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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. Oh gog Unforgotten Realms. Yeah, I was wondering if you could dual-wield shields too. It'd make Block one lethal skill tree, that's for sure!
  2. So I was thinking: If the fire spells burn and scorch so much they leave charred embers, and if the frost spells chill things on impact, that they're coated with ice, why don't they ever "smoke"? What I'm asking for is for all of the spell impacts to have an effect suited to their element. Frost spell impacts let off chilled air. Fire impacts smoke and smolder. Lightning impacts may spark, or have residual charge. If you take a closer look at the Rune spells, each rune has this kind of effect. Why don't the impacts?
  3. First, you'd have to establish a multiplayer mod; Which, although may be possible in Skyrim (We'll have to see when the CK comes out in January), is heavily unlikely, as many projects had tried with Oblivion and Fallout. Therefore, this is impossible at the moment, and probably wouldn't work. It's best to just use the Steam interface if you're just looking to chat with your friends.
  4. I would love some awesome criticals and kill moves for mages. VATS would be cool with your spell too. Especially if it were versatile, and changed the kill-move depending on what school/spell you used. Maybe some kind of Mortal Kombat fatality type thing, where you have a chance to use whatever spell you wanted on the enemy before they just died (Like when they're crouched down maybe?) Like, Alteration spells could rip off an enemy's limb with telekinesis, or transmute an opponent's limbs to metal. Conjuration spells could designate a "kill" command, or even designate a targeted hit for your minions in VATS. Bound weapons would do normal VATS attacks; but I'm thinking that if the spell were targeted, it should throw that weapon at that limb. (Bound Axe throws an axe at a bandit's arm, Bound Bow shoots a flurry of arrows at the target, etc) Destruction would be targeted blows to the limbs, just like archery; But you could also have cinematic ranged finishers too: Hit the enemy with enough lightning-bolts to the knee, and you could finish him off with a cinematically placed lightning rune, directly under his feet. Blast your enemies with ice-spears, and you could rip their arms off with ice-spikes conjured from the ground. Illusion, I'd presume, could be spells like Mayhem or Hysteria; If your opponent was low enough on health, you'd frighten them to death, or make their heads explode from madness. Not really too many ways to be creative with these. VATS could specify a target for enemies to flee from, rather than yourself as a default? As for Restoration, I have no clue what you could do for VATS, or even a finisher if it had any; At least, not with the vanilla spells.
  5. That theory checks out for me. Instead of just deleting the bloody candles in the tombs, why not replace them with braziers, or cave lights or something? I mean, sure, braziers STILL had to be lit by someone, but it's less questionable than candles or torches, which as we all know, burn up in 5 minutes.
  6. I want Servant of the Dawn: Skyrim
  7. I want to summon an obscenely large-headed dragon made of stone!
  8. No you didn't need a mod. I used to have Oblivion on the 360 before I got it for PC and was able to do it then. Honestly it just seems weird that they didn't improve on the ability by making it easier to control and place, not downgrading it like they did. Then they must have left it out for PC, or set it to some obscure key, because all I recall was simply pushing "Z", and flinging the item around until it looked pretty. In any case, all I can say is "Wait for the CK", because I doubt this is possible without it.
  9. I agree. The whole use of water as just a flat divider kinda blows, and although the addition of seaweed and fish is nice, it's still pretty much just antigravity with sunglasses. Bubbles, more fish, and some kind of underwater "dust" would be really cool.
  10. So what you're hoping for is a Lich mod?
  11. I'd like to see Jackalopes (Or Wolpertingers) running about as a kind of "mythical" critter.
  12. A Dwemeri diving bell. They have water pumps. Bam. There you go.
  13. There's the Dreug, who despite being a primarily savage race, are still humanoid. Not only that, but there's the Sload, and their island kingdom of Thras; which disappeared underwater due to the All Flags Navy, but was brought back once more.
