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Everything posted by Maigrets

  1. Besides what Fonger said you may have save bloat. This is caused by scripts that use "placeatme" to move items, NPC,s and other objects to the player making a new copy each time it does without removing the previous one. Too many items with persistent references also causes bloat, because they are never removed from the game even on cell reset or respawn. Check the size of your saves. At level 10 they shouldn't be over around 10MB depending on how many mods you use, if any, and which quests you've done. Every single thing you do is recorded in your save games. That includes things added and removed from your inventory, level up info, mod items added and removed, quests completed, etc, etc. You can check for bloat with Wrye Bash and it will fix it if it exists. If you are using any mods you might want to post a load order and someone may see something that's a potential problem and causing the freezing. Another thing you should do is disable all autosaves as they are well know for becoming corrupted over time and can affect hard saves eventually. Quick save is OK, I use it all the time, BUT, I delete it every time I load the game and create a new one. That is if the game didn't crash and I lose hours of progress, which doesn't happen either because I save a LOT. Especially this game when you never know when it's going to hiccup for no apparent reason.
  2. You can download for free from FIleplanet. They just don't make it obvious, so if you check out the small print you'll find you can have a free account. And another word of advice, don't use their download manager unless you want adware forever. If you have Firefox it has an inbuilt download manager or you can get plugins for Firefox like DownThemAll, which is far superior. You should be OK. You'll get the usual message about missing content. It might be a good idea to make a clean save. Use the console to go to the Testinghall or anywhere else with NO other actors. Use the Wait function for three days plus one (default). This should clear data from Warcry out of your saves. If you have any items from Warcry ie weapons or armour etc, put them in a random container somewhere and when cells reset they'll disappear and clear that data from your saves. This only works for future saves not existing ones so using the clean save procedure will help there. Or you could use Wrye Bash to create a Bashed Patch which you will need with OOO anyway.
  3. I'm aware that's not what you wanted so you're going to have to edit the mesh and animations to enable the bear to actually cast a ranged spell. Either that or maybe an OBSE based script can help you, but making it cast the spell on demand without the proper animations isn't going to be easy. Editing animations and creating new ones is one of the hardest things to do. So unless someone does it for you or you learn how, you're stuck. Good luck!
  4. Well, you could give it the Storm Atronach shock effect shader so it looks like it's made of lightning, but that would be constant. You could also use a scripted spell so it uses a spell shock effect only when it uses a touch spell. It's well after 3 in the morning here, so I'll have to think on it. Unless someone else comes up with a solution I'll check back tomorrow or later today.. :yes:
  5. Yes, tracked and tagged for research just like The Japanese do to whales in our Southern waters. Tagged with harpoons with grenades attached which co-incidentally explode so they can be used for research.....Oh and eaten since they're dead. Orcas just like any animals defend their territory just like humans. Whether or not they are intelligent and the consensus seems to be they are, their instinct is to survive just like any creature. In fact when Orca young are born prematurely they resemble a human foetus. They are no more maniac killers than any other predatory creature trying to survive. They live for up to 90 years(females) and around 60 for males. That's a long time to be a captive in a small pond doing tricks for fish rewards. Better it dies free in the ocean where it's meant to be. People made it what it is whether that's a rogue killer or an intelligent creature driven mad.
  6. Smallpox does still exist in laboratories and is being studied in case of biological terrorism. In the event of a resurgence they have millions of doses of the vaccine stockpiled. But then I don't believe everything I read when it comes to Governments and their motives. http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox/prep/cdc-prep.asp
  7. You're quite right. Morality is the point. Somehow that trait is vanishing day by day. BTW.. A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself. ~ Josh Billings
  8. You'd have to be the luckiest person playing a heavily modded game to play 2 or 3 hours without a crash... :biggrin: I'm thinking you might be expecting a bit much with a long list like that. I have 240 or so including FCOM and I can play around the same length of time, but eventually it crashes. Usually it's a bad spawn point or something similar. To help a little more disable all auto saves and delete your Quicksave every so often and make a new one. Auto saves especially are known to become corrupted sooner or later and this can carry over to hard saves. War Cry is not compatible with either MMM or OOO unless you use FCOM which combines all of them as well as adding Francesco's and Bob's Armoury and more. OOO and MMM can be used together as can Fran's and MMM. Just make sure to read ALL docs thoroughly. If you're interested in FCOM have a read of the Official forum page. It's totally worth it, and it's like a different game, but you need patience and time to read through all the info. I was lucky in that I've been using OOO and MMM for years so it wasn't much of a drama to install. You have a Bashed Patch so know all about Wrye Bash and that puts you ahead to start with. :smile: http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...owtopic=1075069 There's also this page but it's a bit out of date. You'd be better going by the above linked forum pages. http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcominstall.html
