the skeleton saw Mal'saras, it began to shake rapidly in panic, making rattling noises. No! Not you! I can't be here! Not near you! "SILENCE WRETCH!" Mal'saras shouted, his echo emenating around the city. "You serve me now, and you shall become my first assistant. Since my Imp cannot keep himself afloat anymore, he is useless to me. You are now my slave, and should you rebel, your soul shall be sent to one of the worst Afterlife planes in existence.." The skeleton rose off the table, and bowed to it's master. I guess I have little choice. I damn you for what you have done, but I have no control over my so called body.. What is your wish?
  13. "As I have stated before, I am in your service for the long run, so I shall continue with my tasks.. But as for my reward selection, I would like to train in Necromancy..." Mal'saras said, with a slight gleam in his eye. This invasion will assure me a point of power.. He thought, And I believe that it will be far better than sitting around in a musty guild hall, waiting to kill the old beggar down the street..
  14. "Such as...?" Mal'saras pondered, intrigued in the offer. OOC> Kinda caught me off guard, but I wasn't planning on it
  15. Mal'saras entered the room, with a small scroll. "I have completed something you might wish to see.. It is an obelisk, made with a Netherlight Orb, that has successfully disarmed one of the strongest barrier spells that I know. I have made copies of the scroll that conjures it, and added the schematics for it's construction. Feel free to continue further tests upon it. It was able to break my barriers, but i'm not sure if it will break a temporal barrier.." He handed Llervu the scroll, and had his poor imp return all the books to their proper places. The recipe said that the Obelisk consisted of; -1 ten-thousand lb piece of obsidian -1 Alagoi Netherlight Orb -a few pounds of corpse dust, for the bone inscribers. -a small ounce of blood, (to attract spirits to feed the Orb) and finally -an Earthshaper circle, (diagram below)
  16. In the strange dimension, apparently four days had passed. Mal'saras was surrounded by open books and outlandish apparatus. He had just completed a large circle, filled with sigils, runes, and symbols. His demonic minions reappeared in the blue burst of flame, and they even had a prisoner! He was a frail old Alagoi priest, apparently knocked unconscious. One minion had a large orb in it's hands. The orb was spiraled like a snail shell, and gave off shadows around it. "Ah yes, and just in time.." Mal'saras said, taking the orb, "Hopefully this will work." He placed the orb in the center of the circle, and chanted an incantation. He slit his palm with an athame, and let the blood drip on the orb. The symbols swirled and shifted, bones rose from the edge of the circle and bent inwards. The orb levitated, and a large piece of obsidian rose from the ground. The orb vanished into the large rock, and the bony fingers began chiseling it into an obelisk. Green spirits swirled around the obelisk, infusing it with green shapes and diagrams. After Mal'saras stopped chanting, the bony protrusions sank beneath the earth, and the circle vanished. All that was standing was a tall, black obelisk, with green lines snaking over it. It emenated an eerie green glow. He dismissed his demonic horde, and made a purple dome wrap over him and the obelisk. "Now, let's see if it is strong enough.." Mal'saras said, placing a red hand on the black stone. The top of it shattered, releasing the orb from inside. The orb vibrated and shook, it sent shadows at the dome, making it explode violently. Mal'saras was knocked back. "Argh!" He exclaimed, dusting himself off, "This will work just fine!" He clapped his hands, making the obelisk sink into the ground. "Time to present this to Llervu.." Mal'saras whispered, and strolled off to the tower.
  17. The books and other guides appeared above his own, but Mal'saras didn't notice. He had read that Netherlight orbs, the holy relics of the Alagoi, could project high magical energy from them. They also produced a light that was as black as night, and animated shadow. Hmm, an interesting prospect.. maybe, I can construct something to channel those energies.. He thought. Then, he pointed at the ground, drawing a large circle along it. When he completed it, the chunk of earth inside the circle floated upwards into the skies, propelled by fire. It left behind a large pit, where several disgusting demonic fiends crawled out of. When they were all out, he inserted the chunk of land back to it's original position. "Alright you all," Looking over his newly summoned horde, "You will go to the realm of Aeros, raid an alagoi settlement, and procure for me, a Netherlight orb. Should you fail to return it to me, the consequences will be dire." Then, the entire group of demons were engulfed in a blue flame, and Mal'saras returned to his tome.