  14. I hate to question your search capabilities, but seriously; I found these two just by typing in "Jack of blades" http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1479 http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1821
  15. Werewolves, compared to Vampires, are literally OP. I think the only thing they need to be souped up with, is the fact that their claw damage needs to scale with your character, and maybe add more Hircine Totems for customization of the shouts. That's it. Telepathy sounds like something Liches should have, since they float and all. :P I think every "monster" should be set up around the Werewolf concept. Y'know, you get some passive bonuses in human form, maybe a couple minor spells/powers; but you REALLY get the kicker when you transform into your "Beast mode". Vampires basically, would become more "hungry" in this mode (Maybe looking a bit like the Falmer, but with eyes), activating all of their awesome beast-mode powers. You'd still have to feed in your normal form, since you'd get constant debuffs and negatives to your hunger, but the more hungry you are, the more times you can use your "beast mode". And as with Werewolves, in "beast mode", you'd have a "shout" power (What it is depends on what Blood Chalice/Insert-name-of-artifact-here you have equipped), but with your melee attacks, you'd also have that cool life-drain attack like Vampire NPCs do. Fitting in with the concept that Vampires are to thieves/rogues, as Liches are to mages, you would gain super stealth bonuses when crouched in this form (Essentially becoming invisible), and each sneak attack you do on an enemy, you feed on their blood. Such "shouts" in this form could include: A toggled mist/bat form, which allows you to fly, and/or become ethereal. (Could work as a constant drain of magicka/health/stamina/whatever like Clairvoyance) A player-centered AOE charm spell that makes up to 4 NPCs fight for you. A shout power that creates a "Blood Golem" (Possibly a retextured Troll or Frost Atronach?) from corpses in the area.
  16. Some way to level them up. Lydia is a lifesaver for my Khajiit mage from 1 to 20, but then she starts sucking. Bad. I want companions that scale with your level, and hopefully, allow you to level them up and specialize them with perks.
  17. I could go for that. Maybe suggest this to the maker of the Enhanced Shaders mod in a PM, and see if it's possible.
  18. "Some people wish to throw their weapons. That seems foolish to M'aiq. If you hold your weapon, you only need one."
  19. First, you'd have to nail some of the combinations down though. I have no possible freaking idea what a Lesser Ward and Conjure Flame Atronach would make, and nobody else probably does either. You're going to wind up with a lot of weird or nonsensical combos (Which I suppose you expected, but still).
  20. Wow. Really? So a change in form/appearance, with modified attributes ISN'T a "Change of state". As in, you AREN'T changing yourself from a Nord to a fox. I apologize, I'm going off of 3 years of D&D, so the term seems to encompass both minor alterations (Such as an immunity to frost, thicker skin, burning hands, etc), and major ones such as polymorphing and shapeshifting, and I seem to find it stupid to make a brand new school of magic that essentially already exists, but to each their own.