  9. What should be done is not use wild or domestic animals for human entertainment in the first place. That includes bears dancing on electric floors, dog and rooster fighting where the animals have no freedom to surrender and run, and are adorned with spurs in the case of rooster fighting for maximum damage and human sport. People who find this entertaining are the scum of the earth. Stop caging creatures that become the equivalent of mentally deranged because all they can do is pace back and forth in a small space. Stop taking trophies from animals for so called medical or mystical reasons that only work because of power of suggestion, and often leading to species extinction or endangerment. Finally, take a good long look at the history of the human race. The most dangerous, wasteful and violent species on the planet, who will ultimately be responsible for their own demise. I can imagine the reaction over the incident with the killer whale and yes, it is terrible, but do you think it understood the rules of a species that exterminates each other because they are different races and colours? From articles I read there had been incidents preceding this one. It may sound callous, but more care should have been taken. Even after years of captivity it's still genetically a wild animal and that is entrenched in their nature. How many have played with a kitten and have it's claws grab hold as it sinks it's teeth in? Even though domesticated, it still has the wild gene and will survive quite nicely in the wild. We have a plague of feral cats here because, for one people are irresponsible and don't have them neutered and for another just dump them when they aren't so cute anymore. If a white pointer shark takes a surfer at one of the beaches here there's immediate hysteria, or there used to be. The ignorant rednecks would gather in a group foaming at the mouth waiting for a chance to hunt it down. What they don't realize and never will, is the shark is doing what nature programmed it to do. It has an evolutionary imperative to hunt, kill, eat, procreate and survive. It doesn't follow the rules of humans who also hunt, kill, maim and torture each other among other things for entertainment. You enter it's territory you take the risks. The same goes for us. We have the right to protect ourselves from home invasion and aren't exterminated for it. In the case of the pit bull, they have been banned here, but people still keep them against all advice. They were bred as fighting dogs and can be unpredictable. However, that applies to all dogs and the breeds that are considered most dangerous, especially to children are the small toy breeds. It's the owner's responsibility to ensure the dog isn't a danger or a pest and to treat it well. They are not a fashion accessory or an over extension of manhood. Mankind may think they are the dominant species, but just because we have opposable thumbs doesn't give us the right to take what we like until it's all used up, and most certainly does not make us the smartest species on the planet. What hypocrisy to claim to care about animals and then kill them for sport. At least make sure it's a clean kill unlike kangaroo hunters here who were shown on TV gutting the animals while still alive and kicking. Things like that go on all over the world every day, so that was an example, it's not exclusive to this country. It's just blatant human cruelty. In fact why in rich Western countries is there a need to hunt when food is so plentiful? Fun...right. Blood sport. Killing creatures that can't fight back must feel so good, just like the school bully picking on the little kid. Taking in strays doesn't make up for it. Let them stay in their environment, PLUS leave them alone. I don't believe humans are any better than the rest of the animals since that's where we originated. A great majority of humans certainly don't set much of an example do they? We all come from the same piece of bacterial slime millennia ago and that doesn't give us special privileges. A lot of these problems we bring on ourselves by interfering where we shouldn't. It's time humans learned to not be so arrogant and take a bit more care of this world, it's creatures and resources because before many years have gone by there won't be much left. :biggrin: rooster got censored... :whistling:
  10. Was this post meant to go in a mods comments page? Otherwise, a description of the mod or a link and name would be a big help. If a vendor's spells are missing it could be due to load order or the vendor has been edited incorrectly. Without knowing anything about the mod in question it's a bit hard to say.
  11. You are correct. Begin OnActivate does exactly that. You might find these helpful though as far as the weapon script. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Activate http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/OnActivate Other functions. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...ctions_%28CS%29 There are plenty of scripting tutorials on the CS Wiki as well that might help you out.
  12. David Brasher is right about some creatures not using spells. It's because they don't have the spell casting animations. But, if you use a touch spell it should work because the creature can still use it close up. I know that because I gave the creatures in some of my companion mods offensive touch spells and they use them. On Target spells not so much, unless it's a creature like an imp that can cast ranged spells. With the bear it's unlikely he will use a ranged spell since he doesn't have the animations. Unless of course you want to edit the mesh and animations yourself to do this. And that won't be easy. An On Touch Lightning spell should work though, but not as you're asking.