  18. "Very well then! I shall begin plotting a way to disable those barriers. Also, you may wish to consider venturing to the realm of Aeros, and seek the Valkar, they are extremely skilled necromancers, and are in quite numerous groups." Mal'saras said, "I shall take my leave, with a few tomes as well, if you don't mind.." Mal'saras snapped his fingers, and the imp returned with several large books, and was struggling to stay afloat. He and the imp left the room to explore the realm. He decided to go outside, into a large courtyard. Mal'Saras proceeded to conjure up a table and a chair, which seemed to emerge from shadow. He then sat down, and opened one of the books, written in Alagoi scripts, called "History of the Netherlight"
  19. 'Ahh, yes.." Mal'Saras said, savoring the rewards at the end of this bloodthirsty rainbow, "I will join you, as I have longed to travel to the realm of Nirn, the dimension wrought with strife, and home to the daedric lords.. I would love to join your.. 'operation' here. Although, I must regret to say, that I do not know a way to bypass the dimensional barrier to get to the realm of which you speak. I recieve news, but no way to enter. But I am certain that with the resources provided here, I will be able to think of a way around it. The laws of magic are different for every realm.." He chanted an incantation, and a small imp appeared from a brust of flame. "I'll also partake in the invasion, but I do hope it will go better than the Oblivion Crisis in Cyrodiil."
  20. "Hmm, and I hear that your facillity studies the Dark Arts, and the magic of Necromancy. I would wish to further my powers by studying there, and the offer of such dimension-changing tools is extremely tempting.." Mal'Saras said, "I accept your offer, now, what is it you require?"
  21. IxionInc


    Hello! It's always nice to see a new RPer, you can never have too many RPer's! BTW, I currently have an RP going along if you want to check it out. But you gotta sign in, since drop-ins kinda ruin the flow.
  22. Mal'saras was sitting in the guild, in the middle of a ritual. He was trying to see if he could finally create his own dimensional pocket. He had the sigils drawn in a circle around him, in hog's blood, and was channeling nether orbs through the Chaos Ring. He had managed to make a portal of fire, and when he reached in, he grabbed a beating heart with crystals poking out of it. As soon as he grabbed it, the portal closed, leaving burn marks, and the circle around him dissipated. "Hmm, so this must be the Dimensional Alembic that I've heard so much about. I guess this is what those Camoran fools used to shape theirs.." He said. Mal'saras had heard news of several cults, mages, and gods making their own dimensional sanctuaries, but he had never known what they used to make it. Just then, Halcyon, guildmaster of the Guild of Mute Assassins appeared behind him. "Gah! You shouldn't do that sir, you know how much that startles me." Mal'saras said. His master simply nodded his head. He gave Mal'saras a note, and he read it to himself. "Hmm.. From the Black Clergy you say? A kind of ambassador? Well then, I'll just have to meet this character, and see what this is about." Mal'saras said, but when he looked back to his master, he was gone. "Damn it, I wish that for once he would take those god-forsaken stitches out of his mouth every once in a while.." He muttered, and headed out of the guild. It was dark inside the city, but that's to be expected inside of the stomach of a giant manta ray.. Luckily Mal'saras was used to the darkness, and could see perfectly. The note said for him to meet the emmisary outside the Chapel of the Eye.. The chapel was quite possibly the strangest building of all in the city. It was essentially a regular church, but instead of pearly stone walls, and beautiful stained glass windows, it had fleshy tissue for walls, and bloodshot, twitchy eyes for windows. Mal'saras stood outside the chapel, and looked around. He saw the emissary, who stuck out like a sore thumb in the outlandish crowds. He was essentially a bipedal lizard, and his *normalness* made everybody gawk at him like a freak. Mal'saras went over to him. "Greetings, I hear you have a requirement of me, no?" He said to the emmisary..
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