  21. Realism isn't always the best for gameplay, but I might as well chant the eternal mantra that is: "Soon."
  22. So I was wandering around, being the badass thief/mage/warrior, and I was thinking "Wow. How would the typical average joe survive these harsh elements? I mean, surely the villagers and other NPCs have skills to make up for their lack of stealth/strength/magic!" So I thought, just as a basic idea, "Why not have a set of skill trees for the normal adventurers?". Cooking: Pretty much makes cooking and such a viable thing to go and DO. The more you raise this skill by cooking, the better benefit you'd get from eating cooked meals, and even raw meat/plants. Alcoholic: Better (And worse) effects from alcohol. Butcher: Allows you more meat and hide from animals, and more eggs from nests. Cannibal: Allows you to feast upon corpses for temporary health and gain a better bonus from raw meat. It's Greek to Me: Allows you to poison weapons with certain dishes. Homestyle Detox: Allows you to cure poison and disease with food. Molotov Cocktail: Allows you to create a grenade-type-weapon that sets enemies ablaze. Athletics: I hate to bring back the crap of sprinting and levelling up, but this would be a cool thing to implement. Basically reduces the stamina cost for sprint, and increases sprint speed. Water Jump/Walk: Move on top of water by jumping/sprinting. Mer-Folk: Hold your breath almost indefinitely. Evade: 30% chance to dodge melee/ranged attacks (Excluding magic). Gotta go fast: Sprinting temporarily takes you out of combat; but not unless you sprint away from your enemy. Trapping: I really think that traps should be a thing. Like seriously, there should be no reason why you cannot place bear-traps. Allows you to place and make traps, as well as increase your defense from them. Bear-Trap/Man-Trap/Monster-Trap: Each level allows you to drop/make a bear-trap that progressively gets stronger, and has a longer hold. British Petroleum/Black Gold: Allows you to drop a patch of combustible oil; Which causes enemies to slip and fall, and allows you to create trails of oil in later levels. Look out Indie!: Makes poison dart-traps not effect you. The Claw: Allows you to create a swinging claw trap (Similar to the Falmer traps) out of Chaurus or Mudcrab Chitin, or create one out of a Dragon Skull. Bola/Grapeshot: Allows you to fire a net/string/bola that stuns and forces a dragon to land. Lure: Allows you to drop an item that lures any animal (Or monster) to it's vicinity. Max level draws from farther, and kills the first animal that comes to it. Unarmed: Again, another import from Oblivion; Increases your unarmed damage, and adds special qualities to your deuces. Man of Steel: 20% chance of crippling an enemy with a charging unarmed attack. You Shouldnt'a Done That: Increased damage after being disarmed for 10 seconds. Cold Shoulder: Your fists do cold damage and slow enemies. Fists of Fury: Your fists do fire damage, and attack faster. Kinetic Energy: Your fists do shock damage, and stun enemies. Survival: Kind of a slapped together thing I suppose, just to give miscellaneous items more purpose. Basically miscellaneous stuff. Firestarter: Any torch you wield lasts 50% longer if you have a steady source of firewood with you. Woodsman: Attacks with a woodcutter's axe deals 20% more damage/deals 50% damage against Spriggans. Bear Grylls: Any time you drop below 20% health, you instantly gain back 100% of your hitpoints at the cost of all your Magicka and Stamina. Survivalman: Adds a 50% sneak bonus to hide and fur armor. Husbandry: Basically the term for "Ranger"-esque type skills. 'Ello Beastie: Allows you to charm/tame an animal as a companion. (Not monsters) Replaces your dog. Go for the Eyes Boo!: If you are attacked, any deer/sheep/fox/rabbit/ or otherwise "useless" critter will come to assist you. Steve Irwin: Any animal that attacks you instantly becomes stunned on it's first strike. Forested Rave/Torchbug: Any torchbug thorax you ingest allows you a brief light, as if you were wielding a torch. Max level creates a Torchbug that follows you around. Spikegrass/Shrubbery!: Any enemy you fight has a 10% chance to take damage from a plant (Via Spriggan Spray attacks?). Note: None of these are in any particular rank nor order. Feel free to add some ideas. Also, yes, the names are silly. But a hearty BLUH to you, pal.
  23. I really do like the miscellaneous "passive" creatures throughout Skyrim, like the Torchbugs, hawks, and salmon. I was really disappointed to find out that they did NOTHING with those, except made them ingredients that floated. I was hoping you could watch a quail lay its eggs in a nest, or even build the nest in the first place! I wanted to be attacked by bees when I torch their freaking hive! I wanted to see the salmon swim upstream and lay eggs, instead of just cycle through the waterfall like puppets on sticks and a wheel. But nope. New engine, but who cares about dynamic environments? I mean, I don't want every section of flora and fauna added (Although that would be cool), but I do want at least the ones we have to function like living creatures, and not floating potion ingredients. Also, everything on the below bit, definitely needs to be added in and fixed. How can you f*** up snow physics in a game that takes place in the bloody tundra Bethesda? HOW DO YOU DO THAT?
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