  13. As MikeHibs said give us something to work with like a load order or try BOSS. And since it is highly likely its a mod interaction issue your solution is pretty obvious. If you add 250 mods together without testing, despite the fact they worked together before you're asking for trouble. I hope with 250 mods you're using a Bashed Patch, especially if any of those mods (and I daresay they do) edit leveled lists, add NPC's and alter loot tables. Have you updated any of your mods or added new ones? Changes to one can affect others in ways not immediately obvious. Use OBMM to create an OMOD of Qarl's texture pack, and if you use the Redimized version (reduced and optimized) you won't have such a loss of performance. There's no loss of eye candy with the Redimized pack either. Here's a link to it and other world textures, including LOD's. There are several choices for both and good info as well. http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/obliviontextureoverhaul.html
  14. I don't know which patches the GOTY edition comes with as I still have the original DVD, plus the SI and KOTN originals. But, in the case of the original if you have Shivering Isles installed you must NOT use the Oblivion 1.2 only patch, but the one for SI because it patches Oblivion as well. This is probably why you're getting the CTD. The FormID bug was fixed in both the Oblivion only and SI patch. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/oblivion:patch If your game is slower than usual it's more likely due to other things. Regularly Defrag your HDD's and other general maintenance helps. Try closing down background programs etc. Think about whether you've added any system intensive mods lately, like large quests that have many scripts running, texture packs, overhauls, etc. The more you do in game, the larger you saves will be and if you have a lot of mods the saves will increase more. This isn't a bug. It's normal because the save records every action you take, level ups, items collected and discarded, and changes added and removed by mods. An exception to this is "save bloat" which is caused by scripts using "placeatme" and too many persistent items which never get removed by cell reset. This can be fixed with Wrye Bash quite easily. Search for Bben's article about Vista and it's related issues, but I think if you install the game to the C: root directory rather than the default it will fix your problems. Or just use XP like I do and have a problem free experience.
  15. You need to create your switch as an activator then write a script that parents the gate to the switch. If you look at some of the Aylied door switches in the CS you can get an idea of what it involves. They will be in Activators/Dungeons. This tutorial is for light switches, but is essentially the same process and may help. I've used this for trigger zones and traps as well as doors and lights. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...switch_tutorial
  16. This is a bug in the CS that happens to some people. Try clicking on Preview first then on the Face tab or the Advanced Face tab. Preview will show the whole NPC.
  17. This has been a known issue since the first ever companion mods were created. It is to do with persistent objects and cell reset. Since the companions themselves are persistent their gear isn't so the cell resets them to default. However, I don't use CM Partners so I can't comment on their functions but most companion mods tell you, or should, to make them wait before entering the gate and doing the same before taking the stone. BEFORE taking the sigil is the thing because it starts the exit sequence I believe. This works for summonable companions, but if CM Partners can't be summoned I imagine that could be a problem. A little about it here: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Cell_Reset
  18. There is no esp required. These skeletons replace the existing ones and will work as they are. Just overwrite if asked. It might be a good idea to backup your data\meshes\characters\_male folder and data\meshes\characters\_1stperson just to be sure.
  19. If this means you didn't buy the game you had better edit your request as per the forum rules. Besides, I doubt any patch would install on game with multi languages in game at the same time as you describe which again goes to the non original cd question.
  20. There isn't a manual install file. You should get OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) and use the first file OMOD. It vastly simplifies installation for you and has a number of options regarding body type etc that you can select as it installs. You could of course extract the OMOD to a folder and do a manual install, but that would make it a lot harder to due to the many options. OMOD will do it all for you just by answering the questions as it installs. If you already have Hi Rez textures by Ozmo for example, answer no to the question about using the inbuilt ones in the OMOD. Everything you need to know is in the readme. :smile:
  21. This would be the one. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078 It has support for the overhaul mods as well if you use any. OOO, MMM, Fran's, Armamentarium etc.
  22. You should be using a Bashed Patch with COBL, OOO, Armamentarium and any other mod that alter leveled lists and adds a lot of new content. It's an absolute essential with so many game changing mods. Download Wrye Bash. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368 Creating a Bashed Patch isn't too hard and the help files are very good, if highly detailed and sometimes a bit confusing at first. Also BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software) will sort your mods into a better load order than you already have. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516 Both of these as well as OBMM could very well fix your issue. Combat mods and any others that add animations are also something to look at. Vagrant0's advice is highly recommended to find the problem which may not actually be a mod, but your load order which is all over the place.
  23. Yes, people can be cruel and immature can't they. I saw some of those comments today. If my opinion is worth anything I would mod it for your game only since the original author's vision of his friend is what he has created. You could if you wish send a PM and mention it instead of publicly in the comments, but handle it very carefully. From your post here I can see that you would be caring enough to do that anyway.
  24. This is a problem a lot of people have when installing mods. Instead of installing several at a time, add one and test it in game, not just by launching the game. That won't tell you much in a lot of cases, unless you have a missing Master file. Then the game won't start at all. When you know that one mod works then add another and test in game and so on. For large mods like quests or overhauls you need to play for awhile to make sure everything is installed correctly. Mods that just add clothing, armour or weapons for example can be quickly checked in game usually, unless they include a quest which takes a bit more time. It's worth the time and effort to do it this way so you don't run into issues like you have now. If the menu problem only occurs when using OBSE are you sure you installed it correctly and you're using the OBSE exe to start the game? If you have mods that require OBSE you must start the game with it's executable or you will have issues ranging from mods not working properly to crashes. Posting a load order of your mods may be of help as well in diagnosing your problem.
  25. No problem. I hope you get it worked out. :) When using OBSE you should be launching the game with the OBSE exe otherwise mods requiring it won't work properly or give you problems including crashes. You can make a Desktop shortcut so it's easier.
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